48. Black Family Quill

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Luna and Carly sat awkwardly in the Malfoy's living room, when Bellatrix left them, until Narcissa and Draco came in and sat down.
"How was the trial?" Asked Carly.
"The Ministry have decided that Draco and I are not at fault, and did not know that Lucius was a death eater" answered Narcissa.
"So, they believe the lie?" Questioned Carly.
"Yes, for now at least. The Ministry is in absolute chaos at the moment, and I'm honestly not sure how much longer Fudge thinks he can cling onto power. Everyone wants him out, and I'm sure that soon they will get their wish"
"Well, he's been lying to the wizarding world for a whole year, so it's no suprise that the public want him out".

Carly glanced over at Draco, who was sat by his mother, giving Luna strange looks.
"Narcissa, does Draco know why Luna and I are here?" Quizzed Carly.
"Yes, I have explained to him that you are Regulus's daughter, which makes you family. And he knows that you and Luna Lovegood serve the dark lord. I've also told him that Bella will be training you, here at the manor, so he is likely to see you two a lot" informed Narcissa.
"Well, he had better not tell anybody" Carly said sternly.
"Don't worry, I know how to keep a secret" reassured Draco.

"That's good to know. But where does this leave us? You've never been a big fan of me before, so how do you feel about me now?" Asked Carly.
"I didn't like you, because you were Potter's sister. But things are different now. Not only have you turned your back on him, and decided to serve the dark lord. You are also my family, and a person with pure-blood parents. Which means I have no hatred of you anymore. I also think it would be beneficial for us to work together" replied Draco.
"I agree. But how do you feel about the fact that I have two fathers, and no mother? Does the thought of my dad being gay, offend you?" Demanded Carly.

"Not really. I never met the guy, so his sexuality is of no concern of mine. He still managed to have you, and continue the Black family name. That is the most important thing" admitted Draco.
"So, you're not against people of the same sex, being together?" Questioned Carly.
"No, I think people should have the right to choose who they love. The Ministry of Magic control far too much, and they should have no say in who people can be with" answered Draco.

"I'm glad to hear that you have the same views as me" started Carly, before taking hold of Luna's hand.
"Because Luna and I are together" finished Carly.
"I should've known. I had a feeling that you two were closer than any normal friends" replied Draco.
"Does anyone else share your suspicions?" Frowned Carly.
"Not as far as I'm aware"
"Good, because we can't have anyone finding out the truth about us"
"Don't worry, they won't hear anything from me... Thank you for trusting me with your secret"
"Well, like you said earlier, we are family, and we're fighting on the same side of the war, so if we can't trust each other, then who can we trust".


Bellatrix arrived a few moments later, blood quill in hand.
"You found it" gasped Carly, as her and Luna jumped to their feet.
"I told you I would, didn't I, little one" replied Bellatrix, with a grin.
"Where did you find one?" Asked Luna.
"This is the Black family blood quill. Walburga was the last one to own it, as she used to make Sirius write with it, when he disobeyed her. So, it was easy to get my hands on it" revealed Bellatrix.

"She would force her own son to write with a blood quill?" Questioned Luna.
"Walburga was a very strict woman, even more than our mother, and Sirius was a very badly behaved boy. She also wasn't a very maternal person. Walburga had no love for Sirius, nor him for her. Besides, members of the Black family have to follow certain rules. And when we break these rules, we are punished. This blood quill has been passed down our family for generations, and has been used by a lot of Black parents" replied Bellatrix.

"And you're O.K with us making Umbridge use it?" Quizzed Carly.
"Of course. The quill belongs to you now afterall" announced Bellatrix, as she stretched out the quill to Carly.
"I don't want it" shuddered Carly, as she recoiled away from it.
Bellatrix frowned, "But I thought you wanted to use it on your teacher".

"I do. I want to make her feel the pain that she put me and Luna through. But I don't want to own a blood quill. I've been scarred for life by a quill just like that, so I don't want to own one" explained Carly.
"The blood quill belongs to you, whether you like it or not. But you don't have to keep hold of it forever. Once you've forced Umbridge to use it, you can lock it up and never lay eyes on it again. But before you do that, you must get your revenge" insisted Bellatrix.
"You're right. We've been imagining this for so long, that it is about time we got our revenge" replied Carly, as she cautiously took the blood quill from Bellatrix, scared that it would hurt her, simply by touching it.
"Come on then, lets go and have some fun" announced Bellatrix.


Bellatrix led the girls down to the cellar, stopping by the study on the way, to pick up some parchment.
Once they rejoined Umbridge, Bellatrix began explaining to them how to use the Imperius Curse.
And when that was done, she placed the quill and the parchment down in front of Umbridge, who had a look of sheer terror in her eyes.
"Do you want to go first?" Asked Luna.
"Are you sure?" Questioned Carly.
"Yes. You have your turn, and then I'll have mine" replied Luna.
"Alright, I guess I'll give it a go then".

Carly flicked her wand, causing one of Umbridge's hands to break free from the chains that tied her to the wall.
She then pointed her wand at Umbridge's chest, and thought hard about what she wanted to do.
"Imperio!" Commanded Carly.
Umbridge's eyes clouded over, as she stared blankly at Carly.
"I order you to write, I am an ugly old toad, 10 times" instructed Carly.
Unable to resist, Umbridge bent down and picked up the blood quill, and began to write on the stone cold floor.

Umbridge's eyes welled up with tears, as she began to carve into her own hand. But despite the pain she was in, she was unable to stop.
Once the lines were complete, Carly removed the Imperius Curse, and stepped to the side, so that Luna could have her go.
"Imperio!" Shouted Luna, as forcefully as she could.
Umbridge's eyes fogged over once more, as she lost her independence for a second time.

"I command you to write, the Ministry of Magic are morons, 20 times" ordered Luna.
Umbridge continued writing in her blood, and a line of words began appearing on the back of her hand, underneath the ones that Carly had already forced her to write.
Even though Umbridge's eyes were full of pain, neither of the girls felt any sympathy for her.
They had both been forced to carve words into their own skin, for an entire year.
So, they felt satisfied, that they were able to get their own back on Umbridge.

"Well done girls, I knew you could do it" praised Bellatrix, when Umbridge had finished writing.
"Thank you" beamed Carly.
"You are both going to make wonderful death eaters, I'm sure of it. And once I'm finished with you, you'll be more powerful than any one else in the dark lords army, except for me of course" replied Bellatrix.
"No death eater could ever be as powerful as you. You're the dark lords right hand man"
"That I am. Which is why he tasked me with the important job of training you both. And I will not let him down. So, I want you both to go again".

"By the time we're finished with her, she'll look like a walking piece of parchment. There will be so much blood writing on her skin, that people won't know where to look, when they see her" announced Carly.
Bellatrix smiled, "Now you're thinking like me, little one. Go on, show me what you can do".
"Nothing would make me happier" replied Carly, before looking back at Umbridge, and raising her wand once more, intent on making Umbridge's life a living hell.

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