61. The List

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As the girls had expected, Snape immediately took control of the situation for them.
He placed Cormac under the Imperius Curse, and ushered them all into an empty classroom, so he could hear exactly what had happened.
The girls were then able to beat Cormac up, until he lost consciousness, to get rid of their anger and pent up emotions.
Snape then wiped Cormac's mind of the events that night, and placed false memories in its place.
He then took Cormac to the hospital wing, claiming to have found him being beaten up by the Whomping Willow, after drunkly stumbling into it.

Snape then warned the girls not to peform any more illegal magic that day, before instructing Carly to return to the party, which he rejoined a few moments later with Luna, so that their behaviour didn't appear suspicious.
Carly did not want to return to the party, as she was no longer in the mood to have fun. And she also wanted to get out of her low cut dress, and into her pyjamas as quickly as possible.
But she followed along with Snape's plan, in order to keep people from suspecting her and Luna of any wrongdoing.

"Hey, where did you go?" Asked Blaise, when Carly rejoined him.
"Just for some air" lied Carly, before taking a shot of Firewhisky, to try and forget what had just happened.
"You're not old enough to drink alcohol" reminded Blaise.
"So, stop me", snapped Carly, before taking another shot.
"I'm not going to stop you. But I am going to ask you why you're in such a bad mood"
"I am not in a bad mood. I'm fine".

Blaise raised a skeptical eyebrow, "You were gone for ages, and then you come back all angry. So, are you going to tell me what happened?".
"Fine, Cormac tried to kiss me, so I pushed him into the Whomping Willow. He's now in the hospital wing, being treated by Madam Pomfrey. But you obviously can't tell anybody else that" revealed Carly.
"Damn, remind me never to get on your bad side" replied Blaise.
"You support the dark lord, so you're pretty safe from my wrath. Cormac on the other hand, is an arrogant Gryffindor jerk, who needed someone to put him in his place"
"I should probably beat him up as well, for daring to hit on my girlfriend. But something tells me you dealt with the situation enough"
"Yes, I did".

Luna and Carly wanted to punish Cormac further, but they knew they couldn't while still at school. Cormac would finish his 7th year the following summer, which was the perfect time to make him disappear.
So, for the time being, the girls added him to their ever growing list of people who had hurt them, that they wanted to get revenge on, outside of school.
People like Zacharius Smith, and other school bullies, were on this list.  And the girls fully intended on punishing them all, when the time was right.

The day after the party, they took the Hogwarts Express back to London, and Luna went home with her dad, while Draco and Carly headed out of the station, where Bellatrix was hiding in disguise, to bring them back to the manor.
That night, Luna felt her dark mark burn, so she snuck out of the house, and found a death eater waiting for her.
This man apparated her to the Malfoy Manor, where Carly was waiting.

"What did we do?" Whispered Luna nervously, as they walked towards the room that Voldemort was waiting for them in.
"I don't know... Maybe he's giving us another mission" suggested Carly.
"I can't imagine him assigning us one, of the first day of the holidays, when we don't return to school for a couple of weeks. Especially in the middle of the night" replied Luna.
"Unless he has an important mission for us to complete this Christmas"
"Hmm, maybe"
"I guess we'll find out".

Luna and Carly stepped inside the room, and bowed respectfully at Voldemort, who was waiting for them.
"How can we serve you, my lord?" Asked Carly.
"Severus told me about what happened last night, which is why I insisted on summoning you here at the earliest possible convenience" revealed Voldemort.
"I apologise my lord, for using an Unforgivable Curse without your permission, and risking someone finding out that our allegiance is to you" apologised Luna.

"I did not summon you here to scold you, but to congratulate you on successfully using the Cruciatus Curse in a spur of the moment decision. I also wanted to make sure that you were both alright after such a traumatic experience" informed Voldemort.
"Thank you for your concern, my lord, but we are both quite alright, I can assure you" lied Carly, who had struggled to sleep the night before, as she kept reliving the moment over and over in her head.
"I'm glad to hear it. I hate the thought of something bad happening to two of my most valuable assets" replied Voldemort.

"Well, Professor Snape sorted everything out, so no one else is aware of what happened yesterday" reassured Luna.
"That is good to know... Severus also tells me, that the two of you have a list of people you wish to kill, and that this McLaggen boy has now been added to it" said Voldemort.
Luna and Carly's eyes widened, and they quickly looked at each other, before staring back at Voldemort.
"We weren't aware than anyone else knew about our list" admitted Luna awkwardly.
"Well, Severus overheard you two talking about it, so he mentioned it to me when informing me of last nights events" explained Voldemort.

"It's just a silly little thing, and nothing for you to worry about, my lord" insisted Carly.
"So, you don't plan on killing everyone on this list?" Questioned Voldemort.
"Not exactly. Some of the people on it, we would be fine just torturing or causing physical harm to. We don't have to kill them all. And even if we did, there aren't that many people on the list anyway" answered Carly.
"I see. And am I allowed to know who else is on this list of yours?"
"I don't think you would know anyone on it, my lord. Besides, neither of us have a physical copy of it on us".

"Most of the people on it are just Gryffindors and Hufflepuff's at school, who bully us. And there are a few Ministry officials on there too. That's it" added Luna.
"So, there aren't any of my death eaters on this list?" Asked Voldemort.
"Absolutely not, my lord. Only enemies of the cause, I assure you" answered Luna.
"That is reassuring to know. But, before you do commit any murders, I would like the heads up first, in case this person you wish to kill is important to me"
"Yes, my lord".

"And don't forget, that no matter how annoying a person can be, if they are a pure-blood, then they still have value. So, we really shouldn't go around killing all the pure-bloods, as that make our life difficult. If we did, then we wouldn't have any future, for we wouldn't be able to repopulate the world without any pure-bloods left to reproduce with" informed Voldemort.

"Does that mean that when the time comes, we won't be able to kill McLaggen, since he is a pure-blood?" Questioned Carly.
"In this case, I might make an exception, since he did try to assault you. And Severus tells me that this boy is neither intelligent nor powerful. He just has a well known surname, and good ancestors. Which in this instance, is not enough to save him" answered Voldemort.
"Thank you, my lord" replied Carly.

"You're welcome. Now, you had better get some rest, as you have a busy day tomorrow" announced Voldemort.
"It would be best if someone took me home, so that my father doesn't wake up to find me gone" admitted Luna.
"Don't worry, I will have someone escourt you home tonight, before returning for you in the morning. Bellatrix has more training for you, so you won't be able to relax all holiday, like your classmates. I'm sure you are also anxious to visit your pet in the basement tomorrow, and have some more fun with her... So, I will bid you farewell for now. You may see me before you return to school, but don't bet on it".

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