19. Until The End Of Time

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To Carly's delight, Andromeda decided not to join the Order of the Phoenix.
But Sirius and Nymphadora were still members, and Carly didn't feel happy knowing that she was on opposite sides of the war, to the people in her family.
However, she had chosen her side, and she knew there was no going back.
Carly was forbbiden by Andromeda, from talking about Sirius, and the Order to anyone, but there was one person she didn't plan on keeping any secrets from.
So, when she went to Luna's house to visit her girlfriend, she planned on telling her everything.

"I've missed you" said Carly, as she hugged Luna tight.
"I only saw you a week ago" reminded Luna.
"I know, but a week is a long time... Is there somewhere we can talk in private?" Questioned Carly.
"Sure, lets head to the forest" suggested Luna.
The two girls left the Lovegood home, and headed towards the small forest near the house, where they liked to hang out, far away from prying eyes.
"No one is going to overhear us are they?" Asked Carly.
"No, the Weasleys aren't around at the moment, so there is no chance that one of them is going to stumble in on us" reassured Luna.

"Where have the Weasleys gone?" Frowned Carly.
"I don't know, they didn't say. But they all left at the beginning of the holidays and they don't look like they are going to be returning any time soon" admitted Luna.
"I think I might know where they have gone" mumbled Carly, as she thought about who the Weasleys were loyal to.
"Where?" Quizzed Luna.
"The Order of the Phoenix headquarters".

Carly then explained everything she had learned about Sirius and the Order over the past few days.
"Wow. That is a lot to process" said Luna.
"You're telling me" sighed Carly.
"What was it like meeting your uncle?" Asked Luna.
"Good I guess. We are similar in some ways, but completely different in others"
"I still can't believe he's been innocent all this time"
"I know, that was a bit of a shock. Aunt Andy fainted when she saw him... I wish that Harry had tried to tell me that Sirius was innocent, since he knew all last year, and never told me"
"Would you have even believed him if he told you?"
"Maybe not, but he could have at least tried to bring me up to speed, so that I wasn't left in the dark".

"You know full well you wouldn't have believed a word he said... I still find it strange that Sirius and Professor Lupin joined the Order, instead of Voldemort. Why didn't they join the side that was trying to make their love legal?" Questioned Luna.
"Sirius said that back then he put doing what was right, over doing what his heart wanted. He fully believes that Voldemort is evil incarnate. He doesn't believe that Voldemort can be trusted, because he only cares about himself" explained Carly.
"You should never put anyone above the love of your life" replied Luna.
"I agree. I would do anything for you"
"And I you".

"My uncle clearly doesn't feel the same way though. For he would rather keep Fudge in power than let Voldemort take over" revealed Carly.
"Really? But Fudge is awful. He wants to hand Sirius over to the Dementors and watch as he gets his soul sucked out. He has also refused to accept that Voldemort has returned, and he's turned the whole wizarding world against Harry and Dumbledore for speaking the truth. Fudge is a terrible leader" replied Luna.
"I know. But for some reason, Sirius would rather have him in charge over Voldemort. Even though if Voldemort was ruling the world, Sirius wouldn't have to hide his sexuality or his relationship with Lupin".

"I would never join forces with a group who held opposite views to me" announced Luna.
"Nor would I... But I told Sirius that I would never join Voldemort, because he kept questioning me on the topic, so I had no choice but to lie to him. He's going to be devastated when he finds out that you and I are death eaters" admitted Carly.
"That's why he is never going to find out. We are never going to tell anybody, because they wouldn't understand. They think they are on the good side and we are on the bad. But I don't agree. We are fighting for a better world, where people are free to be themselves, and love whoever they like. That has to be the good thing to do, right?" Asked Luna.

Carly placed her hand on Luna's face, and nodded.
"It is. We are joining the side that will enable us to be who we are, so that can't be a bad thing. Voldemort knows that some of the people who follow him are gay, so he has no problem with people like us. Which means that when we are around him and his followers, we can be ourselves. We won't have to hide who we are, when around him. Which is why joining him is the best thing for us to do" reassured Carly.

"I know that we have done the right thing, for us. But when everyone talks about how evil and murderous Voldemort is, I start to doubt whether or not we made the right decision to join him. It's hard to stay faithful to what you believe in, when everyone in the world is against you" sighed Luna.
"Not everyone is against us. And I'm sure that once we have proven ourselves to Voldemort, we will get to meet other death eaters, who believe in the same things we do. We might even get to meet other couples like us. Barty and Evan were together afterall, so there are bound to be other gay couples in Voldemort's ranks, who we can talk to. It's only hard to support Voldemort at the moment, because we haven't met any other death eaters yet. But I'm sure that once you and I are official death eaters, everything will be much better, and we will have a new family who understands us" replied Carly.

"I don't feel ready to say goodbye to my dad yet, and start a new life" admitted Luna.
"You don't have to say goodbye to anyone yet, for no one knows that we are death eaters" reminded Carly.
"I suppose that's true. But I don't want to ever lose him, because he's the only family I have left" replied Luna.
Carly pressed her lips against Luna's and the pair of them kissed softly.
"I am your family. And as long as I am around, you will never be alone. If the world does find out that we are death eaters, and we have to go on the run, I will be right by your side. I would live in a tiny cave with you until the end of time, if that was what it took to keep you safe. For there is nothing I wouldn't do for you" promised Carly, making Luna blush.

"I love you, my Atlantis. And I always will" continued Carly.
"And I love you too. You really are my whole world, and I couldn't imagine life without you" smiled Luna, as she wrapped her arms around Carly, holding her tight.
"It's a good thing I'm not going anywhere then" grinned Carly.
"You are all mine, and I'm never going to let you go"
"Don't worry, I don't plan on ever leaving you. You are mine, now and forever. Until the end of time"
"Until the end of time".

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