96. The End

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**Apologies for the delay in posting the ending, and keeping you all in suspense. But you will soon find out why I did this**

Luna and Carly found their way to Voldemort and his army with ease, and they weren't the only Slytherins to have done so, as many had flocked to their master's side.
Draco on the other hand, had stayed behind, with Crabbe and Goyle, hoping to capture Harry before anybody else.
McGonagall and the other teachers had placed a protective shield around the castle, stopping the death eaters from entering. But Voldemort set about bringing it down, and it wasn't long before the shield began to fall apart.

"Do not kill Potter. You may kill as many of the traitors in that castle, as you wish. But leave Potter to me. If you can find the boy and bring him to me, unharmed, you will be greatly rewarded. I will be waiting in the Shrieking Shack, for news... Now go, take the castle in my name, and hold nothing back. Make these people regret going against Lord Voldemort" announced Voldemort.

The girls laced their fingers around each others hands, and charged into battle, with the rest of the death eaters all around them.
"Are you ready for this, little one?" Bellatrix asked Carly.
"I don't know. I've been in battles before, but I didn't really fight in either of the ones in the past. This will be the first one I've had to actually participate in" admitted Carly.
"You have nothing to fear. The rebels inside the castle don't stand a chance against us" reassured Bellatrix.

"Are you sure? This army doesn't seem as big as I remember it being" mumbled Carly.
Bellatrix smiled, "This is only half of our army, the part that contains the death eaters. Greyback has gone to fetch the werewolves, Snatchers, giants, and Dementors. We will outnumber the Order, 10 to 1".
"That makes me feel a bit better about our odds" replied Carly.
"For those of us that are skilled fighters, this battle will be no big deal... But you don't have to fight if you don't want to. You are still a kid afterall. And if you wanted to hang back with Cissy and the other death eater wives, I wouldn't think any less of you. Afterall, you will have to go up against your classmates and your teachers in this fight".

"Me and Luna have discussed it, and we decided that we will fight for what we believe in" informed Carly.
"Not to mention the fact that everyone who remained in the castle with Harry, hates us. So, fighting them won't be that hard" added Luna.
"I guess that's true. The only ones left are your enemies" agreed Bellatrix.
"And we have no qualms about killing our enemies" announced Carly.
Bellatrix smiled, "That's my girl... Now come on, let's go and give those foolish people, exactly what they deserve".

When Luna and Carly stepped onto the school grounds, they couldn't help but feel a lump appear in their throats, as they looked out at the destruction all around them.
People screamed and cried, and rubble was constantly being thrown around by the never ending explosions.
They also saw several bodies already littering the grounds, and they didn't want to get too close to see who had fallen.
As Bellatrix charged into action, the girls stopped in their tracks unsure about what to do.
Talking about fighting, was one thing, but actually taking part in a battle, was another.

"We are doing the right thing, aren't we?" Trembled Luna.
"Yes. We don't have a choice, remember. If we fail, imagine all the terrible things that will happen to us, and the world we helped to build" replied Carly.
"You're right. We have to do this. We have to wipe out the enemy, if we want to bring peace to the wizarding world" agreed Luna, as she gripped her wand tightly in her hand.
"Then lets do this, together!".

Carly and Luna ran into battle with their wands raised, using all of the training that Bellatrix, Voldemort, the Carrows, and Barty Crouch Jr had given them, to take out more skilled opponents.
They worked in perfect harmony together, almost as if they were one being.
The girls were fuelled by their passion to keep the world the way it was.
Very few death eaters fought with the same sense of purpose that they had in them.

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