12. The First Death

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When the day of the 3rd task arrived, the families of the Triwizard champions, came to Hogwarts, to spend the day with them.
But since Harry and Carly didn't get on, no one forced them to be together, and Carly's day was allowed to continue as normal. Instead, the Weasleys took her place, as Harry's family.
That evening, both Carly and Luna dressed in their best clothes, not because of the 3rd task, but because there was a chance that they would get to meet Barty's boss afterwards. And they wanted to make a good first impression.
Unfortunately for the girls, before that could happen, they had to sit through the very long 3rd task. And the final task, was just as boring for the spectators, as the 2nd had been.

"If I had known I would end up staring at a hedge for an hour, I would have stayed in the common room" admitted Luna.
"I know, this is rather boring. Fleur and Krum came out ages ago, so we are just waiting on Cedric and Harry. Trust my brother to find a way to drag things out" groaned Carly.
"At least this means we will definitely get a Hogwarts champion though" reminded Luna.
"Yes, that's the only good thing- Oh look, they're back" announced Carly, as she pointed to the spot where Harry and Cedric had just arrived, clutching on tight to the Triwizard cup.

"It looks like they reached the cup at the same time. Eugh, that means Harry technically won, even if it was a draw. He's never going to shut up about this now. If he was insufferable before, I dread to think what he is going to be like now" continued Carly.
"Wait a minute, why isn't Cedric moving?" Asked Luna.
"Maybe he passed out?" Suggested Carly.
"But then why is Harry crying?" Questioned Luna.
"He's back! Voldemort's back! Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there" cried Harry.
"Merlin's beard, I think Cedric is dead" gasped Carly.

"Let me through! That's my son! That's my boy!" Sobbed Amos Diggory, as he pushed his way through the crowds, until he reached Cedric's unmoving body.
People in the stands began to cry, as everyone figured out that Cedric Diggory was dead.
Luna and Carly didn't cry, but neither of them seemed capable of talking anymore, as they were too stunned to speak.
Dumbledore managed to extract Harry from Cedric's body, and forced him to stand up.
This was when everyone could see that Harry was covered in blood and dirt.

Luna and Carly both then watched as Barty dragged Harry away from the crowds, while disguised as Moody.
Before he left, he turned and stared at the girls, placing his finger on his lips, before leaving the Quidditch stands.
"Everyone, please return to your dormitories at once!" Instructed Dumbledore.
The headmaster then grabbed Snape and McGonagall and headed after Barty, almost as if he suddenly knew that he wasn't the real Moody.

Carly and Luna looked at each other, knowing that they had no intention of following Dumbledore's instructions. Instead, they headed straight for the Room of Requirement so that they could talk about what had just happened, without being overheard.


"What the hell just happened?" Questioned Luna, as she began nervously pacing around the room.
"I don't know. I can't explain it" mumbled Carly.
"Your brother just returned from the maze, clutching the dead body of another student. How the hell did that happen? I thought the teachers were supposed to be keeping an eye on what was going on in the maze. So, how the hell did a student get killed inside? I know that in the past, people have died in the tournament, but I thought it was supposed to be safer this time around. I didn't think anyone was going to die this year" Luna said quickly.

Carly grabbed hold of Luna to stop her from pacing, "Calm down, everything is going to be O.K. No one else is going to get hurt... Cedric knew what he was getting himself into, when he placed his name in the Goblet of Fire. He knew that there was a possibility that he would die in the tournament".
"But no one actually expects to die at school" replied Luna.
"Maybe not. But we've known all along that this tournament was risky. I mean, there were dragons in the first task afterall. And they're not exactly tame beasts" reminded Carly.

"I suppose that's true. But Cedric wasn't killed by any beast. His body was frozen in time, which is what happens when someone uses the Killing Curse" said Luna.
"Yes, I know... Look, my brother may be many things, including an arrogant jerk, but he's not a cold blooded killer. I know for a fact that he would never be able to perform the Killing Curse on a fellow student, especially just to win a tournament. He doesn't have it in him. Which means he can't have killed Cedric" insisted Carly.
"I agree. Harry doesn't seem the type... But then how did Cedric die?" Questioned Luna.

"Harry was babbling about Voldemort, before Barty took him away. You don't think that Voldemort has returned do you?" Carly asked quietly.
"That's impossible. You-Know-Who is dead. No one can return from the dead, it's impossible" answered Luna.
"Just call him Voldemort, using the other name for him is stupid. It's what cowards called him during the war, and we are not cowards" replied Carly.
"Fine, Voldemort. Are you happy now? But whatever you call him, it doesn't change the fact that you cannot rise from the dead".

"What if this is what Barty was talking about all along? We know that he used to serve Voldemort, so what if he's found a way to bring him back? Afterall, there was no body found in Godric's Hollow. What if Voldemort just lost his powers and not his life, when he tried to kill Harry all those years ago. And maybe he's been waiting all this time to get his powers back. Afterall, it can't be a coincidence that Barty tells us we might meet his master, on the same night Harry claims that Voldemort has come back" admitted Carly.

Luna gasped, "You're right. It's all too much of a coincidence... What are we going to do if your hunch is right? I mean, we can't serve Voldemort, can we?".
"I don't really want to join forces with the man who killed my parents, even if it means changing the law" admitted Carly.
"And I would never ask you to do something like that. I wouldn't ask you to put me above your family and your morals" replied Luna.

"Thank you, my love... But we might not have a choice in joining Voldemort" sighed Carly.
"We haven't agreed to anything yet, so we can still back out. We haven't sworn allegiance to anyone" reminded Luna.
"We promised Barty that we would join his army, and he would have told his master that. Which means we have no choice but to do as we said we would. It's out of our hands now... But whatever happens in the future, we do it together" announced Carly.
"Together" agreed Luna.

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