65. Draco Drama

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After a pretty lousy Christmas, the girls were almost looking forward to returning to Hogwarts.
But the new term started off poorly when Harry joined Luna and Carly in their train compartment.
With the girls fully committed to being murderous death eaters, Carly didn't want to spend anymore time around Harry, as he was the enemy.
"What are you doing?" Asked Carly, as Harry took a seat opposite her.
"Err, joining you" answered Harry.
"What makes you think I want you in my compartment?" Questioned Carly.
"Look, I've hardly spent anytime with you this year, so I wanted us to at least catch up on the train ride, before Ron and Hermione finish their Prefect duties and can come and join us".

"There's a reason we didn't talk last term, remember. I don't want you drawing attention to me, and putting me and Luna in danger" reminded Carly.
"But you've got a boyfriend now, which means that no one is going to be suspicious of you, no matter how much attention I bring to you. Besides, we're in a private train compartment, no one is going to see us talking" replied Harry.
"Look, Harry, I don't want to you to sit with us, so please just go" begged Carly.

"I'm doing this for both of our sakes. Even though you are dating Blaise, you probably shouldn't be alone in a carriage with Luna, in case someone walks passed the window and sees you two together. It might make them suspicious that there is something more going on" warned Harry
"Fine, you can stay here then. And Ron and Hermione can join us, once they've finished their Prefect duties. I will put up with you until then" groaned Carly.

"Thank you... So, did you have a good Christmas?" Quizzed Harry.
"It was O.K" sighed Carly.
"Did you make up with Andromeda?" Asked Harry.
"No, she still won't talk to me. So, I spent the holidays with Luna"
"Oh, I'm sorry... You know, it's really shitty of Andromeda to still blame you for Sirius's death"
"I am not mad at Andy for her reaction. Besides, I'm nearly an adult now, so I can decide where I live. And even if Andy allowed me back home, I wouldn't want to go, because I know that deep down she will always blame me for what happened to Sirius... I would much rather be with Luna, because I care about her more than anyone".

Luna looked up from her Quibbler to smile at Carly, "I enjoy being with you too".
"Careful you idiots, anybody could walk passed and overhear you" hissed Harry.
"Relax Harry, we know what we are doing. We are experts at hiding our relationship" reassured Carly.
"Still, I don't want to see you get thrown in Azkaban" replied Harry.
"Don't worry, I have no intention of ending up in there".
Since the Dementors had left Azkaban, and Carly knew that Voldemort could easily break her and Luna out of there, she had started becoming less afraid of the threat of Azkaban. Especially as Bellatrix had told her that Voldemort was close to achieving his goals, so it didn't really matter as much if Luna and her were caught in the future.

"I know that you've been taking precautions, but I still worry about you" admitted Harry.
"Well, don't. I have a fake boyfriend, I don't hang out with Luna much at school, and I surround myself with the people in my house, as that is what is expected of me. I have done everything in my power to throw people off the scent" reminded Carly.
"That is good to hear... Actually, speaking of the people in your house. There is someone I wanted to ask you about, who's a Slytherin like you" revealed Harry.
"Who is it?"
"Draco Malfoy"
"Why do you want to talk about him?"
"I think he's a death eater".

Carly tried not to react at this information, but she saw Luna's eyes flick to her, in the corner of her eye.
"Why do you think I would know more information about Draco than you, when he's in your year?" Questioned Carly calmly.
"Well, he is in Slytherin with you, and isn't he also your cousin?" Quizzed Harry.
"Cousin once removed I believe. But of course, none of the other Blacks know that, including Draco. Andromeda is the only one to know that Regulus was my dad. Draco doesn't particularly like me, even though I am dating one of his best friends. So, the two of us aren't close, and we don't exactly hang out" lied Carly.

"Why do you think Draco Malfoy is a death eater?" Asked Luna quietly.
"Well, I saw him up to no good in Knockturn Alley, during the summer. I eavesdropped on him on the ride to Hogwarts in September, where he revealed to his friends that Voldemort doesn't care how old you are, as long as you are willing to serve him. He's also been behaving strangely all year, and I'm convinced that he was the one who Hexed Katie Bell" revealed Harry.
"That's a pretty big allegation. Do you have any proof?" Demanded Carly.
"Not exactly. And McGonagall did say he was in detention at the time Katie was Cursed. But I know it was him. I can feel it in my bones" answered Harry.

"You're accusing my cousin of attempted murder, based on a feeling in your bones?" Frowned Carly.
"It's not just that. Snape knows it was Draco, because I heard them arguing about it, when Snape escourted Draco out of Slughorn's party, for gate crashing. Snape even revealed that he had made an Unbreakable Vow, to protect and help Draco this year" informed Harry.
"Well, Snape and Lucius were friends a long time ago, so him agreeing to watch over Draco while his dad is in Azkaban, doesn't seem that far fetched. But why were you eavesdropping on their private conversation in the first place?" Questioned Carly.
"Because I knew that Draco was up to something shady, so I followed them. And I was right".

"Did Draco actually admit to Cursing Katie?" Quizzed Luna.
"Not exactly, he denied it when Snape accused him, and refused to tell him anything. But Snape seemed pretty convinced that it was him. This is the first time Draco and Snape have ever been at odds, which is how I know Draco is up to something big. And I'm pretty sure it's bad" announced Harry.
"There's a pretty big step up from lying to a teacher about what you've been up to, and being a death eater. You have no real proof that Draco serves the dark lord" snapped Carly.

Harry forward, "Since when do you call Voldemort, the dark lord?".
"It's a bad habit I picked up from hanging around the Slytherins too much, because that's what a lot of them call him" lied Carly.
"Fair enough... Look, I saw Draco show Borgin something over the summer, which scared him, and I'm almost convinced that it was his dark mark" informed Harry.
"Draco is only like a month older than you. He is too young to be a death eater" replied Carly.
"I don't think Voldemort cares about how old you are, as long as you can be of use to him".

"Harry, you've hated Draco ever since you first met him. So, don't you think you are pulling at strings, and trying to invent situations to make him look worse, because you hate him so much, and are desperate for him to be the bad guy? Just because his dad is a death eater, it doesn't mean he is. We are not our parents" said Carly.
"I don't need to invent anything. Draco is up to something. I mean, have you seen him lately? He looks awful. He's thin and paler than usual, and his face is all gaunt. He doesn't look well. Which is how I know he's doing something for Voldemort and has gotten in over his head" insisted Harry.

"Well, I think you are wrong. Draco is just upset that his dad is in Azkaban, and everyone is giving him shit for it. He's also struggling with all the school work he has to do at the moment, to maintain his good grades. And since the world is in a pretty terrible place, no one is particularly happy and healthy anymore, including Draco. That's why he looks unwell at the moment... So, if you were hoping I would give you juicy gossip on Draco, and confirm your suspicions that he's a death eater, then I'm sorry to disappoint you" announced Carly.

"So, you really haven't seen or heard anything that would make you suspect that he's a death eater?" Asked Harry.
"No, I haven't. Besides, you're the one with our father's cloak. Sneaking around and eavesdropping on conversations is your thing, not mine. Right now, I am more concerned with passing all of my OWLs at the end of the year. I haven't got time to start spying on my cousin, so don't even ask me" answered Carly.

"Come on sis, you're the perfect person to keep tabs on him for me, because you're in Slytherin, and constantly around him. Please do this for me, to put my mind at ease" begged Harry.
"No, I am not stalking Draco for you. If you want someone to follow him around in their free time, do it yourself. If I got caught, I'd be in serious trouble, but you wouldn't be, because you're the Chosen One, you can get away with anything these days" replied Carly.

"That's not true. Snape still likes to try and give me as many detentions as possible" sighed Harry.
"That's because he doesn't like you, as you look like our father. But every other teacher loves you. You can do no wrong in their eyes. Which is a luxury no one else has. So, if you want to sneak around at night after Draco, then be my guest. But I will not help you, because I don't think that Draco is a death eater" replied Carly.
"Fine then. I will find out what Draco is up to, by myself" announced Harry.
"You do that" mumbled Carly, who had every intention of warning Draco what Harry was up to, the next time she saw him.

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