94. Teddy

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To the girls suprise and delight, Voldemort allowed them and Draco to return to Hogwarts after the holidays. As he decided that they weren't responsible for their guardians mistakes.
And since not all of the girls wounds had healed, they were returning to school with several new scars added to their collection.
A lot of of pure-bloods who supported the new regime, knew that the Malfoy's had been confined to the Manor, for allowing Harry to escape. So, Luna and Carly had to work hard to build their tough reputation back up.
They didn't want their reputation to be tarnished like Draco's.

Since everyone knew that Ron was on the run with Harry, the Weasleys were now unable to work, and Ginny was unable to return to Hogwarts.
This meant that Neville was now souly responsible for running the DA.
The Carrows knew this, and came down hard on him.
They even went as far as sending death eaters after Neville's gran, in order to punish him. But the old lady could easily handle herself and escaped with ease.
However, with no hold over Neville, the Carrows decided to just dispose of him, since they knew he was their biggest trouble maker.

Before Neville could be caught, he barricaded himself inside the Room of Requirement, and forbade the room from letting any Carrow supporters inside.
Several other DA students ended up joining Neville in there, to escape the Carrows wrath.
Luna, Carly, and the other Prefects were tasked with getting their hands on these disobedient students.
And even though they knew where the DA were hiding, they could not gain access to the room, no matter what they tried.

Every morning the girls would come down to breakfast to see if anymore students had decided to hide in the Room of Requirement. As at least 20 had already done so.
"No one new today?" Asked Luna, as she sat down next to Carly one morning.
"Not that I can tell" mumbled Carly, not looking up from her paper.
"Which paper is that?" Questioned Luna curiously.
"It's the Quibbler" answered Carly.
"But it can't be. Dad hasn't written anything since our house was destroyed"
"Well, he has clearly decided to change his mind".

"He hasn't written about anything that is going to get him in trouble, has he?" Quizzed Luna nervously.
"Most of it toes the line, but there is one article in here that the dark lord might not like" admitted Carly.
Luna groaned, "What is it about?".
"It's about Nym, she's had her baby. I don't know how your dad found out, but he clearly wrote an article about it, so that I would get the news. I thought that despite everything that has happened between us, Nym would write me an owl to let me know that she had her kid. But I guess I was wrong" Carly said sadly.

"I'm sorry Carls. I know how important your relationship with Nym was to you... Does my dad say what the baby is called?" Asked Luna.
"Yes, he's called Teddy. Teddy Remus Lupin. And he's a Metamorphmagus, just like Nym" answered Carly.
"It's nice that she named him after her father" replied Luna.
"Yes. I was confused at first, because the article named him Edward, after someone called Edward Tonks, and then I remembered that Teddy is a nickname used for people called Edward"
"That nickname always confused me, because Teddy sounds nothing like Edward, but nevermind".

"Your dad also reveals in the paper that Teddy Lupin's godfather is Harry" informed Carly.
"Really? Harry is like the last person I would choose to be the guardian of my child. He is currently in hiding, and he is also the most irresponsible and reckless person I know" admitted Luna.
"Choosing Harry wasn't the wisest thing Remus could have done. But since he doesn't really have any other friends or family members, Harry was kind of the only person Remus could choose to be the godfather of his child" reminded Carly.
"True. But I'm sure that Nym had friends she could have chosen from, like Kingsley Shacklebolt or Charlie Weasley. Both better options than Harry".

"I wonder who I would choose to be a godparent to my child, since I don't have any other friends apart from you" said Carly.
"Need I remind you that we are both the same sex, so we can't conceive children together naturally. Unless we find out what dark magic your dads used to make you" replied Luna.
"I'm pretty sure that I'm a one of a kind, and can't be replicated, so the chances of us doing what my dads did, is pretty low. But I'm just saying, that if by some miracle we did have a child together, or we adopted one, I don't know who would be its godparents" explained Carly.

"What about Blaise?" Suggested Luna.
"Maybe. But me and him aren't that close anymore, since we aren't pretending to date this year. And me and the other Slytherins aren't exactly what you would call best friends" admitted Carly.
"What about making one of your aunts our kids godmother?" Quizzed Luna.
"Andy wants nothing to do with me, because  she hates the life choices I made. Narcissa I could choose, because she is a good mother. But I don't think I would want Bella to be responsible for my child. She isn't exactly the most caring or maternal person ever... I could make Draco the godfather, but he would already be related to the child, and I would prefer our kid to have godparents who weren't also members of this family. So that it has more people to love and care about it".

"Look, it's not our fault that we don't have any friends, that we can use as godparents in this imaginary situation. People hated us before we even became death eaters. Which is why we don't have any friends. But we have never needed other friends, because we have each other, and that is all we need. If we ever had a kid together, it wouldn't need godparents, because it would have us" announced Luna.
"I know that you are right, but a small part me of me still wishes that we did have more friends, and that more people liked us" sighed Carly.

"Maybe you feel that way because you grew up with Nym as your sister. I grew up alone, so I have always been content with my own company. I never needed anybody else, until I met you. You really are my whole world, and the only thing that I have ever desired" confessed Luna.
"I don't want you thinking that I'm not happy with you, because that couldn't be further from the truth. I love you with all my heart, and if I have to spend the rest of my life alone with no one but you, then I would be happy and content at your side. You are all I need, I promise you" reassured Carly.

"That's good to hear. I was worried for a moment that I wasn't enough for you" Luna said quietly.
"You are more than enough" promised Carly, before kissing Luna's forehead.
"So, shall we head to Charms?" Asked Luna, as she blushed.
"Yes, I suppose we should. We are Prefects afterall, and it is our job to set a good example to everyone else, so we shouldn't be arriving late to class" replied Carly.
Luna smiled and took hold of Carly's hand, "Let's go then".
"Lead the way, my Atlantis" grinned Carly.

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