83. Born A Black

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The next morning Carly woke up bright and early, and she found herself standing outside the entrance to the great hall for some time, waiting for Luna.
"You took your time. I almost thought you weren't coming" commented Carly, when Luna eventually arrived.
"You try coming down a hundred flights of stairs first thing in the morning... I forgot how much I hate these stairs" yawned Luna.

"And I thought Rowena was supposed to be the smart one. Who puts their house common room in one of the highest towers in the building?" Questioned Carly.
"Apparently all this walking is character building. According to Professor Flitwick, not only do these staircases give us time to think and plan, they also give us physical exercise, that we wouldn't otherwise get. Since most Ravenclaw's are book worms, who spend their time stuck inside, and don't get any exercise" answered Luna.

Carly chuckled, "I didn't realise there was an actual reason the Ravenclaw common room is in a tower".
"Well, I don't know if it's the real reason Rowena did that, for all I know she just really liked the view of the grounds from that tower. But it's the answer Flitwick gave me when I asked him why our tower had to so high up" admitted Luna.
"And what was his reasoning for why the Gryffindor common room is also in a tower?" Asked Carly.
"Those in Gryffindor are supposed to be tough and muscular, and climbing up all those stairs certainly keeps you in shape"
"Fair enough".

Carly looked into the hall, before turning back to face Luna.
"Are you ready for this?" Quizzed Carly.
"I don't think you can ever truly be ready. But, let's do this" announced Luna.
Carly smiled, and cupped Luna's face with her hand, before leaning in and kissing her lips softly.
In that moment, it was as if nothing else in the world mattered.

"Ew, get a room".
The girls drew apart and saw Blaise standing beside them, with a grin on his face.
Carly chuckled, and elbowed him in the ribs, in retaliation.
"Meanie" continued Blaise.
"Wimp" teased Carly.
"So Blaise, I take it you're O.K with me and Carly kissing in public?" Asked Luna.
"It doesn't bother me. You do you" answered Blaise.
"Thanks" smiled Luna.

"No problem. But just know that not everyone will be as supportive and understanding as me" warned Blaise.
"We know" sighed Luna.
"It's a shame we can't sit beside each other during meals. Because then we could support each other when other people start to give us grief for being in love" said Carly sadly.
"You two love birds need to spend some time apart, at least once a day" insisted Blaise.
"He's right, if you spend all day with me, you will get annoyed and frustrated pretty quickly" admitted Luna.
"I could never be annoyed with you. Because you're the love of my life" replied Carly.

"Alright, that's enough lovey dovey stuff, let's have some breakfast" announced Blaise, as he began leading Carly towards the Slytherin table.
Not long after they sat down, Slughorn approached the table, with a large stack of parchment in his arms.
"Since Professor Snape has been made Headmaster, I will be taking over the role of Head of Slytherin house. Which is a job I used to do, many years ago" revealed Slughorn.

Carly would definitely have preferred to have kept Snape as her Head of house, but she knew he was busy now with other responsibilities. So, she would have to be content with Slughorn instead.
"No, there has been a slight change in everyones timetable, as Muggle Studies is now compulsory for every year group. And Defense Against the Dark Arts also can no longer be dropped after you have completed your OWLs" continued Slughorn.

Slughorn then began moving along the table, talking individually to each student, about their own timetable, and the lessons they would be taking.
"Now, Miss Potter, you recieved very good grades, so I don't see why you cannot continue every subject" informed Slughorn.
"Thanks Professor, but I still want to drop History of Magic and Divination, as I don't find much joy in either of those subjects" admitted Carly.
"It is wise to drop at least one subject, as NEWT level subjects are a lot harder. You are also being forced to take Muggle Studies, which you were not originally taking. So, that will take up some of your time" replied Slughorn.
"I also have Prefect duties this year that I need to devote a lot of time to".

"What about Astronomy? You weren't sure about taking it, when I asked you about the subject last term, before you took your OWLs. So, have you decided whether or not you want to carry on with the subject?" Questioned Slughorn.
"I definitely have no intention of carrying on with Astronomy" Carly answered quickly.
After what Carly had done in the Astronomy tower at the end of her 5th year, Carly didn't think that she would be able to concentrate in that room ever again.

"That's all done then. I will see you in Potions this afternoon" announced Slughorn, as he handed Carly her new timetable.
"Wait Professor, there is something I wanted to ask you" said Carly.
"What is it?" Asked Slughorn.
"Well, now that my real identity is out in the open, and I don't have to hide it anymore, I was wondering if teachers could start calling me by my real name"
"I don't follow".

"Regulus Black was my dad, which is something I have only just revealed to the world. But now that I have, I want people to accept me as a Black. My real name is, and has always been Carly Black-Potter. Black is not my middle name, but a part of my surname, as I am as much a Black as I am a Potter. My surname is double barrelled, and I want my teachers to start using my full name now" informed Carly.
"But you've been using the name Potter all your life, without the Black part. So, why would you want to change it now, when you've only got two years of school left?" Quizzed Slughorn.
"Because I want everyone to associate me with my Black side, and not my Potter side" answered Carly.

"But you are still a Potter" reminded Slughorn.
"Yes, but while the teachers keep referring to me as Miss Potter, all people are going to see me as, is Harry Potter's little sister. And I don't want to be associated with him anymore. I want to be seen as a Black, and not a Potter. If teachers have a big problem using my double barrelled name, then I want them to call me Miss Black, as that is the family I relate with more... I do not want my choices to be ignored, which is why this information would be best if it came straight from you, instead of me. As I know some teachers don't always respect their students preferences. And I would hate to have to tell Snape that certain teachers have been ignoring my wishes" revealed Carly.

Slughorn seemed to instantly understand what Carly was implying. And he didn't want any of his colleagues to face the wrath of the death eaters.
"I will pass on your wishes to all of your teachers, and make sure that they are aware of the change to your surname" replied Slughorn, before quickly moving onto the next student.
"Thank you, Professor" mumbled Carly.
"Nicely done" Blaise whispered into her ear.
"Thanks" Carly whispered back.

Once Carly had finished eating, she headed to the hall exit, as Luna got up and did the same.
The girls then entwined their fingers together, and skipped off down the corridor, together.
It was as if they were one being, moving together in perfect harmony.
It was clear to anyone who saw them, that they were meant for each other, and nothing would ever come between them, ever again.

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