33. A Black Reunion

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Luna and Carly both snuck out that night, as instructed, and headed to the Whomping Willow, so that they could enter the tunnel underneath, which would lead them to the Shrieking Shack.
Unlike the last time they did this, Voldemort was already waiting for them, when they arrived.
"My lord" mumbled the girls, as they bowed their heads.
"I should've known you would both come together" sighed Voldemort.

"I hope this doesn't effect your plans for me, but it didn't feel right, meeting you without Luna. We are a package deal afterall" said Carly.
"The reason I asked you to come alone, was because I plan on throwing you a little family reunion tonight. Which is why I didn't see the point in inviting Miss Lovegood" revealed Voldemort.

"I'm afraid I don't understand, my lord. What do you mean by a family reunion?" Quizzed Carly.
"Take my hand, and all will become clear" instructed Voldemort, as he lifted up his arm.
Luna and Carly held hands tightly, and Carly then stretched out her other hand, to take hold of Voldemort's arm.

The second she did, the girls felt the world collapse around them, and when they opened their eyes, they found themselves in a completely different location.
"Did we just apparate?" Asked Carly, as she clutched her stomach, which felt as if it had been turned inside out.
"Yes, you did. And since neither of you collapsed or vomited on arrival, I would call that a success" answered Voldemort.
"Where are we?" Questioned Luna, as she looked around the strange room, that she did not recognise.

Carly glanced out the window, and saw a flock of white peacocks grazing on the lawn, by a large fountain.
"We're in Malfoy Manor" she mumbled.
Voldemort smiled, "How very perceptive of you. Yes, we are in the Malfoy Manor".
"Why are we here?" Frowned Carly.
"As I said earlier, I wanted to throw you a family reunion. So, come with me" instructed Voldemort, as he led the way out of the room.

"We shouldn't be here. This is Draco's house" Luna hissed in Carly's ear.
"I know that. But since neither of us can apparate, we will have to stay here and do what Voldemort wants, until he takes us back to school" Carly whispered back.
As Voldemort led the way through the manor, Carly noted how much it resembled 12 Grimmauld Place. Which is when she came to the conclusion that most proud pure-blood homes, probably all looked the same.

Eventually Voldemort came to a halt in the living room.
There were 4 people in there, whom the girls had never met, but instantly knew, as their faces was very recognisable.
They were now in the presence of Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Rodolphus Lestrange.
And Carly had a pretty strong suspicion that all of them were devote death eaters.
Carly had seen Narcissa from a distance on Platform 9 and ¾, but since Andromeda had not wanted anything to do with her sister, they had not interacted with the Malfoys.

"Welcome to our home Carly, we have been waiting for you" revealed Narcissa.
"You have?" Carly asked quietly.
"Of course. When the dark lord informed us of who you really were, we just had to meet you" answered Narcissa.
"Yes, when we found out that our good for nothing sister had been hiding you from us, we insisted that the dark lord brought you to us. We thought it was about time you met your real family. And you look so much like your dad, that we can't believe we didn't notice the resemblance before" added Bellatrix.

Carly turned to face Voldemort, "You told them about my dads?".
"Of course, they are your family afterall. I knew that once they learned about you, and found out that you had already joined my side, they would be desperate to meet you. And I was right" replied Voldemort.
"But no one is supposed to know the truth about me. If the Ministry find out, I will be arrested" reminded Carly nervously.
Bellatrix laughed, "You are currently in the presence of 2 escaped convicts, and the most powerful dark wizard of all time, yet you are worried about your secrets staying safe".
"My sister is right. You have nothing to fear here. We will not betray your secrets" reassured Narcissa.

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