4. 4th Champion

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To everyone's suprise, Harry ended up getting chosen by the Goblet of Fire, despite Hogwarts already having a champion, and Harry being too young to enter in the first place.
"That's it. I cannot associate with that boy anymore. Harry Potter has pissed me off for the last time" announced Carly, as she marched angrily into the library.
"Shhh" hissed Luna, as Carly sat down in the seat opposite her, in their favourite corner of the library.
"Don't shh me" snapped Carly.

Luna sighed and looked over her book to raise an eyebrow at Carly, "Do you want Madam Pince to throw us out?".
"No" mumbled Carly.
"Then keep your voice down" instructed Luna.
"But I really need to vent to you about the conversation I just had with Harry" admitted Carly.
"Do you want to go outside so that you can scream to your heart's content?" Asked Luna.
"Yes please"
"Alright, let's go then".

Luna packed up her books and the two of them headed outside.
"So, what has Harry down now?" Questioned Luna, once they made their way onto the Hogwarts grounds.
"Well, I went to talk to him about this whole Triwizard Tournament thing. I wanted to let him know that I wasn't impressed by what he had done, and I wasn't happy that he had brought all this negative attention to our family. He then had the nerve to tell me that I was being selfish, and not thinking about how this was affecting him. The hypocrite. Anyway, I thought that he would at least tell me how he managed to get passed Dumbledore's age line, and trick the Goblet of Fire into letting him compete as well as Cedric. I am his sister after all-" replied Carly.
"Half sister" corrected Luna.

"Whatever. I know that me and him aren't close, but I still thought that he would tell me how he did it, since we are family. But he insisted that he didn't put his name in, and that someone else must have done it. I can't believe he had the nerve to lie to my face like that. He won't even tell Ron the truth, so the two of them have fallen out. It seems that Harry is willing to push everyone away, on his quest to achieve eternal glory" said Carly angrily.
"I bet he's starting to regret his decision now, since the whole school is talking about him. And not in a good way" commented Luna.

"The bad attention around him, also extends to me though, because I'm his sister. People will be talking about me, and trying even harder than normal to uncover who my mother is... And if people are talking about me, then they might talk about us" admitted Carly quietly.
"We will have to be very careful while this tournament is on" whispered Luna.
"Yes, we will. There are more people than ever at Hogwarts, and Ministry officials are coming here to watch every trial. We also have a teacher who can see through walls, and an awful, life destroying journalist sneaking around" replied Carly.

"If Rita Skeeter even suspects what we are, she will write an article about us in the Daily Prophet. And even if she has no evidence or proof, she could still out us. If she does, our lives will be over" Luna said nervously.
"I won't let that happen. If she corners me, and demands information on Harry, then I will tell her everything she needs to know, because I won't risk her talking about us. If keeping the slimy journalist full of gossip, is what it takes to keep you safe, then I will do it. I will not antagonise her, and risk making her into an enemy, as that puts our lives at risk. Draco already knows how she keeps sneaking into Hogwarts, lots of the Slytherins do. So, I'm sure she will find a way to talk to me very soon. And I will give her exactly what she wants" announced Carly.

"What about Harry?" Quizzed Luna.
"What about him? If he doesn't treat me like family, then why should I try so hard to be nice and keep his secrets for him? Besides, you matter far more to me, than he does. And I would rather betray his trust, than see you in Azkaban" answered Carly.
"I guess that makes sense... You're not just protecting me though, you're protecting yourself too. As you would end up joining me in Azkaban, if our secret was revealed. And protecting oneself is always more important than looking out for a sibling that doesn't care about you" replied Luna.

"I guess this is why we were never sorted into Gryffindor. We put our own selfish needs, above the needs of the group" sighed Carly.
"Not all those in Gryffindor are good guys. The people in Gryffindor house bully me the most out of all the houses. Besides, your uncle Sirius was in Gryffindor and he still became a death eater and betrayed his best friends. Which proves that Gryffindor is not the good house that everyone thinks it is" reminded Luna.
"You're right, as usual... So, I guess from now on, I don't have a brother anymore. Harry Potter is just another arrogant Gryffindor student and of no importance to us. We are the only things in this world that matter, and I would happily watch the world burn, if it meant protecting you, my Atlantis" revealed Carly.
"And I would do anything for you too, my Star".

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