64. Who Is Worse Off?

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After an awkward last day with her father, Luna was ready to leave and never return.
When Bellatrix came for her, she answered for her sister, and said that Luna could move into the Malfoy Manor straight away.
Since it was easier for Bellatrix to train Luna and Carly, if they were always together at the Manor, Bellatrix was all for Luna moving in with them.
She helped transport all of Luna's belongings to a spare room at the Manor, before leaving her in Carly's room to recieve the emotional support she needed.

"I'm sorry about your dad" Carly said quietly to Luna.
They were both sat side by side on Carly's bed, just like they had been when Carly had been thrown out by Andromeda.
"Thanks... I guess it was only a matter of time before he found out. We couldn't keep it a secret from him forever" sighed Luna.
"That doesn't stop it from hurting, even though you knew it was coming... Was he angry?" Asked Carly.
Luna shook her head, "No, just sad, and disappointed".
"That's a good thing then. Andy was so mad at me, she wouldn't even hug me goodbye"
"If I'm being honest, I think it made it worse that he was sad and not angry".

"How so?" Questioned Carly.
"Because seeing that look of hurt and disappointment on his face, nearly killed me. It was like I had let him down. And having to hug him goodbye, knowing it could be the last time I ever do it, was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I didn't want to let go of him, even though I knew that I had to... I guess a part of me hoped that when he found out I was a death eater, he would be O.K with it, and continue to let me live at home. Just like he did when I told him I liked girls, which is also illegal. I hoped his reaction would be the same both times. But I guess I was wrong" Luna answered sadly.

"There was always going to come a time when we would have to say goodbye to our loved ones forever. For us, that just came earlier than expected. But when we agreed to join the dark lord, we knew what we were signing up for, and we knew it would end with us leaving behind the people we cared about" reminded Carly.
"It's alright for you, you gained a whole new family, when you gave up your old one" Luna replied coldly.
"You think that I don't miss the life I had with Andy, just because I live in a mansion now? You think that I don't also wish to return to the woman who raised me?" Frowned Carly.

"You lost one aunt, and gained two more. I fail to see how that makes you worse off than me, when my father was the only family member I had left, and I've just been forced to give him up. You have two aunts itching to be your new substitute mother. And Draco has replaced the sibling that you lost when you left Andromeda's house. My dad was all I had, and now he's gone. And I don't have anyone to take his place. Nor do I have a bunch of other homes to go to, now that I've been kicked out of my childhood home. We're not all as lucky as you!" Shouted Luna, causing Carly to jump to her feet in anger.
"How am I lucky? Both of my parents are dead" reminded Carly.
"You have no memories of them, so you can't exactly miss them" countered Luna.

"I grew up without any parents in my life. Whereas you had two loving parents for most of your upbringing. So, how exactly are you worse off than me?" Demanded Carly.
"You don't remember your parents, which means you can't feel sad about not having them in your life. I loved my mother, and I can remember all the years we spent together. You never had to suffer the pain of burying your own mother, and having to be ripped from your father's life. You just had to say goodbye to one aunt, and jump straight into the arms of another" spat Luna.

"Let me get one thing straight, Narcissa and Bellatrix will never love me as much as Andy did. Andromeda raised me from birth, and was there for me every step of the way. And unlike my new aunts, she is a kind and decent person, who finds giving out love, as easy as breathing. No one will ever be able to replace her. Narcissa is nice to me, as is Bellatrix, but they will never be the mother that Andy was to me. I also lost my Nym, who was basically my sister. And Draco definitely does not see me as his sister, he barely even accepts me as his cousin. Don't forget that I also joined the dark lord, knowing full well that he intends on killing my brother one day. I will have to stand and watch, as my own flesh and blood is taken from me. I know it won't be long until Harry finds out what I am, and I will have to see the look on his face when he realises that I have betrayed him, right before he is murdered by the man I serve... So, don't try and claim that I haven't lost as much as you, because I have!" Announced Carly.

There was an awkward moment of silence, where both of the girls felt bad for getting angry, when it wasn't really the other person that they were mad at.
They were sad that they had to lose those they cared about, and angry that the world was discriminating against their people.
These strong emotions couldn't always be contained, no matter how much the girls tried to hold them in.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did" apologised Luna.
"No, I'm sorry. Today is about you. Your dad has just turned his back on you, as Andy did to me, and I know how it feels. So, I should let you express whatever emotions you are feeling, because I know how much you are hurting right now. I have been in your position already, so today is not about me, it is about you. You were there for me when I was hurting, and I am here for you now. I don't want you thinking that my anger was in any way aimed at you, because it wasn't. It's the world I'm mad at. I also don't want you thinking that I'm not here for you, because I am, and I want to help you in any way that I can" replied Carly, as she climbed back onto the bed.

"You just being here by my side, is help enough" said Luna.
"Well, I'm not going anywhere. I love you, Luna Lovegood. And you're stuck with me until the end of time. You are the only family I need" confessed Carly.
"I love you too. And I'm sick of pretending that I don't care about you, when we are in public. I want to be able to kiss you, and take you into my arms, wherever we are" announced Luna.
"Me too. And I don't think we will have long to wait. Bella told me that the dark lord's plans are going well, and she is certain that it won't be long before he takes over the Ministry"
"That's what she told me".

"After so long of dreaming, I was almost starting to give up hope that the law would ever get over turned" admitted Luna.
"The time is coming, my love. I am sure that we won't have long left to wait. There is hope on the horizon, I can feel it" insisted Carly.
"And when that day finally comes, we will both be free. Free to be the people we were always meant to be" replied Luna.

"Yes, but until then, we must only show our affection in secret... Speaking of which, it is time for you to open all the Christmas presents I got for you" announced Carly.
"Come on then, lets get this over with then" sighed Luna.
"You'll like all the gifts, trust me" replied Carly.
"I do"

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