20. Twelve Grimmauld Place

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Carly did not expect to be invited to the Order headquarters at 12 Grimmauld Place, but she also didn't expect Harry to be summoned to a trial at the Ministry, for using underage magic, after being attacked by a Dementor. So, Carly's summer holidays took an unexpected turn.
Nymphadora collected her one morning and escouted her to the Black family home, where Sirius was currently residing, as well as Harry and most of the Order.
When Carly stepped inside, she was instantly taken aback by the grand nature of the building.
Everything around her looked expensive, even if it was covered by a layer of dust.
There were also lots of snakes on everything from the candelabras, to the tables, making her feel right at home.

When Nymphadora tripped over the coat rack, a pair of curtains at the end of the hallway jumped open, revealing a portrait of an old and angry lady.
It took Carly a moment to realise that this woman was Walburga Black, her grandmother.
She had never been able to meet her grandmother, because that would have given away that she was Regulus's daughter. And Andromeda had always told her that Walburga was an evil woman, and that not ever meeting her was a blessing.

Walburga's painting opened its mouth to scream, but she stopped when she saw Carly.
"That's strange. She normally screams at everyone she sees, even Sirius" commented Nymphadora.
"I expect she realises who I am, since I look like my dad" whispered Carly nervously.
"She hates me, because my mother was disowned by the Blacks, but forget about her. I'll take you to see the others" replied Nymphadora, as she led the way into the kitchen.

Once inside, Carly realised that her hunch about the Weasleys being in the Order, had been correct, for most of them were sat around the kitchen table.
She couldn't help but notice everyone give her weird glances as she entered the room, and she knew that they didn't think she belonged there. And since Carly was a death eater, she couldn't help feel that they were right, as she did feel a bit like she had wandered into the enemy camp.

Before Carly could sit down, Harry ran up to her, and gave her a tight hug.
"It's good to see you" smiled Harry, before releasing Carly.
"Um, you too.... I don't think we've ever hugged before" admitted Carly awkwardly.
"Oh, well there's a first time for everything" replied Harry.
"I suppose there is... Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. The Dementors didn't suck out my soul or anything"
"That's not what I meant. I want to know how you are feeling about this whole Ministry trial, that you've got coming up".

Harry's smile faltered, and Carly realised it had only been for show. He was only pretending to be brave in front of everyone, so that they didn't worry about him. But Carly had seen through his ruse.
"Well, of course I'm not feeling great, when I know that I could be expelled from Hogwarts at any moment" admitted Harry.
"The Ministry won't expell you, I'm sure of it. I'm certain that underage wizards are allowed to use magic in life threatening situations" reassured Carly.
"That's what Hermione keeps saying"
"Well, she is smart, and nearly always right. Which means you'll probably be cleared of all charges. Even if Fudge is being a total dick at the moment".

"Yeah, I guess... Do you want to sit by me?" Asked Harry.
"Sure" answered Carly, before following Harry to a pair of empty seats.
"I suppose you come here a lot to see Sirius, since Dumbledore isn't intent on keeping you out of everything, like he is with me" replied Harry.
"Actually, Dumbledore isn't my biggest fan, and this is my first time here" revealed Carly.
"Yeah. Sirius said I couldn't visit him because I'm not in the Order, and Dumbledore agreed that it was too dangerous. But things are different now, since you are apparently no longer safe in the outside world, so you get to stay in here. And if you are allowed to be here, then so am I".

"Does this mean you are going to stay with us this summer?" Questioned Harry, unable to hide the hopefulness from his voice.
"No, I'll be going home later today. I only came to check on you and to see Sirius. I've always wanted to come here, so I jumped at the chance when it was offered to me. But I don't want to stay here permanently, I'm not a fan of big gatherings like this, since I don't belong here" replied Carly.
Harry frowned, "Of course you belong here. You're my sister. Sirius is your godfather, just like he is mine. And we belong with him since we are both orphans".

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