50. Like Father Like Daughter

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With Carly torturing Umbridge, and using Unforgivable Curses on the regular, Andromeda couldn't fail to notice the changes in her surrogate daughter.
Carly had closed herself off from her family, in order to protect her and them. And her coldness towards her loved ones, caused Andromeda a great deal of concern.
One evening, after using the Cruciatus Curse on Umbridge for several hours, Carly returned home and found Andromeda in her room, sitting on her bed.

"How is Luna?" Asked Andromeda, in a strange voice that made Carly weary.
"She's fine" answered Carly.
"You know, you could bring her here, like you used to do, instead of going to her house every other day. I feel like I haven't seen you at all this summer" admitted Andromeda.
"Well, we have more freedom there, since Xenophilius lets us do whatever we like. And the Lovegood's have a lot of land on their property, that me and Luna can explore. We couldn't do that here, since your house is in middle of a Muggle town, and there aren't many secluded places that we could go here".

"I understand... And I hope that your insistence to allow us to let you see her nearly every day, isn't for another reason" said Andromeda.
"What other reason would I have for wanting to see my girlfriend as often as possible?" Questioned Carly.
"Why don't you tell me" announced Andromeda, as she stood to her feet.
She then pulled out a suitcase from under Carly's bed, and opened it, revealing Carly's death eater mask and robes.

"Tell me this isn't what I think it is" continued Andromeda.
"How did you find them?" Demanded Carly.
"I came across these items while cleaning your room. Please tell me that they don't mean what I think they do. Please tell me that they are a part of an art project you've been working on. Or that you found them at Grimmauld Place and they belong to your dad. Please don't tell me that these belong to you" begged Andromeda.
"I can't tell you that" mumbled Carly.

"So- So, I'm right. You've become one of them" gasped Andromeda.
"If you already knew the answer, then why are you suprised by it?" Asked Carly.
"I wasn't expecting you to admit the truth. I was hoping that you would deny it, and tell me that I had gotten it wrong. I was praying to Merlin that it wasn't true, and that you weren't really a death eater" replied Andromeda.
"What is the point in lying, when you've found my uniform. Besides, you should have expected this from me, everyone knows the saying, like father like daughter. Only in my case, I am following in my dad's footsteps and not my fathers" sighed Carly.

"Why? Why would you do this? You're just a kid, you should not have made a life altering decision like this! You're too young to become a death eater. Once you've joined him, there is no way out. You're a death eater for life now" informed Andromeda.
"I know what I have gotten myself in for, don't you worry" reassured Carly.
"And what about Luna? How does your girlfriend feel about you joining such an evil man?" Questioned Andromeda.
"Luna is fine with it. We both became death eaters at the same time, and for the same reason"
"Why on earth would you want to join the man who killed both of your parents?"
"As a death eater, I like to think that I know more about how my parents died, than you do. The dark lord has explained it all to me".

"Don't be thick, Carly! Your dark lord is a master manipulater. He knows exactly what to say to make people join him. If he wants you, then he will make up as many lies as it takes to get you on board. He killed both of your parents, and no amount of lies will change that" announced Andromeda.
"You don't know what you're talking about" spat Carly.
"Oh, don't I. You forget, that I lived through the first wizarding war. I lived through the events that you read about in books! It was my life, and not a fact on a blackboard. And I watched that evil man destroy so many lives. He tore my family apart. I watched him corrupt my older sister, and my youngest cousin, with his dark plans for the future. And I won't let him do the same to you!".

Carly frowned and lifted up her sleeve, revealing her dark mark to Andromeda, "There is nothing you can do now, for it is too late. I am a death eater, and there is nothing you can say or do that will change that".
"Why Carly? Why would you want to join a murderous lunatic like him?" Questioned Andromeda.
"He is not a lunatic, he is far more sane and competent than those at the Ministry. And he has some amazing plans for the future. Plans that will benefit everyone" answered Carly.

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