46. Waiting For A War

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After disagreeing about who rightfully owned 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry and Carly didn't talk for the rest of term.
Which Carly thought was probably a good thing, as she needed to start distancing herself from her brother, since he would need to die, in order for her and Luna's world, to thrive.
To take her mind of Harry, and his eventual demise, Carly, along with Luna, began getting her revenge on Umbridge.
Together they poured soap in her drinks, itching powder in her clothes, and made horse noises whenever around her, which always scared her and made her jump, because she thought the centaurs were coming back for her. And the girls did all this, without getting caught.

When the term came to an end, the girls sat alone in the owlery, watching the sunset on another year at Hogwarts.
The next day they would return home, and be unable to see each other every day, like they did at school.
They would also begin their training with Bellatrix, and start their journey to becoming soldiers for the dark lord.
The war was coming, and they would have to be a part of it.

"Do you think your aunt is going to limit the amount of time you spend with me, this summer?" Asked Luna.
"Why would she do that?" Questioned Carly.
"Well, she lost Sirius, and nearly lost you and her daughter, at the Ministry, so she is bound to be rather clingy when you go back. And now that everyone knows the dark lord has returned, I have a feeling things are going to be very different this summer. The world will be a much more dangerous place, and Andromeda won't want you travelling as much, in case you get captured by a death eater. She'll want to keep you at home, where it's safe" replied Luna.

"She can't stop us from seeing each other, especially not this year, since we won't actually be at my house or yours, we'll be training with Bella. And the dark lord expects us to train with her, so that we can become powerful death eaters in the future. So, I won't let Aunt Andy stop me from doing what I need to do" announced Carly.
"But you can't exactly come and see me, without her help, since we can't apparate, and you need magic to summon the Knight Bus, which we can't do, as we can't  perform magic outside of Hogwarts yet" reminded Luna.
"We could always ask Narcissa or Bella to pick us up at a spot near both of our houses, if our guardians refuse to take us where we need to go" suggested Carly.

"That could work. But what if Andromeda gets so scared and paranoid that she forbids you from leaving the house all together?" Questioned Luna.
"If she does that, I will remind her that she is not my mother, so she can't tell me what to do. She's not my parent, so I don't have to obey her rules" answered Carly.
"She is technically your legal guardian though, like the Dursley's are to Harry. So, you probably do have to do what she says, until you turn 17. You also can't be too confrontational with her, or she might start to suspect that you're a death eater. You don't want her to know that you are spending time with her sisters" warned Luna.
"Don't worry, I know that when I go home, I will have to be very careful, and not let anyone see my dark mark, or figure out that we serve the dark lord".

"It's going to be hard to hide this all summer" sighed Luna, as she softly traced the outline of the dark mark on Carly's arm.
"We won't be able to wear dresses or outfits with short sleeves, that's for sure. But it shouldn't be too hard to hide it, as we can just say that we are embarrassed about the scars that Umbridge gave us, so we don't want to expose our arms" replied Carly.
"That might actually work" agreed Luna.
"Well, I am full of great ideas"
"I wouldn't go that far"

"Do you think the dark lord will give us another mission soon?" Asked Luna curiously.
"I don't know. We succeeded in the last one, so it's possible that he will want to give us another. However, he might just want us to train with Narcissa and Bellatrix this summer, so that we can become the best versions of ourselves. We might not get another mission until we return to Hogwarts" admitted Carly.
"I suppose I could live with that, as long as the dark lord sees us train, so that he knows how well we are doing. Because I really want him to be impressed by us and our skills"
"Don't worry, I'm sure that we'll prove to him that he was not wrong to make us official death eaters, very soon".

"I hope you're right. I just want to get out there, and start doing some good. We've been in hiding for too long, and I don't know how much longer I can go on hiding my love for you, in public" sighed Luna.
"Now that the dark lord is out of hiding, I'm sure it won't be long until he has the entire wizarding world in his pocket. And then, we can come out of the closet, and finally be ourselves" reassured Carly.
"I can't wait for the day when I can take your hand in the school corridors, and kiss you in front of everyone. And no one will be able to say a word, because they will know that we're death eaters, so they won't want to mess with us" replied Luna.

"Once they know that, no one will ever pick on you or me again. We will be safe, forever" announced Carly.
"Well then, forever had better hurry up and get here, because I'm tired of waiting" groaned Luna.
"Patience my love. All good things come, to those who wait" replied Carly.
"I hope you're right".

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