56. A Lot Of Lies

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When the girls headed to Platform 9 and ¾ the following day, Harry was eager to talk to them, as he hadn't seen them all summer. Which is why he insisted on sitting in the same train compartment as them.
Neither Carly or Luna were very happy with this, but they couldn't say anything against this idea, without making Harry suspicious of them.
Ron and Hermione were off doing Prefect duties, and Ginny was sitting with her boyfriend Dean Thomas instead.
So, it was just Harry, Luna, Carly, and Neville, sharing a compartment.

"So, Carly, how was your summer?" Questioned Harry.
"It was good" answered Carly nonchalantly.
"Good? Is that all I'm going to get?" Frowned Harry.
"Unless you want me to describe every minute of every day throughout the entire summer with you, then yes"
"But I haven't seen you since Sirius's funeral, so I was hoping we would be able to have a proper catch up on the way to Hogwarts"
"Well, I haven't been up to anything all that exciting this summer. So, there's not much to say".

"Alright, are you going to tell me why did you never come to visit me then?" Quizzed Harry.
"Well, I can't just apparate to Privet Drive to see you, as I'm too young to know how to do that yet" lied Carly.
"Andromeda could have brought you over. Besides, I spent most of the summer at the Burrow, which you should know, because Mrs Weasley invited you to come over like a dozen times" replied Harry.
"She only did that out of courtesy to you. She doesn't actually want me there. None of the Weasleys want me around, because I'm a Slytherin. And after everything that happened between us at the end of last term, I didn't think that you particularly wanted me around either".

"I know I was an angsty moron last term, but I was going through a lot. So, I'm sorry I took it out on you. Sirius's death wasn't your fault, and I apologise for saying that it was. You're my sister, and I'm sorry for not treating you like you deserve. You are all I have left now, we're family, and we need to stick close to each other" insisted Harry.
"Are you sure that's the right thing for you to do? I mean, you're the famous Chosen One. I've seen what the papers are calling you. They think you are some kind of saviour. You don't want to drag your reputation down, by spending too much time with me. People might start to become suspicious of you, because they don't trust Slytherins like me, as they think we are all evil" replied Carly.

"I don't care about what the papers say about me, or what the people think of me. My name was dragged through the mud all last year, so I'm used to the public thinking poorly of me. I would never put my reputation above my own sister. You are way more important than that. And I certainly don't think you are evil" informed Harry.
"Thanks" mumbled Carly awkwardly.
"Which is why I find it strange that you made no attempt to contact me after the funeral. I saw Tonks at the Burrow loads of times, but she never brought you with her, which I always found odd. As I thought you would want to see your brother" commented Harry.

"Nym is in the Order, and since the Burrow is the new Order headquarters, she is there a lot. And since I am too young to be in the Order, she cannot bring me along to meetings. Which is why she never brought me along" lied Carly.
"But when I spoke to her, even she said that she hadn't seen you in ages" admitted Harry.
"Well, Nym is older than me, and she has her own place. She doesn't live at the Tonks residence anymore. So, we don't see much of each other anymore" replied Carly.
"It's more than that. Whenever I asked about you, she said that you were with Luna. Every single time. So, did you decide that she deserved your attention more than your own brother then?".

"No, not exactly" sighed Carly.
She hated that she had to keep lying to Harry, but since he kept asking her questions that she was not allowed to answer, she had no choice but to lie to Harry over and over again.
"Then explain to me why I haven't seen you in weeks" demanded Harry.
"Alright fine, Andy kicked me out, that's why you haven't seen me all summer! Are you happy now?" snapped Carly.

"Carly!" Hissed Luna, who was worried that Carly was about to spill the beans about what they had been up to all summer.
"What? Harry deserves to know the truth" announced Carly.
"Why did Andromeda kick you out?" Asked Harry awkwardly.
"Because she blames me for Sirius's death. He died protecting me from Bellatrix, and Andy finds it easier to blame me than her own sister. Because she can't believe that her older sister killed Sirius, as deep down she still cares about Bellatrix" lied Carly.

Luna sighed in relief, when she realised that Carly wasn't about to expose their secrets to Harry and Neville.
"But Sirius's death wasn't your fault. You shouldn't have been kicked out for that" insisted Harry.
"I think Andy just needs some space to get over her grief, and I am more than happy to give it to her. So, that's why I didn't get Mrs Weasley's invitations. Because I wasn't at home, I moved in with Luna, since I needed somewhere to stay" replied Carly.
"But the Lovegood home is near the Burrow, so you could've come to visit me" pointed out Harry.
"I didn't want anyone to know that I had been thrown out. Even Nym doesn't know the truth, she thinks I was just spending the summer with my best friend".

"You should've told someone, because Andromeda can't just kick you out, since you're underage. You should tell Dumbledore, because I'm sure he will make her see sense" encouraged Harry.
"No! I don't want anyone to know" blurted out Carly.
"But you need somewhere to live" countered Harry.
"I'm about to be at Hogwarts for the next few months, so I have somewhere to stay. I'm not homeless. And when we break up for the holidays, I will stay with Luna. Just like you do with Ron, to get away from the Dursleys. So, I am fine".

"I guess it must be nice, living with your girl-" started Harry.
"My best friend. Yes, it is" interupted Carly, gesturing her head to Neville, who was sat beside Harry, reminding him that he couldn't talk about her and Luna's relationship with other people present.
"I suppose as long as you are safe and happy, there is no need for me to tell anyone else that you've been kicked out" sighed Harry.
"Promise?" Questioned Carly.
"I promise" answered Harry.

"Neville, do you also promise not to tell anyone else the truth about my living arrangements?" Asked Carly.
"I won't say anything, I swear. I would never snitch on a friend... I also know what it's like to live with a family member who doesn't often want you around, as I've grown up with my grandmother. So, I get wanting to live with someone nice instead. Although, my grandmother has actually been rather nice to me this summer, since she's proud of me for fighting alongside you guys at the Ministry. She says that I'm finally starting to act like my parents. She even bought me a new wand, since my old wand, that used to be my dad's, got destroyed at the Ministry... So, don't worry, I won't tell anyone your secret" reassured Neville.
"Thank you Neville" replied Carly.

A few moments later the compartment door opened, and a Ravenclaw girl none of them recognised, stepped inside, while her giggling friends hung back.
"Hello Harry" blushed the girl.
"Um, Hello" mumbled Harry awkwardly.
"Me and my friends were wondering if you would like to come and sit in our compartment instead. So that you don't have to sit with these people" replied the girl, causing her friends outside to giggle, and Luna and Carly to frown.
"These are my friends. And I would rather sit with them than anyone else" announced Harry.
"Oh... Well, you can always come and find us if you change your mind".

Once the girls had gone, Harry glanced at the floor, clearly embarrassed by the whole situation.
"You see, I told you that everyone will expect you to hang out with cooler people" sighed Carly.
"I don't care what people think. I will hang out with whoever I like. Besides, you guys were all there for me at the Ministry, those giggling girls weren't. You are the brave people I want by my side, not them. You, Luna, Neville, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione, are my real friends. And I will stick up for you this term Carly, because I want us to spend as much time together as possible, to make up for all the years we missed out on" announced Harry.
"Oh... Great" mumbled Carly, who was just starting to see how difficult that year was going to be for her and Luna.

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