60. Partners

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**TW, the second half of this chapter will feature attempted SA. If this triggers you, or makes you feel too uncomfortable, please stop reading after the asterisks about half way down. Remember, your mental health comes first**

Carly realised that she didn't want to date her cousin, even though it was just for show. So, she decided to go out with Blaise Zabini instead, as they were both in the Slug Club, which meant they already spent a lot of time together.
Blaise was unsure at first about dating her, but when Carly explained that it was just to help her with her mission from Voldemort, Blaise jumped at the chance to be of use to the dark lord.
He played his part well, showering Carly with affection when they were in public, and pretending to be the perfect boyfriend.
Carly did her best to act as well as he did, but it was hard when she saw Luna's face fall every time she watched Blaise and Carly together.

On the last day of the school term, Slughorn was hosting a Christmas party, to which all the members of the Slug Club were encouraged to bring dates.
Narcissa had come up to Hogsmeade to go dress shopping with Carly, in order to get her the perfect outfit for the event.
Since Andromeda had been disowned, she'd never had access to the Black fortune. So, Carly was enjoying having lots of money at her disposal, and Narcissa knew all about fashion, which was something Carly hadn't cared much about in the past.

When the day of the party arrived, Carly stepped into the room, wearing a floor length, emerald green, sequin gown.
In order to cover up her dark mark, Carly had been forced to buy a dress with sleeves, as she was worried about covering it with make up, in case she got hot and sweaty and the foundation came off.
But since it was the middle of winter, Carly was glad to be wearing long sleeves.

Her hair had light curls in it, giving it more life than usual, and she had a Black family tiara on her head, which Narcissa had loaned her for the night.
Her roommates had spent a lot of time covering her face in thick make up, as they wanted her to make a good impression at the party.
Carly also wore a silver necklace, that hung above her low cut dress.
She couldn't help but notice several heads turn as she entered the room, and she wasn't sure she liked everyone staring at her chest.

"You know, if we weren't pretending to date, I would definitely ask you out right now" whispered Blaise, who was wearing the best suit money could buy, courtesy of his wealthy mother.
"Really?" Questioned Carly.
"Yes. You look stunning. Like a Slytherin queen" complimented Blaise.
"Well, you don't look too bad yourself"
"Thanks... Why don't I go and fetch us some drinks?"
"Sounds good to me".

While Carly waited for Blaise to come back, she looked over at the entrance as another couple entered the room.
Her jaw dropped as she saw Luna walk in, by her brother's side.
Harry was immediately cornered by Slughorn, who wanted to show Harry off to his friends and guests. So, Carly took this opportunity to grab Luna, and drag her to the other side of the room.
"What in Merlin's name are you doing here?" Demanded Carly.
"Harry invited me" answered Luna.

"You agreed to go on a date with my brother?" Questioned Carly.
"Don't be dim. We are just here as friends" replied Luna.
"Why would he invite you?" Asked Carly.
"Well, he can't exactly ask Ginny, even though he likes her, because she is dating Dean. And Hermione has come with Cormac, because she wants to make Ron jealous. And since your brother doesn't have many other female friends, he asked me to come with him. If people think I went on a date with him, they are unlikely to think that I actually like girls. I knew you'd be here as well, and I wanted to see you. So, this situation works out for all of us. Hermione also told him that girls in their house have been trying to sneak him love potions. So, she said he needed to pick someone to bring tonight, as soon as possible, before these girls got the chance to drug him. Which he why he decided to invite me".

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