9. Yay Or Nay

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"What do you mean you don't know?" Demanded Luna.
After Carly told Barty that she wasn't sure, and needed time to think, Luna dragged her girlfriend to the Room of Requirement so that they could talk.
"Well, it's a big decision. I don't want to say yes to something, when we don't know all the details. Barty didn't say who we would be working for, and I don't really want to end up a servant to someone like Grindelwald or Voldemort" admitted Carly.

"Barty didn't ask us to commit to anything. We didn't have to pledge our allegiance there and then. He just wanted to know if we would work for someone who was planning to change the world for the better, in the future. And if we would fight for what we believe in" said Luna.
"I know, but we're only 3rd years. Thinking about joining an army, and fighting the Ministry, sounds like something very grown up. And I'm not sure I'm ready to think about stuff like that" informed Carly.

"I get it. I mean, I don't feel ready to just pick up my wand and go to battle right now. But that's not what Barty was asking. He just wanted to know if he could count on us in the future. And I don't want us to turn down the chance to change the law in a few years time, just because we thought we were too young, when we were asked to join the cause. I don't want us to miss our shot at living the life we want" admitted Luna.
"I don't want to miss that chance either. But we don't know who this knew powerful wizard is going to be. They could be a terrible person, and ask us to do awful things. So, do you really think you could kill people, just to change the law?" Asked Carly.

"I'm not sure it will come to that-" started Luna.
"But if it did, could you really kill someone?" Interupted Carly.
"For you, I could do anything... Besides, how many people like us have the Ministry killed over the years? They have been arresting and killing our people, just for falling in love with someone they don't approve of. So, maybe it is our turn to fight back, and get revenge for those who have died. Afterall, if we don't fight for our rights, then who will? Because the Ministry isn't going to just change the law of its own accord. If we want things to change, then we have to be the ones to inspire that change".

Carly sighed and placed her hand onto Luna's cheek.
"I suppose I have been thinking about this all wrong. It's not about whether or not I want to fight or be in an army. It's about whether or not I can accept not being with you, and what I am prepared to do, to keep you safe. And there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep you in my life. I love you Lulu, and if fighting the Ministry, and taking peoples lives, is what it takes, to be able to live openly with you, then that is what I will do" announced Carly.
"And I will be right by your side the whole time" replied Luna.

"If I'm being honest, I would prefer it if you stayed out of the fighting all together. Because I don't want you to get hurt" admitted Carly.
Luna took Carly's hand from her face, and squeezed it tightly.
"But you know that I will never agree to stay out of the way. I want to be by your side the whole time, to protect you. And if there is a war coming in our future, then I want to make sure that I am on the right side" informed Luna.
"I knew you'd say something brave like that. I just wish you weren't so courageous sometimes" sighed Carly.
"The harsh world we live in, has forced me to be brave... I had never really faced death before, until my mum died. And when that happened, my whole world was turned upside down. I came out of that darkness, a different, but braver, person".

"I grew up without either of my parents, so I was exposed to death at a young age, since my aunt didn't want me to forget my dads and how amazing they were. I grew up knowing that they were cruelly taken from me. When I was younger I swore that I would never take a life, for I didn't want to put anyone else through what I had been through. As being an orphan sucked. But as Andy explained more to me about how my parents died, I realised that I could take a life in the future, if it meant getting revenge for my parents murders. When I realised that I loved you, and that the world could put me to death for that crime, I became an even harder person. And I promised myself that I would never let the law come in the way of my happiness. I would do whatever it took to get what I wanted" revealed Carly.

"Does this mean that we are going to join Barty's army?" Questioned Luna.
"Yes. In the morning we will both go to him and inform him of our decision. We want to fight for a world where we can be free, and nothing will stop us from getting what we want" answered Carly.
"I agree. Nothing will keep us apart" smiled Luna.
Carly leant forward and kissed Luna's lips, "From now on, we put our love first, before anything else. Good and bad no longer matter. There is just those on our side, and those who wish to tear us apart".
"Sounds like a plan to me" replied Luna.

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