81. Another One Bites The Dust

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Carly wasn't sure that she had done the right thing, giving Harry Regulus's locket, or even letting him run away when the dark lord wanted him dead so badly.
But once she had given him what he wanted, it was too late for her to change her mind.
As the end of the holidays approached, Thicknesse gave another speech, and this time it was about Hogwarts.
Attendance at Hogwarts, was now mandatory, provided you could prove you were descended from someone with magic.
Snape had been made headmaster, Amycus Carrow was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and his twin Alecto would now teach Muggle Studies.

To both Luna and Carly's suprise, they had been made Prefects, despite not being chosen as ones in their 5th year.
The two girls who had originally been given that assignment, had been stripped of their duties. For Voldemort wanted as many people loyal to him, in high ranking positions.
He also forced Snape to choose a Head Boy and Girl from only Slytherin, as he wanted everyone to view his ancestors house, as the best one.
Another change Voldemort had made, was to make Muggle Studies compulsory for every student, as he wanted them all to know just how stupid and disgusting Muggles were.

On the very last night of the summer holidays, the girls were packing in Carly's room, when Bellatrix arrived carrying a note.
"I've got something for you" announced Bellatrix.
"Is it from the dark lord? Is it instructions for a mission?" Asked Carly, as she took the note from Bellatrix.
"No, as far as I know, the dark lord doesn't have a mission for you this term, aside from being the best that you can be, and putting everyone else in their place. This note is from a low ranking death eater. I don't who his name or if he is important enough to have the dark mark, but he insisted I gave this to you" revealed Bellatrix.

"I've been instructing other death eaters to complete tasks for me, by pretending the instructions come directly from the dark lord. If I promise low ranking death eaters that I will get them in the dark lord's good books, they will do almost anything for me" explained Carly.
"Smart" grinned Bellatrix.
Carly opened the note, before showing it to Luna.
"It's an address" mumbled Luna.
"And who exactly lives at this address?" Questioned Bellatrix.
"Someone I would very much like to punish" answered Carly.

"And do I get to know who this person is?" Quizzed Bellatrix.
"If you must know, the person in question is Cormac McLaggen" informed Carly.
"The boy who-"
"Who tried to assualt me, yes" interupted Carly.
"Carly has had death eaters trying to find his home for ages. Now that he's finished school and moved out of his parents house, he was hard to track. But it looks like we've finally found him" admitted Luna.

"So, you're going to give him hell?" Asked Bellatrix.
"Yes" Carly replied bluntly.
"And do I get to come along on this fun little outing?" Questioned Bellatrix.
"I would prefer it if you left this up to me and Luna. We're the ones who need to get out revenge, not you"
"I know you need to get revenge on him, but does the dark lord know of your intentions?"
"He doesn't know that I've had someone looking for Cormac. But he knows that Cormac is on mine and Luna's list of people we want to hurt, and kill".

"Do you intend on killing this boy tonight?" Quizzed Bellatrix.
"I don't know yet. It will depend on how I feel when I get there" admitted Carly.
"Because if you do, you're going to need me on clean up duty. Although you have killed people before, you've never had to dispose of a body, or clear up a crime scene afterwards, little one. You don't know the correct procedure" pointed out Bellatrix.
"She's got a point. We might need her" Luna said softly.
"But I want us to do it by ourselves" insisted Carly.

"How about this. I take you there tonight, and clean up after you, to make sure that no one can connect you to the crime scene. But I will leave you alone to deal with this boy in anyway you see fit. I will not get in the way" promised Bellatrix.
"Alright fine, you can come" sighed Carly.
"Excellent. I'll get my coat" grinned Bellatrix.

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