95. The Beginning Of The End

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One night in the beginning of May, Luna was awoken from her sleep by the sound of a large bang coming from below her, and the burning of the dark mark on her arm.
She grabbed her wand and bolted from her dormitory, as her roommates did the same.
As they arrived in the common room they saw that the Carrows had both been Stunned, and Harry was standing over them with his wand raised, and McGonagall and Cho by his side.
"Harry, what are you and Cho Chang doing here?" Demanded Luna.
Cho's sudden appearance confused Luna just as much as Harry's, for Cho had finished Hogwarts the year before.
"None of your business" replied Harry coldly.

"What have you done to the Carrows?" Questioned Luna.
"Nothing more than what they deserved. Amycus had the audacity to spit in McGonagall's face, when she tried to defend your house, so I made him pay for it" revealed Harry.
"Coming here tonight was very stupid of you. You must know that you aren't going to be able to just walk out of here. The dark lord knows you are here, and Snape will also have been alerted to your presence" replied Luna.
"I am not afraid of either of them"
"Well, you should be. They are more powerful than you".

Even though Carly was all the way in the Slytherin dormitory downstairs, Luna knew that she had also been alerted to Harry's presence, due to Alecto's dark mark being pressed.
"Are you here to see Carly?" Asked Luna.
"No. I have more important things going on right now, than her" Harry answered cooly.
Luna folded her arms, "That's not a very nice thing to say about my girlfriend".
"Not everything is about you two! I have the fate of the wizarding world resting on my shoulders, and I don't have time for either of you".

"Speaking of which, Potter, you had better get going, as there is something you are looking for, isn't there" reminded McGonagall.
"Yes, there is" replied Harry.
"How much time do you need, Mr Potter?" Asked McGonagall.
"As much as you can give me, Professor"
"Alright then, you and Miss Chang should head back down the tower, and rejoin the rest of your friends. I will join you in a moment".
Harry nodded, and fled from Ravenclaw tower with Cho right behind him.

"Professor, what on earth is going on?" Demanded Luna.
"I am taking back this school, that is what is going on Miss Lovegood. And if you even think about disobeying me, or contacting your master, I will place you under the body-binding curse, until this is all over. Is that understood?" Questioned McGonagall.
"Yes Professor" mumbled Luna.
"Good. Now, I want you and the rest of your house to get dressed, and meet me down in the great hall as soon as possible. There is much to do".

McGonagall could be scary when she needed to be, and Luna did not want to cross her. So, she did as she was told and got dressed, before following the rest of her house downstairs.
Once in the great hall, Luna left the Ravenclaws, to stand beside Carly, as that was where she belonged.
"What on earth is going on?" Whispered Carly.
"I'll tell you later" replied Luna.
Carly opened her mouth, wanting to know more, but she closed it when she saw Harry walk into the room, followed by the DA and the entire Order of the Phoenix.

Once McGonagall was certain that everyone had arrived, she began to explain about her plan to evacuate the castle, before the death eaters turned up in search of Harry.
"Where is Professor Snape?" Demanded Pansy, cutting McGonagall off.
"He has, how you young people might say, done a bunk" answered McGonagall.
"What exactly does that mean?" Questioned Carly.
"He fled the castle when I confronted him. He jumped out of a window, rather than staying here to defend you all. Which is why I am now taking over" announced McGonagall.

"What if we don't want to evacuate? What if we want to stay here and fight for the school?" Quizzed Seamus, causing several of his friends to cheer.
"Those students who are of age, may stay. But I must stress that if you do stay, you do so at your own risk" replied McGonagall.
Luna looked over at Carly, knowing that her girlfriend was not yet 17. However, since they were unlikely to be fighting alongside their classmates, she didn't think that this would matter.
Voldemort had never cared about their age in the past.

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