58. Outside Opinion

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After parting ways with Luna, Carly headed down to the Defense Against the Dark Arts room, in search of Snape, as she wanted to get word to Voldemort.
She found him in his office going over paperwork, so she sat down in front of him without being asked. Since he wasn't just her teacher, but a fellow death eater, so she didn't feel the need to treat him like the other teachers.
Carly found it strange to see that the walls had been painted dark green, as the last time she had been in that the room, the walls had been bright pink. As Umbridge had painted every inch of her office pink.
She also spotted a folded up newspaper on Snape's desk, with the headline facing up, so she knew he had read the article in the Prophet.

"Ah Potter, I was just coming to find you, to give you and the rest of your house, their new timetables" informed Snape, as he looked up from the schedules on his desk, to face her.
"I wish you wouldn't say Potter, with such hatred. I'm not my brother or my father, you know" reminded Carly.
"I am very aware of that... Well then, Carly, what can I do for you this early in the morning?" Questioned Snape.
"Surely that is obvious. You have read the Prophet, haven't you?".

Snape's eyes flicked to the newspaper, before going back to Carly, "Yes, I have read it. But I don't see what this has to do with me, or why you have sought me out to talk about it".
"Because you need to get a message to the dark lord for me. You need to beg him to take over now, and end the suffering of people like me" insisted Carly.
"Let me get one thing straight, I do not have to do anything. I also do not go around begging people to do things, especially not the dark lord" replied Snape.

"But the dark lord instructed you to be our liason. It is your job to send messages between us and the dark lord" reminded Carly.
"It is my job to pass information, to the dark lord. Not grovel at his feet, on your behalf. It is not up to you or I, to tell him how to do his job" Snape said sternly.
"I know that. But we need his help. My people are being persecuted, and it's not right! Only the dark lord can stop the Ministry, and change the law. Lots of innocent people will die, or be sentenced to life in Azkaban, if the dark lord does not intervene soon" replied Carly.

"I am well aware of that. But the dark lord cannot attack the Ministry until he is ready. He can't rush his plans, just because you want him to. The dark lord is aware of the situation we find ourselves in, and he will make things better for everyone. But not until the time is right" informed Snape.
"But I can't just sit back and do nothing, while my people are criminalised and murdered" insisted Carly.
"You must. You cannot move against the Ministry, without the dark lords say so. He owns you, and you cannot disobey him. Right now, he needs you here, spying for him, as that is the task he gave you and your girlfriend. You will be of no use to the dark lord if you get yourself killed, trying to singlehandedly topple an entire corrupt government. So, you must do nothing" instructed Snape.

"I can't smile and nod my head, while my peers talk trash about people like me. I'm not that good of an actor" admitted Carly.
"Well, you're going to have to be. If you don't want to be arrested, you will have to obey the rules, no matter how much you despise them" replied Snape.
"That's easy for you to say, it's not your people being persecuted" spat Carly.
"Just because we both serve the dark lord, it does not mean that we are of equal rank. And while we are at school, I am still your teacher, so you will treat me with respect".

"Sorry, Professor" muttered Carly.
Snape rolled his eyes, "You are just as insufferable as that brother of yours".
"Am not" snapped Carly.
"No matter how much you try and deny it, you two are very similar... Now, get out of my sight, and return to the great hall. The first lessons of the new term begin very soon afterall. So, get going" instructed Snape.
"Whatever you say, Professor".

As Carly climbed up the grand staircase, she ended up running back into her brother.
"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you. Luna returned to the great hall, but you didn't. And I was worried about you" admitted Harry.
"You worry too much" sighed Carly.
"I guess worrying about people I care about, is a fatal flaw of mine... What were you doing down there anyway?" Questioned Harry.
"Talking to Snape".

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