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"Get up, you whore!" I heard someone yell. I quickly  got up and realised it was my step dad.


The door suddenly opened before I had the chance to get up.

He looked angry, "Fucking slut.You think you can just sit here all day? Lazy ass. Get up now and clean the house." He yelled

"Y-yes dad" I stuttered, I hated my stutter. Yet I couldn't control it whenever I got nervous. Many people hated me for it, What was I suppose to do to stop it?

"How many times have i told you not to call me that! Fucking bitch. You call me "sir" show some fucking respect" He yelled in my ear making me flinch "yes sir." I corrected myself

He grabbed my hair and dragged me downstairs I saw my mum sitting in the living room. I always begged her for help but she never cared. I didn't understand why.

Did she not love me?

Why did she always kick me away when i asked for help?

Mason, My step dad. dragged me into the kitchen and shoved me on the floor, Glass from a beer bottle or maybe multiple? Was all over the floor.

"Hurry up bitch!" Mason shouted, He opened a kitchen draw and threw a plastic bag at me. I assumed it was for the glass.

That had to have been the kindest thing he had ever done for me.

Soon I had finished picking up the glass shards. My hands were bleeding. I underestimated how sharp the glass was, It looked dull. Yet it wasn't.

I  prayed he would leave me alone but he didn't, I just wanted to hide under my covers.

He dragged me into the living room "Emma, come and watch me fuck up this kid" Mason said with a smile.

Mum got up and stood against the wall, I could see a small hint of worry on her face.

I couldn't focus on the worry in her face as a sharp pain landed on my stomach. Causing me to fall down.

Mason had kicked me. He always wore heavy boots which made it so much worse.

"please" I sobbed, I was begging for him to stop I felt so much burning all over my body.

All I heard was Mason and mum laughing, "Babe. We have to leave. Leave the bitch alone for an hour" Mum suddenly said. Her eyes were on me, This time I could see the fear in her face.

"Oh fuck, Alright. lets go." He said.

As Mason walked, He kicked me once more. I had to hold back a scream. He kicked me right where my ribs were.

Mum and Mason left about Two hours ago. It was a bit weird as they were usually back after an hour.

They only went to a dinner place round the corner, and its a 10 minute drive.

I couldn't help but worry. Was that right for me to do that?

Mason and mum says they were just teaching me discipline so It's normal for everyone right. yeah.

Suddenly a loud knock came on the door, why would they knock? They have a key for the house, Maybe they just forgot it? I went downstairs limping in pain.

It hurt so bad to walk, Yet all the pain drained from my body as I opened the door and saw I opened the door and  saw a police officer!?

"h-hello" I said, That damn stutter was back.

The older brothers and the Younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now