Not good enough

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I ended up not going out, I went into Calla's room to see if she still wanted to go out and she was not there. 

I obviously panicked and ran to Mateo's room, He didn't know where she was. I went to Leo and he called her, She went out to get ice-cream.

She left without telling any  of us.. after what happened last time. We were all angry, Leo was more than angry.

I don't know what's wrong with Leo, He has been acting more.. Strict. Not as strict as Ethan but still.. Ethan was working right now. I have a feeling Leo will tell Ethan about Calla's sneaking out.

Mateo was nearly as angry as Leo, I was angry but I felt more guilty than angry. I should've just took her out, Me and Mateo have been spending more time together. We built a better relationship. Leo has been working a lot in his office.

He barely comes out, Usually only to scold us or to make sure we have eaten. Once in a while comes to check on us.

Ethan has barely been home in the past week, He is busy at the business. I thought Calla was fine, Me and Mateo should have included her in our plans and shit. I don't really think Leo or Mateo was thinking that she could be feeling left out, or lonely. 

I don't want my sister to think she is alone, I went through those thoughts. I will make it my life long vision to make sure she never goes through that. 

"What the hell was she thinking?" Leo muttered and sat down on the sofa. "I don't know. She is stupid." Mateo replied, Leo nodded his head in agreement. I sighed and stood up, Heading to Calla's room.

"Where are you going?" Leo's voice stopped me, "Going to check on Calla." I answered. 

"Why?" Mateo asked, "Because. She's our sister." I replied and went upstairs without giving them time to reply. 

I walked to her bedroom and knocked on the door, I heard her say 'come in'. I walked in, Calla was sitting on the floor with her knees up to her chest. 

Her head lifted up from her knees, Her eyes were quite red. I walked over to her and sat next to her, I was still a bit away from her as I wanted to give her some space. 

No words were spoken until, "I'm sorry." She mumbled. I looked over at her, She was already looking at me. "Cal, It's fine." I said back, "I don't believe you" She said.

I sighed, "I'm a bit mad at you. I don't want anything to happen to you again, You didn't deserve to go through any of that. I want to protect you, I can't do that if I don't know where you are." I said. 

"I'm sorry, Xavier." She said again, I nodded and moved a bit closer to her. "I didn't mean to cause trouble." Calla said, My heart throbbed. "You don't cause trouble, baby." I said, "I do" She said as tears pooled in her eyes. 

Her breathing became to get uneven. I don't know what was going through her head but it was sending her into a panic attack.

"Cal, breathe. Tell me what's wrong" I said quickly, She shook her head. I sighed and pulled her into my lap in attempt to calm her down. 

It did not work, Her breathing only got worse. I don't know what to do in these situations. I'm not good at helping people when they cry, "Baby. I need to go and get Leo and Mateo" I said. She shook her head and held onto me tighter.

"Baby-" I sighed and wrapped my arms around her, I whispered things into her ear. Things like, -'breathe in and out' 'your safe'.

I picked up my phone from the floor and messaged Mateo. I figured it would only make it worse if Leo was here as well, Especially because Leo just yelled at her but Mateo stayed quiet the whole time as did I.

I messaged Mateo to come upstairs quickly because Calla is having a panic attack.

Within seconds there was footsteps coming up. The door opened to reveal Mateo, His eyes were wide. "Cal-" He said as he said down next to us, She looked up. She was shocked to see him, I guess Calla didn't hear him come upstairs.

"Cal, Princess. Breathe in and out, Give me your hand." Mateo said gently. Calla started to breathe in and out, she gave Mateo her hand.

Mateo placed her finger tips on my wrist where my pulse was. Even though I was calm on the outside, I was panicking on the inside as well. I still remained calm breathes though, That will help her. I think.

"tell us what's wrong." Mateo said after Calla calmed down a bit more, Even though she was half asleep on me. 

"I don't think I'm good enough." She whispered, She fell asleep afterwards.

Me and Mateo looked at each other in shock to what our baby sister just said.




ANYWAYS i got some stories to tell yall 

so im in another groupchat and uh it's actually great its been a couple days and it has not gone dead yet

and uh 


now i dont have anymore concerts for a while because nobody i like is going on tour like fuck you

the only people i WANT to see is, NF, Cavetown, Billie Ellish, Alec Benjamin, Olivia Rodrigo

The rest are dead aka, Lil peep, XXX, Juice wrld

anyways I went to see Tom Grennan yesterday In LONDON, I also tried five guys (As a british person) It was shit, i'm sorry but why are the burgers so big and the drinks- 


word count: 967

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