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I could not believe that Emily slapped Calla. 

Emily was suppose to be staying a couple nights because she had gotten kicked out by her parents. 

Xavier had taken Calla upstairs.

"Leo! I think my hand is broken." Emily whined, Leo rolled his eyes.

"Emily, I don't care. You slapped our little sister, You slapped your cousin!" Leo shouted at her, "but, Leo!" She started.

"Emily. Be glad we are letting you stay tonight, The only reason we are letting you stay after you slapped Calla is because it's already 6pm. We all want you gone by tomorrow, 12pm sharp." I stated to her.

I could see the anger in her eyes, Mateo looked like he wanted to murder her.

Mateo had been getting better about his yelling fear, He had been going out less with his friends and spending more time with Calla.

We were worried about Calla though, As she is homeschooled now she is not going to make friends. We wanted her to have the best childhood she could possibly have after.. Mason and our disgrace of a mother.

"fine." Emily said, "Good. Now come with me, I'm taking you to the guest bedroom." Mateo said, He grabbed Emily's hand and dragged her along with him. I could hear Emily telling him to let her go but I assume he didn't.

Xavier came downstairs, "Is Calla okay?" Leo asked. He nodded his head, "She is asleep. She seemed to be doing good.. really good." Xavier said. 

It was a bit strange how Emily slapped Calla and she didn't look scared, That worried me a bit. I mean obviously it was good that she wasn't as scared but.. Calla had been through so much shit.

"Let's just keep an eye on Calla. I want to make sure she's safe." Leo said, We all agreed on it. 

I sighed as I saw Emily walking up to us, "Where is.. Calla's room?" She asked. We all gave each other looks, Why did she want to know?

"Why?" I asked, She looked at me confused for a moment. "I want to say.. sorry to her." She said, 

"She's sleeping, You can say sorry to her when she is awake." I said, She looked annoyed but nodded. Emily walked away, She was walking like she wanted to empress us.

"What the fuck?" Xavier muttered under his breathe. 

Mateo came downstairs, He looked like he had been running. "What the fuck?" Xavier muttered under his breathe again, Leo chuckled. 

"where.. the fuck.. did that- did Emily go?" He asked trying to catch his breathe, "She just went back to her room?.. Why?" Leo asked trying to hold back his smile as Mateo held onto the wall for support.

"the bitch kicked me in the fucking dick and ran away from me." Mateo said annoyed. 

Xavier burst out into laughter, "Haha! sucks to be you." Xavier said. Leo was laughing slightly but covered it up with his sleeve.

I was trying not to laugh but still laughed a bit. It was quite funny, Okay. Maybe a lot funny. 

"It's not fucking funny." Mateo said and walked to the living room and threw himself on the couch and turned the tv on.

Xavier followed him and sat on the couch with him, I chuckled again. "Do you think Charlotte and Greg will come looking for Emily here?" Leo asked.

Charlotte was Emily's sister and Greg was Emily's Brother. Its a long story but we don't talk to Charlotte or Greg anymore. They messed up badly and lost our trust, We haven't seen them in years.

"I fucking hope not." I said, Leo nodded.


"I have an idea" I said to Mateo

he looked at me, "what is it?" He asked with suspicion laced in his tone.

"I want to pull a prank on Calla" I said with a evil smile. Mateo smiled as soon as I said it, "Okay. what is the prank?" He asked.

This is where the fun begins.


"okay, Throw these rocks at her window until she gets up and looks out the window. As soon as you see her, hide. She'll probably leave her room to see what the fuck it was and then.. It'll happen." I said, Mateo nodded.

I went upstairs and placed a bucket of freezing cold water, I set it up so as soon as the door was opened it would fall. 

I haven't pulled a prank in ages, Ethan would always ground me for playing pranks on him. Leo got pissed at me for doing it, Mateo would always pull worse pranks on me. It ended up in us both getting in trouble.

Hopefully we won't get in to much trouble.

I sent a message to Mateo saying everything was done.


I groaned as I heard a loud bang, What the fuck was that?

I shot up from my bed, I waited for the sound again. It sounded like it was coming from the window?

I was nervous but still got up to check.

I felt like one of those annoying people from horror films, The ones that got up and checked what the loud noise was at night and end up getting killed first.

 I walked towards the window and opened the curtains, There was nobody there. 

My nerves spiked up more, What was that noise? I should go and tell Ethan or Leo, Maybe it was Emily. 

I couldn't help but think that.. Maybe my brothers would pick up on Emily's ways. Maybe they would think that I would be easier to deal with if they slapped me every once and a while. Maybe even everyday. 

Maybe, Maybe, Maybe.

My mind was never going to turn off so.. If I just acted like I wasn't scared. Nobody could take advantage of it. 

I twisted the door knob of the door and opened it.

I gasped as I felt my body being covered in freezing cold water. I shut my eyes as it dripped down me, I wiped the water off my eyes so I can open them again. 

I opened my eyes, I ignored the small burn from the water. I saw Xavier and Mateo holding back their laughs, I glared at them for a moment. 

They burst out into laughter.

well.. They may be happy right now but, They forget I know exactly where both of their cookies and ice-cream are. I'm going to take them later, It'll be fun to see them get pissed off at each other.

Leo came upstairs, Probably hearing Xavier and Mateo's loud laughter. He saw me dripping with water, He started to laugh as well.

I shot him a glare as well, "I-I'm sorry." He said through the laughter.

"I swear to god." I muttered and walked back into my room and shut the door. I needed to get in a hot shower now. 







word count; 1165

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