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Someone fucking hurt my baby sister, I yelled at her.

I was angry, I thought she done it just to cause trouble. Xavier always use to do that, I don't know why I assumed Calla would do it.

Calla was looking down at the floor, She was crying. Sage had her nose on her wrist, Where her pulse was.

"C-Calla" I said, Fuck. I didn't expect my voice to come out like that, She looked up at me. Her eyes were full of tears.

I didn't know what to say.

I carefully walked towards her, She looked scared as I moved forward. I stopped in my steps, "I-I'm not going to hurt you, Calla." I said, She looked as she didn't believe me.

Her breathing increased, "Cal. Breathe in and out, Slow deep breaths. I won't come near you until your ready, okay? No one will hurt you anymore. I fucking promise" I mumbled the last bit.

I was going to find the fucker that hurt my baby sister and kill him. 

I hated myself for making her feel even worse about it, I didn't mean to. Maybe Leo was right, I need to get some fucking medication to control my anger or something.

"E-Ethan" she said as she got control of her breathing again, "yeah" I replied in a soft tone. I didn't want her to be scared of me, I had done a shit job of making her feel like she shouldn't fear me though.

"I-It hurts" She said as more tears streamed down her face, I didn't know if she meant mentally or on her actual body.

"Where, princess?" I asked gently, She didn't reply. 

I had gotten the hint though, "okay. It's fine, princess." I said.

 I did not know if it was fine.

I went to nursing school for a couple years but I didn't know much, "I'm going to call Leo and we're going to go to the hospital. Okay?" I asked. "I-I'm scared" Calla said, My heart ached. 

"I know, Princess. It's going to be alright" I said, She nodded her head. I pulled out my phone and pressed on Leo's contact.

"What's up?" Leo said

"Get your ass home, We need to go to the hospital." I said quickly, "What? why? Is Calla okay? Are you okay" He asked.

"I'm fine, Calla got.." I couldn't even bring myself to say it. "Calla got- Raped" I muttered into the phone, Silence.

It was pure silence. 

"Did you just say Calla got fucking raped?" He asked, I could hear the anger through his tone. "yes, We need to go to the hospital. Be fucking angry later. It won't help the problem" I said to Leo, "right. Okay, Meet us at the hospital? Xavier and Mateo are coming back to the car now" Leo said.

"yea, I'll see you there" I said, I hung up the phone after. "Cal, Can you move?" I asked, She shook her head.

I sighed and nodded, "Can I pick you up?" I asked. She slightly nodded, I think she was still scared.

no shit, she's still scared you idiot. She has gotten fucking abused for most of her childhood and now raped. I have done a shitty job of helping her through that as well, fuck.

I walked slowly over to her and picked her up, "can Sage come?" She asked.

well, It was a hospital. I don't think they allow pets there.

"It's a hospital, Princess. They won't allow her to come but I promise she'll be right here waiting for when we get back." I said, She nodded her head.

I walked downstairs and to the closest car, I sat her down and buckled her seat belt on for her, I quickly got in the drivers side and started to drive to the nearest hospital.

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