The hospital

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I sat on the hospital chair, Bouncing my leg up and down. Even though the doctors said mutiple times she was fine and they were just waiting for her to wake up, I was still nervous.

I knew I should have stayed home, If I stayed home then this wouldn't of happened. 

Mateo was looking at the hospital room door as well, Ethan and Leo were just talking. You could tell they were nervous as well.

"Mr. Chase, Calla is awake.. though she is quite afraid." The doctor came back out the room and said.

"Can we go in?" I asked, "I don't think it would be best. If we have your consent, we would like to give her some medication that will make her calm down." the doctor said.

Leo looked at Ethan, "What does it do other than calm her down?" Ethan asked. We weren't stupid, some of those medications come with bad side effects. I especially knew that, I had been placed on them before.

It was one of the worst times of my life, They injected me with some sort of medication without my consent or Leo's. I couldn't feel my body for 24 hours, I couldn't move. All I could do was speak and that was just about it. 

"It doesn't harm her in any way, It will just make her calm. She is just very stressed right now and we think it would be best for her." The doctor said.

"no, We would like to go in." Ethan said coldly. "Sir, I don't think that's a good idea. It may make her more stressed." The doctor said, clearly getting annoyed.

"We are going in." Ethan said, We all followed Ethan into the room.

Calla was sitting on the hospital bed with her knees up to her chest. She was crying, "Princess." Ethan said softly. 

It's weird seeing Ethan being soft. 

She looked up, Her eyes were full of fear and relief. "E-Ethan?" she said in her breaking up voice. "We're here." Ethan said and walked over to her and hugged her. 

"p-please don't let them put that medication into me." She begged, Leo looked at her. "we won't, baby." Leo said.

"It hurts." she mumbled as she put her head into Ethan's chest. Did she mean her body hurts or the medication hurts?

How would she know if the medication hurts?

What sort of medication hurts?

"It's okay, Princess." Ethan mumbled looking at the three of us. 

"When can I go?" She mumbled sleepily into Ethan, Leo sighed. "Soon, I think they just have to clean your.. wounds again and then we can go, baby." Leo explained, she muttered okay.

it had been a little while now, Mateo was sitting on the chair next to the bed. Leo was leaning against the wall just admiring. Ethan was still holding Calla in his arms as she refused to let go, I was just standing. 

"princess, how about me and Leo go to mcdonalds?" Ethan suggested, Calla nodded. He unwrapped his arm from around her, she winced at the bright light. Ethan kissed her forehead, Leo hugged her on the way out.

me and Mateo were alone in the room with her now, It was tense. I didn't know what to say, I was angry at Calla for trying to leave us. She obviously wasn't thinking right, I get that. 

I don't know what in the world would make her think that we didn't want her, We don't even know why she done this. We haven't talked to her yet.

"I'm going to get wat- you know what, I'm not going to sugar coat it. I'm going to piss, bitches. I'll be back." Mateo said and patted Calla's head before he left.

"am I a damn dog?" Calla mumbled, I chuckled. She was wearing the same over-sized shirt that she came in here with, I guess she didn't want to wear the hospital gown. 

I can't blame her, They fucking suck. I hate those damn things.

"Xavier" she said, I looked up at her. "hug?" she muttered, I smiled and nodded and walked towards her. 

I sat down on the bed and wrapped my arms around her small figure, "I love you Calla." I said. "I love you to" She replied.

"I need to give you all a nickname." She muttered, I chuckled. "what are you thinking?" I asked. 

"I don't know, I'm going to have to think on it." she said, I smiled and nodded. 

Not long after, Leo and Ethan came back with food. "Where is Mateo?" Leo asked, "he said he went to piss like an hour ago." Calla mumbled, she was on my phone. 

Her phone was still at home. 

"I'm back, bitches!" Mateo yelled as he entered the room, "Mateo. That was the longest piss ever." I said, "I was talking to some nurse. turned out she was 30, she looked 16!" Mateo said.

"What the hell." Ethan muttered.

"okay anyways, Here's food." Leo said.


"okay, Miss chase. We need to do a body check." The bitchy nurse came in, she was the nurse I wanted to punch as soon as she spoke which was when we all first came in. 

"hold on, why?" Mateo spoke up. Ethan and Leo both made a sound in agreement to Mateo's question. 

"We need to make sure she is not cutting anywhere else, or underweight or overweight." The nurse said as she looked Calla up and down. Making Calla look down at the bed, again.

"Mhm, and how will that exactly go?" Leo asked, "Well.. she will need to remove her clo-" She didn't even get to finish talking. 

"nope." I said, "Sir. You do not have a choice in this." The nurse said. "Calla, do you want to do this?" I asked, she quickly shook her head no.

"There, She isn't doing it." Mateo said, "it's not a choice. It has already been decided by her doctors." The nurse said

"Ma'am with all due respect, Me and Ethan can take you and whoever else who tries to force my sister to do something she does not want to do, down in 10 minutes." Leo spoke.

"Sir- we are just trying to look out for her." the nurse said and made a move to take Calla's hand, "no. Do not touch her" I said giving her a death stare.

The nurse stood back in fear, "I'll go and get the doctor.." She said. "no, I want the discharge papers. Now." Ethan said.

The nurse was about to argue, With one glare from Leo she quickly nodded and left to get them.




well my sibling got them, I wasn't awake



oh yeah and i've planned another book

I have fucking 10 books. what the fuck do I do when I finish them, okay anyways yeah

love you all

word count: 1158

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