Maybe I'll be okay.

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After about an hour we finally managed to let them release Calla without a fucking mental ward and a therapist. 

We decided we want Calla to decide if she wants to go to therapy or not, When we did offer it she quickly said no. 

Ethan carried Calla out of the hospital, we all refused to let her walk. 

We all got into the car and drove home. We were going to make sure Calla is gonna be okay.


We arrived back at the house, I was about to go into my room until.. "Cal." Leo's voice said, Fuck.

I turned back around, To see Leo and Mateo. "As much as we don't want to do this, We need to search your room. We don't want you to hurt yourself again, okay?" Leo said. 

What? That was fucking stupid. 

I only done it because.. I wasn't in the right state of mind. I mean was I wrong? I'm not worth anything to people, I'm just in the background. 

though.. my brothers have showed me that I do matter, Xavier had explained to me that they were just doing some work. They didn't expect me to be awake so soon, it wasn't their fault.

"but-" I tried to argue, "No arguments, Cal. We refuse to let you hurt yourself again, we won't let anybody hurt you again." Leo said, I rolled my eyes and stood aside allowing them to go into my room.

After they finished searching my room, they took some unreasonable stuff but whatever. Nothing I really needed.

I finally walked into my room, My eyes lit up as I saw Sage. "Sage?" I said, She quickly opened her eyes and hopped off my bed and rushed to me. 

She jumped on me, "hi, baby." I said as I petted her head. 

I felt gross, I needed to shower. I stood away from Sage and went into my bathroom, Memories from it came to my head quickly. 

I shook them away, It's fine. I am fine! I undressed and got into the shower, I looked at the healing cuts. 

I'm fine. 

"Calla! Come downstairs, dinner." I heard Xavier call, Motherfucker. I am in the shower, he can fucking wait.

I continued to wash my hair, "Calla!" Ethan called this time. 

Oh my fucking lord, "yeah?" I called back. "Where are you?" He asked, I sighed.

Where the hell does he think I am? The fucking basement? "In the shower" I said, "mm.. Okay. Hurry up" He said

I heard my bedroom door shut and sighed again, I finally got out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom, I pulled some random clothes out of the closet.



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