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I sighed as I sat down in my office chair, I didn't know what to do about Mateo or Calla.

Mateo was a fucking mess. 

Calla is also a mess.

Xavier is just.. he doesn't show emotion.

Leo is stressed. 

I ran my hands through my hair, Fuck. Calla was starting school soon as well, I don't know how that is going to go for her. I feel like a shitty brother but I just want the best for them all.

Leo is better at understanding emotions more than me, I don't think before I do or say. 

Calla was refusing to eat and so was Mateo, Xavier stayed with Calla and Leo stayed with Mateo to make sure he didn't do anything. I still think we need to get Mateo and maybe even Calla a therapist but Leo refused. 

I saw a email come through on my laptop, I groaned and opened it knowing it would be work related. 


To: Mr. Chase

Hello, This is a social worker. I have been asked to come here regarding Calla, I understand that you and Leo have recently taken custody. However, The police searched the home Calla was in and found blood that matched hers, So we now need to come and check out your home and living place. Just to make sure it is safe. 

If you could please Email me your phone number so I could get in contact with you easier that would be amazing. 

From: Mrs. Autumn 

I groaned as I read it, Fuck. They must have found Calla's blood from where those fuckers abused her! I felt my blood start to boil.

I replied to the email and gave her my number.

I heard a knock on the door, "come in." I said coldly. The door opened to reveal Mateo, His eyes are bloodshot red and he was wearing a oversized hoodie. He looked broken. 

My eyes softened as I saw him, I knew the guilt of hurting Calla was eating him up inside. He had never been good with yelling or doing anything to hurt anyone. 

"what's wrong?" I asked him in a softer tone, Mateo was a very fragile person. He needed love and protection, So does Calla. I know this is going to be hard for me and Leo and Xavier as we all have to care for our younger siblings extra. 

Xavier was good at handling Calla and he always has been. Me and Leo knew he could handle her alone which leaves me and Leo to help Mateo.

"H-hug?" Mateo asked as his eyes filled with tears again. I quickly nodded and got up and hugged him.  I rubbed his back as he cried softly into my shoulder, I couldn't help but feel bad for him. He needs actual help but I didn't want to make him feel crazy so I never put him into a therapist. 


Calla was a fucking mess.

She has been on edge ever since the nightmare of her parents, She has been flinching constantly. She hasn't been eating much, I didn't know how to help!

Leo has been busy trying to help Mateo and I don't know where Ethan is, I was stressed.

Calla has been in her bed most of the day, I was going to try something to help her. 

It's really hard for me to show emotion but I knew at this moment Calla needed Love and affection. She went through fucking shit most of her life, She has never been loved and cared for ever since she got taken away.

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