The tree

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I had just finished all of my school work for today, It was only 1pm. Sage was sitting next to me on the floor

I did have a desk but for some reason sitting at the desk makes me distracted. The floor is better.

Home schooling is pretty good.

Ethan was the only one home right now, Xavier got home in a couple minutes though. I think Leo is coming back home as well.

I felt really sick today, I fucking hated feeling like I was going to throw up. I sighed and put my head down on the carpet. 

Sage got up and put her paw on my head, I giggled. I got up and Sage looked at me, She licked my face. "Sage" I whined. 

I heard a door slam, That made me jump a bit. 

I could hear a lot of muffled yelling, I got up and went towards my door. 

I opened it a small bit so I could hopefully hear what they were saying. I couldn't hear much, I could tell it was Xavier and Ethan arguing though.

I opened it a bit more and stood outside my bedroom and made my way to the top of the stairs. Sage followed me, I was worried she would give me away but she stayed hidden as well.

"Xavier, You cannot fight someone whenever they piss you off!" Ethan yelled.

"Says who?" Xavier yelled back.

"Do not fucking raise your voice at me, Xavier." Ethan said in a dark tone. 

I wanted to go down there and see if they would stop arguing if I was down there. 

"Just fuck off, Ethan!" Xavier yelled, After that it was dead silent. Worry filled me, What was going on? Is Xavier okay? Is Ethan okay?

I heard footsteps, I quickly realised Xavier was coming upstairs. I ran into my bedroom with Sage and shut the door quietly. 

Xavier slammed his bedroom door, What happened?

Maybe I should go and see him? What is the worst that could happen?

I opened my bedroom door again and went to Xavier's door, I carefully knocked. Heavy footsteps came closer to the door, The door opened.

"What?" Xavier asked, His tone was kind of scary. It was kind of like my step-dad's voice.

"are- you okay?" I asked, I had to keep the image of my step-dad out of my mind. I can't keep making them worry about me, I need to stop relying on my brothers.

I'm probably being clingy. The sickness feeling got a lot worse as I was thinking of everything.

"yes, I'm fine. Leave me alone Calla." He said and slammed the door again.

oh, I just wanted to help.

I went back to my bedroom and sat on the sofa, The sickness feeling kept getting worse. Fuck.. I hate this feeling.

It was like my whole body was tigt.

I went to the bathroom just in case I did throw up. I heard the door open again, That had to be Leo right?

I was kind of scared to see any of my brothers, right now. I was getting kind of hungry though, Maybe thats why I feel sick? 

I'll just go make a sandwich or something.

I got up, My legs were pretty shaky. I made my way downstairs, Ethan and Leo were whispering yelling to each other. As soon as they saw me they stopped, "what's up, Calla?" Leo asked. 

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