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Those Idiots had gotten me sick.

I had been coughing and shivering all day. I hadn't told Ethan or Leo yet, Leo was the only one here today though.

It's a Tuesday. Fucking hate Tuesdays.

I wrapped a blanket around my shivering body, I was wearing fluffy clothes. I was so cold, I walked downstairs. Leo wasn't down here.

Where the hell is this tall fucker?

I walked back upstairs, I wasn't suppose to go up to the third floor. I thought about breaking the rule but.. I don't really want to get grounded. When Leo gets angry, he gets angry. I didn't think anyone could get more angrier then Ethan but, I was wrong.

I sighed and walked back to my room, I was kind of hungry. I can't really cook that well, I didn't want to bother Leo.

I was sat in my room overthinking everything for another 20 minutes before I finally decided to text Leo. 


ME: Leo?

DICKHEAD 1: What's up?

ME: Are you busy?

DICKHEAD 1: Kind of, Why? What's wrong?

ME: Nothing that Important. Where is the medication for a cold?

DICKHEAD 1: Are you sick? 

ME: I think so. 

He left me on read after that, He didn't even tell me where the medication was! I debated to text one of my other brothers but before I did anything, Leo barged into my room.

"Your fucking sick?" He asked, I nodded my head. Leo walked up to me and placed his hand on my forehead. Probably checking how warm I was, I never knew how they could tell though.

He sighed and pulled his hand away, "you are burning up, Cal. I bet this is because of Xavier and Mateo's little prank." He said, He was obviously pissed at them for this issue.

Mateo and me have been getting along really well, He has opened up to me about a lot of things. He is overprotective though, When I mentioned boys he started to get angry. I think all of my brothers have anger issues, Maybe they should see a therapist. 

"It's not their fault, It probably would have happened anyways. I barely wear coats outside." I said trying to defend my older brothers.

Leo just sighed and shook his head, "I'll be back." He said. I nodded my head, He left the room and went downstairs. 

Sage was sleeping in my bed, Right next to me. I loved this dog with all my heart, Maybe a tiny bit more than my brothers. Okay, Okay.. Maybe not but I loved Sage a lot.

I loved my brothers a lot, They had cared for me a lot. They do get angry a lot at me and yell but they have never actually hit me, Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody deserves more chances, Their also my brothers so.. I kind of have to forgive them.

I fear one day they will just kick me out for being to much to deal with, I have all the abuse and trauma lying with me. I don't think that will go away anytime soon, As much as they try to make me feel safe..

There's always that small part of me that is so scared that one day.. They will just get sick of me. 

Leo came back up, "I got you some stuff." He said. 

He gave me a hot water bottle, Some soup, Hot chocolate, Medication, Another blanket. "Do you want me to stay?" He asked as he made sure I was comfortable. I debated it, I don't want to bother him from his work.

"I mean, Are you busy? I don't want to di-" Leo cut me off, "You are not bothering or distracting me. You are my little sister and I care for you, I will stay if you want me to. Yes or No?" He stated.

I nodded my head, He smiled. Sage moved over and let Leo sit next to me, Sage sat in front of us both. "can we watch something?" I asked Leo, He nodded. 

He grabbed the TV remote off the side and turned it on, "What do you want to watch?" He asked. I thought about it, "You pick." I said.

I didn't really know what was good, I had only been here for a couple months.. It wasn't a lot of time to look at everything good. I never had any tv or anything like that when I lived with my mum and Mason.

I didn't know what I was missing out on, All of my brothers had convinced me that what Mason and our Mum did to me was bad. It should have never happened..

I don't know if I should believe it or not, Mason always said it was good for me. 

I shook away the thoughts and put my focus back on to the show we were watching, I laid my head on Leo's lap. 

My brothers had always made me feel safe, I loved them so much. I have never been so thankful that they saved me. I would have gone into foster care or something if They chose not to take me in.

I mean.. Yeah, Xavier didn't like me at first. I don't even know if he likes me now, Maybe it's just an act?

What if everything my brothers are doing is an act?

I shut my eyes trying to switch my brain off, I hated having thoughts like this. Nothing seemed to help distract my stupid brain from the thoughts though.

Leo put his hand on my head and rubbed my hair up and down, It was making my hair a mess but I couldn't care right now.

I was still shivering a bit but the hot chocolate and soup had helped, Leo also forced me to take two tablets instead of one. 

He said something about 'it will work faster, Take them before I shove them down ur throat' 

Don't you just love siblings? 

I started to fall asleep, It felt so good to finally sleep. Sleep in safety, Sleeping knowing I was away from them. 

Until.. I saw his face.


quick chapter before I sleep

aka go listen to random audios on youtube because i have nothin else to do with my life at 2 am in the morning 

my braincells have no ideas for books- i gotta write chapters at around midnight, I cant keep doing this at 1am-



word count: 1045

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