Social worker

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I had woken up my phone ringing, I groaned and grabbed my phone and saw 10 fucking missed calls from Ethan. 

I picked up the 11th call, "if it's not something to do with Mateo then what the fuck do u want?" I groaned into the phone. 

"A fucking social worker is coming soon! I don't know when but she said she was coming!" Ethan yelled quietly into the phone, Social worker? "the fuck you mean?" I asked.

"Oh shit I didn't tell you yet , Did I? Okay so they found Calla's blood in her old house. So now they gave us a social worker and she's coming to check our house today. She only just called me but she didn't give me a time." Ethan explained

"Oh shit, Okay. I have to go and clean" I said and hung up, Fuck! I looked around the place, It wasn't to bad there was just some blankets on the sofa and popcorn on the floor from where Xavier and Calla had a popcorn fight last night.

I quickly folded the blankets up and put them in one place, I picked up the popcorn and placed them in the bowl and then walked to the kitchen to throw it all out. The leftover pizza was in the fridge, I done the dishes quickly. 

I looked around again, It looked clean now. Wait was she going to want to look around the whole fucking house? shit.

I realised about the third floor. Nobody but me, Xavier, Mateo and Ethan can go up there. It's where we do business.. 

I sighed, wait. Hold on! Where is Xavier and Calla? It's to quiet for 9am. Calla is usually awake and so is Xavier. I went upstairs and checked Xavier's room, Nobody was in there.

I went to Calla's room, I sighed of relief when I saw them arguing with each other. "what the hell is going on?" I asked, "Calla just said fortnite was shit!" Xavier said. "It is." Calla said

I shook my head with a smile, "Get the fuck ready, A social worker is coming soon" I said

"Social worker?" Xavier asked and looked at me, "Yeah." I confirmed.

Xavier left to get ready, I needed to talk to Calla. "Calla" I called out, She looked at me and nodded, "They um.. They found traces of your blood in your own home." I said gently not wanting to scare her

Her eyes had a unreadable expression. "oh" Is all she said, "The social worker is coming to make sure your safe" I explained further, She nodded her head. The fear was obvious in her face so I gave her a hug.

"Get changed and ready okay?" I said softly, She nodded her head and got off the bed. I left the room, I hope next week will be easier. 

Xavier came down and he was wearing all black as usual, Calla came down after and she was wearing jeans with some small rips in them and oversized brown shirt with a black zip up hoodie that was no doubt Xavier's or Mateo's. 

As on Cue, The door knocked.

I looked at them and went to open the door. I opened it to reveal a woman in her late 30's, "Hello, Sir." She said with a forced smile, God I already hated this bitch.

"Hello. Please come in" I said giving her a fake smile, at least I can fake smile better than her.           "So, where is Calla?" She asked as she didn't see Calla in the living room. 

"She's just in the kitchen." I said, She nodded her head. 

We were sitting on the couch, I think Xavier wanted to keep Calla away from the social worker so he kept her in the kitchen. "So, You are Calla's oldest brother?" She confirmed. 

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