You mean the world to us

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Its been a couple days since I got out of the hospital, Xavier has been around me constantly. He was worried about me, Mateo was also always around me.

Leo made sure to check up on me a lot, He was always making sure I ate. He made sure I was okay and not sore anywhere.

The pain between my legs has gone down a lot so I can move better. 

Ethan was helping me with my work, They had refused to get me a tutor so there was just a teacher from the school sending us work for me to do at home.

I didn't know if I fully forgave Ethan, but.. I know he was worried. Maybe I shouldn't forgive them so easily..

I was scared to not forgive them though, What if they got mad and hit me?

Come on, Calla! They wont do that. I'm being dramatic, I need to get over myself.

I sighed and continued to focus on the work, It was fucking math.

I hated math, I tried my best to figure out the answers. Sage was laying right next to me, She hasn't left my side either. I didn't really want to leave the house after what happened in the alley way.

I could still feel his hands on me.

As soon as I got out of the hospital, I had gotten in the shower. I still felt like that wasn't enough. I feel like I need to scrub harder just to get his touch off me. I don't know what to do with all these emotions. 

As much as I love my brothers, I don't think I trust them enough for me to let them know what I'm feeling. 

Out of all my brothers, I think I trust Mateo and Xavier the best. Ethan scares me a lot, His mood changes so quickly. I felt like I always had to step on eggshells around him, I didn't want to make him angry. 

Leo could control his anger, I was trying to act normal around them again. It was hard, I felt like I constantly had to be on high alert.

I finished my work and put it on the desk, Mateo takes it with him whenever he goes to school. He usually fucking skips school though, Whenever Leo and Ethan are at work. I promised him I wouldn't snitch.

I was a hundred percent going to blackmail him one day with that information, He didn't need to know that though.

"Calla?" a voice called out, It was Leo. I thought he was at work, Now I think about it. I don't think any of my brothers have left the house. "yea?" I said, Leo walked in my room. "Hey" He said with a smile.

I gave him a small smile back, "You doing okay?" He asked. I nodded, I wasn't okay. 

"Cal, you can talk to me." He said, Okay. Well how did he know I was lying? I didn't even open my mouth! "I can tell by your eyes." He said, Was he reading my mind or some shit. I nodded in understanding. 

"What's up, Cal?" He asked and shut my door behind him as he walked towards me, My brothers had been respectful and didn't come to close to me. It was like they had dealt with this situation before. 

Leo sat down next to me but still a decent way away. I wanted him to come closer, I wanted him to comfort me. "I feel.. empty" I said. 

It felt like there was nothing there, When I was walking home from that alley. I felt like all hope inside me had left, I felt like I couldn't be happy in this world. What if It happened again?

Leo had a soft gaze on me, "I feel like, I'm overwhelmed with so many different emotions and I don't know what to with them." I explained further. I wasn't aware what I was saying anymore, all I could remember was his hands on me.

"angel, Can I hug you?" He asked gently. I nodded my head, He pulled me into a hug. He kissed my head, "I know. It's going to get better, Angel. I promise you, Me and the rest of your brothers will be here. No matter what." He said

I nodded my head, He held me for what seemed like years. "Calla, I need you to promise me something." He said, I nodded. "Promise me that.. If you ever feel like, like really shit. I need you to come to me or Ethan." He said, I was confused on why he wanted me to promise that.

"I promise." I said, He nodded and let out a sigh of relief. "Cal, Your worth so much. I know you haven't known us long but, You mean the world to all of us. Ethan just has some anger problems, He's going to get medication for it though. He doesn't like hurting you." He explained.

Oh he had anger issues? No shit sherlock. 

I once again nodded, I wanted to do something to just escape this world for a while. even if it was just for 20 minutes. Fuck it, Even just 1 minute. Just for everything to stop, all my memories. My life, Just everything.

I shut my eyes for a moment, Just breathe through it Calla. It'll be okay, Leo said it'll be better. Leo wouldn't lie to me.. Would he?

Ethan would lie to me.. Mateo would probably lie as well. so would Xavier.. It was hard to tell if Leo would lie to me. 

I kind of want a happy meal..

"Is Ethan out?" I asked, "yea. why?" Leo replied. "Can you ask him to get me a happy meal? oh, and a mcflurry. please" I said tiredly. 

I felt Leo vibrate under me, He chuckled. "Yes, Angel. I'll message him now. Try and sleep okay?" He said, "Can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone." I nervously asked. 

He smiled and nodded, We both laid down on the bed. He held my hand as I fell asleep on one side of the bed. I felt him kiss my head and say goodnight before I fell asleep.

This was one of the best sleeps I have had since him.


okay im going to sleep now

ive been staring at my laptop screen so hard to the point I looked up and literally my room looked so dark- lmao

its legit 1:46 am- my brain memorised the keyboard though so yk- I can write with very little light all I got on is my shein LED lights

yes im cheap okay. SHEIN IS ALL I CAN AFFORD-

jk jk I can afford other shit, but im cheap as fuck. I could have 1M in my hands and I would still be like "hold up, Thats 3 pound? Fuck no" 

I would pay like a pound



word count: 1152

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