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Mateo had come back from the hospital yesterday, He was told he could go back to school tomorrow. Me and Leo had decided Calla should start her first day with Mateo as well. 

Xavier is going to college but he only does half days.

I sighed, It was around 6:30am, Mateo was doing better now. After talking with me and Leo he finally forgave himself, Calla had also assured him that she wasn't mad. Xavier gave him a hug which Mateo was happy about. 

I walked to the second floor as I was in my office, I knocked on Calla's door. I heard a small come in, I walked in and her bed was made and Calla was dressed and ready to go. "you ready for breakfast? I asked.

Calla hadn't been eating properly, It was hard to get her to eat any meals. From what I have put together, I don't think she can handle a lot of food because of what our mum and her boyfriend put her through. Maybe they didn't feed her enough?

How could you do that to a child?

"I guess" She said nervously, I don't think she had been to school for a while.. Maybe she didn't even go? We had decided not to dig to far into her past as we wanted her to open up to us in her own time.

Me and Leo both want to take her to a doctor just to check she's okay. Calla had told us she had broken bones that never fully healed so we want to make sure there all okay. 

"are you okay, Calla?" I asked, "mhm" She said. I could tell she was lying, "Calla." I said.

I walked over to her and her eyes were filled with tears, "What's wrong?" I asked in a softer tone. Calla was breaking me down. 

"I-i'm scared" She admitted, "Why are you scared, cal?" I asked. I pulled her over to the sofa in her room and sat her down next to me. "Have you ever been to school before?" I asked, She nodded her head.

"okay.. What was it like?" I asked, "b-bad" She stuttered. I nodded slowly, "what was so bad about it?" I asked softly. "p-people were mean-" she said, I caught the tear that ran down her face.

"Cal, I promise that nobody will hurt you at this school okay? Mateo will be there. If you really don't like it today then you don't have to go back, Okay?" I tried to make a deal with her. "o-okay" She agreed.

"okay, let's go eat breakfast. Alright?" I said, She nodded her head. I helped her up and took her downstairs. Xavier was arguing with Mateo, "Xavier!" I said in a warning tone. 

He rolled his eyes and mumbled a 'sorry' to Mateo. I gave Calla some pancakes, and a drink. "Mateo, Can we talk?" I said, He nodded his head. We walked into the living room, "If its about me arguing with Xavier, He started it! he was telling me that i fucked mickey mo-" 

"it's not about that Mateo, I need you to look after Calla today. I don't know what happened at her old school but I know it wasn't good. There's more to her story, I can tell." I explained, He nodded his head. "Okay, Call me if anything happens." I said, He once again nodded his head. 

We went back to the kitchen, "you ready?" I asked her. She nodded her head, Her shaking was visible. I made sure she had her phone in case she needed to call someone, "Have fun" Xavier said as he sipped whatever was in his mug. 

"fuck you Xavier!" Mateo yelled as he walked out the door. I groaned, I took Calla's hand and helped her into the car. 

"You both, Keep your phone on you at all times. If you need to text me or Leo or Xavier then do it, I don't care what the teachers say." I said, Calla nodded. "Okay" Mateo agreed, "alright. Have fun, Mateo don't punch anyone. Calla remember stay with Mateo as much as you can and if u need someone then message." I spoke, She nodded her head and hugged me.

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