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I stared at our father. 

Xavier and Calla were now down here as well, Calla was sitting on Mateo's lap. Leo's body stood directly in front of them, refusing to move. 

"so, Is that Calla?" Our father asked. "yes." I replied, "The brat that stole your mother away?" He said. His whole energy just changing cold and dark, Younger me would be scared. 

I'm more powerful than him now.

"She did not steal our mother. Your wife took Calla from us, You fucking left." Xavier said out of anger, Our father just scoffed. 

"Calla, Princess. Come here" I said, Calla left Leo's and Xavier's side and walked to me. 

I had been trying to be nicer to her, I was suppose to start some sort of medication to help control my anger next month. 

I think Calla is starting to trust me more though, I picked the small 13 year old girl up. She weighed less than a fucking feather, I carried her out of the room. I didn't want her being around him anymore. 

Calla was still tired, I don't think she got enough sleep. Calla laid her head on my shoulder as I started to walk upstairs to her bedroom. "Did I really steal your mother?" She asked quietly, I paused in my steps.

"No, Princess. He does not know what he is talking about, He did not witness it." I tried to explain, It was a long story. Not a story any of us want to tell either, We just want to forget it ever existed. 

I reached Calla's bedroom and set her down in the bed. "Can you stay?.. for a bit." She asked quietly. I smiled and nodded, She quickly moved over and made space for me to sit next to her. Eventually we ended up watching a film together. 

Calla fell asleep on me, That was when I took my chance to leave. I wanted her to actually get some rest, After making sure she was warm. I left the bedroom and shut the door, I made my way to the top floor to finish some work.

I was hoping Leo and Xavier have not killed our.. father yet.


I woke up, It was pitch black in my room. What the hell? I yawned and sat up straight, It was night. How long had I been sleeping for?

All I remember was.. their dad. Is he my dad to? I don't know, I don't want to ask any questions. 

Usually when I ask questions about their past, while I was not here. They get defensive and annoyed, sometimes angry. 

I turned on the lamp, Golden light filling the room. as I was about to reach for my phone, My door burst open. 

Their dad. Our dad, Same thing I guess. What am I suppose to call him? You know what, I'll call him.. Mr. Chase.  That works

"You- Fucking brat" Mr. Chase slurred, He was drunk. 

Fear filled my blood, He's going to hurt me. He's going to hurt me like Mason did, Fuck. Fuck! 

I looked around my room for an escape, There was no where for me to go. He was blocking the door way, I can't make it to the window.

I'm just going to have to take it.

He stumbled closer to me, I backed up against the wall. Mr. Chase grabbed my arm and pulled me off the bed so I was on the floor.

He smashed the whiskey glass over my body, I felt the glass pierce into my skin. I held back the sound of pain wanting to come out, If I've learnt anything. It was to never make a sound during these times. 

A gunshot sound filled the air, Mr. Chase's scream next. 

I looked around with the small energy I had. I don't have much energy anymore, As soon as something bad happens to me like pain, My whole body goes so weak. it sucks, Maybe I should see a doctor.

I saw Leo and Mateo standing at the door, Mateo was holding the gun. Nothing but anger in his eyes, It was quite scary seeing Mateo's side but.. I knew he was the softest one in the family. If you first met him, He would be seen as Intimidating. or scary, same thing.

Ethan and Xavier showed up next, Their eyes wide at the sight. I felt frozen, My vision starting to get blurry. 

Guess that I'm having another nap.

That was when it all went black again.


I shot our dad, I feel no guilt. I watched as his body dropped to the floor.

Bloor was pouring out of his stomach, He would be dead soon. 

Xavier and Leo rushed over to Calla, I looked over at her. She had glass stuck in her skin, She looked pale. I have noticed whenever she gets hurt or triggered by.. Mason, She get's a lot weaker.

Maybe it's just her body's response to it. 

I put the gun down, Me and Ethan both went over to Calla. Not before Ethan asked me about a million times, 'are you okay?'. 

They know I've shot people before, It's nothing new to me. It's nothing new to any of us actually, We've all killed hundreds of people. Especially Leo and Ethan

Leo had a medical kit, Where the fuck did he get that from? When did he even get that? I looked over at Ethan sharing a confused look, He was giving me the same look. 

"h-help" our dad called out.

"Shut the fuck up." Xavier said.

"Sounds like a you problem over there." Ethan said.

"Nobody cares sperm donor." Leo said.

"no." I said.

I moved Calla's hair out of the way so the rest of my brothers could help her, The glass pieces were stuck in her skin pretty good. A couple on her face, a lot on her arms and legs. 

I don't get how our 'father' smashed the glass into that many little pieces but whatever, all our brothers know a lot about medical. 

The amount of times we've got hurt is crazy. I continued to watch our brother help our little sister, Anger was still radiating through me but I chose to stay calm in this situation. 

for now.


idk how good ths chpater is but i wont be able to sleep properly if I know I need to release a chapter 



love yall

no stories today

well maybe  but my eyes hurt and fingers so yk-

ill tell yall next chapter

why do i say 'yall' im british.

word count: 1075

The older brothers and the Younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now