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Ethan and Mateo showed up a while after me and Xavier got home, They refused to tell me where Leo was. To be honest.. I was scared of Ethan! He was more scarier then Leo, and Xavier.

I didn't really feel like eating.. But i had a feeling they were going to make me eat. 

They were very strict about me eating, I didn't know why.   

"Calla!" I heard Mateo, oh fuck.

Mateo walked into my room without knocking, "what's up?" I asked as I sat up "Dinner is ready" Mateo said

"I'm not hungry" I lied, I was a bit hungry but I just didn't want to eat. Nothing seemed nice, The thought of food was fucking gross.

"You need to eat" He says, I swear to fuck. I will stab a fork into one of my brothers soon! 

"But I'm not hungry!" I protested, He rolled his eyes and left, Damn! Attitude much.

Suddenly I heard footsteps again, My door opened again.. I saw Ethan. 

"Calla, You need to eat." he says in his normal cold, stern voice. 

"I'm not hungry!" I groaned, "you need to eat even if your not hungry. You have not eaten anything but ice-cream!" He fires back

okay, that may be true but it's not the point!

"fine" I finally agreed, He smirked. Fucking bitch

"Let's go." He says as his face returns to the cold look. I followed him downstairs to the dining room. I sat down 

It was pasta! If they told me it was pasta I would have been down here in a heartbeat. Pasta is my favourite! 

Everyone was now sitting at the table, Mateo was next to me.

"What did you and Xavier do today?" Mateo asked me, "We went out for ice-cream" I said. 

This pasta was so fucking good

"Ice-cream? Without me?" Mateo yelled, "Mateo! Don't yell." Ethan scolded him making Mateo roll his eyes.

"can't believe you got Ice-cream without me" Mateo mumbled, Xavier laughed. I just smiled and ate the pasta.

I was full but I already knew that Ethan would not let me leave the table until I finish it. I forced the last bit of the pasta down, "Where is Leo" Xavier asked Ethan. "Business." Is all Ethan said, i wanted to ask about the business but I was to scared. 

I have grown more comfortable with my brothers but I feel like I have to be on high alert half the time, I'm scared that my parents didn't actually die and are still alive and are out to get me. 

I still have nightmares about them but usually they aren't to bad, Sometimes I end up screaming or something in the middle of the night. I don't think I have done that.. I really Hope I don't do it. 

I was starting school soon and I was nervous for that, I was going to have Mateo there.. But i am not really a social person, I would rather sit in my bed and eat food then talk to people!

There was suddenly a knock at the door, Ethan got up and opened it. I heard some voices.. Me, Xavier and Mateo shared confused looks. "Xavier!" Ethan suddenly yelled

 "for fuck sake, I hope he didn't find-" I couldn't hear what he said at the end of his sentence as he was already out of the room

"What is he hiding in his room" I whispered to Mateo, He looked at me and chuckled "I don't want to know" He whispered back.

Xavier came back in, He looked scared. "get up" He said to me and Mateo, What the fuck was going on?

Me and Mateo both got up "come with me" Xavier said, We followed him to his bedroom.. This was all making me nervous. 

We got into his bedroom and he locked the door, "What the fuck is going on?" Mateo asked. "There is some... people here. Leo and Ethan don't want them to see us" Xavier explained.

That just made me more fucking curious! 

I sighed and sat on Xavier's bed, "How long are the people going to be here?" I asked Xavier. "I don't fucking know. Ethan said something about a business meeting or something? it could be hours." Xavier replied. 

I groaned, I was so tired and I wanted my bed. Xavier turned on the tv and told us to put whatever we wanted on, He went to shower in his bathroom. Me and Mateo sat on his fucking queen sized bed and watched 'scream 3'

I ended up falling asleep in Xavier's bedroom. His room was actually pretty clean, I did not expect that for him. He seemed like a messy person but maybe he wasn't?

I wonder if Mateo had a clean bedroom, I have not seen his bedroom yet. My room is awesome though

Its crazy how life can change, One moment your living in a shitty house with your parents, The next your living in a fucking mansion with your brother.. They seemed to care about me as well. 

They may scare me but they are still cool.. I guess.

My only question right now is, Who was the visitors? and why could we not be seen down there?..

Arranged marriage for one of us maybe? Haha! That's funny, That shit is only in the films and books. That wouldn't happen in real life.


YOOOOOO, I finished this 1 chapter after 2 days of me staring at it.


yk imma just re-do some of the lines in one of the books and send it to her bc i dont want her to hurt her eyeballs reading my books-


should i add smut to this one? 



prob not.. 

i mean idk whats going to happen yet

who tf even plans the books-? I write as i think, Or is it I think as i write 


Im tired

im going to take a nap


word count: 983

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