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Leo told me about Calla, I couldn't help but worry about her.

 I wanted to go and talk to her but I was to.. scared, I had locked myself up in my room.

I felt guilty.. I felt like it was my fault she went through all of that shit, Maybe if I just put up more of a fight to get her to stay.. I love Calla more then myself, I want to be the big brother that I always wanted to be to her but.. something held me back.

I was going to try though.. I was thrown out of my thoughts when a loud knock rang through my room, "what?" I yelled.

 Leo walked in my room "I need you to take care of, Calla. Mateo, Me and Ethan are going to grab some stuff." Leo said, "whatever" I muttered

"Xavier?" Leo said.. I sat up "what?" I asked "are you okay? You have not left your room In 2 days." he asked worry in his tone.. I could feel something inside of me feeling more guilty, "yeah, im fine." I said clenching my jaw.

"I'm here if you need me Xavier." he said, I nodded my head. "okay, We are leaving now. try and take Calla out somewhere. get some air or something" he suggested, I once again nodded my head. 

Leo left and I heard the door slam.. I sighed and got up, I walked over to Calla's room and motivated myself to knock on her door. I finally knocked and I heard a faint come in, I walked in and Calla was sitting on the bed watching something on her phone

Ethan had helped her set it up yesterday, I heard them doing it.. "u-uh, Hi" I formed some words, "hey" she said quietly.. okay, okay. shes my sister, the same person that got taken away all those years ago.. its fine. 

"um, do you want to go and get ice cream or something? or we can do something u want" I asked nervously, "sure.." she said and got off her bed. I nodded but I kept my cold face on even though I wanted to smile

"okay, get ready. Hurry up.. I have not got all day" I said.. fuck! I scolded myself. 

"oh, um.. okay" Calla said, I wanted to say sorry and hug her but I didn't.. I just left the room. 

 I went back into my room and threw my head onto the wall, "fuck!" I mumbled.. I put on some black jeans and a hoodie, I shoved on some Jordan 1's and grabbed my wallet and phone, I walked back to Calla's room and knocked

"you ready?" I asked

She came out and she was wearing some black ripped jeans with fishnets and a cropped green and black jumper.. I will admit she has good style.



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"you, um.. you look nice" I said, she gave me a small smile "thank you" she said, I nodded my head and motioned her to follow me.

We went over to my car which was a Audi r8, I opened the door for her and then got in the drivers side.

. I started driving to dairy queen as it was to cold to eat it outside, "Calla" I said.. I was planning to say sorry for everything. "yeah" she replied softly, she sounded on edge. 

"okay, look.. I'm sorry for being cold and bitchy to you. I know you only got here 4 days ago, I am really sorry." I said as I tapped my fingers on the driving wheel

"its okay" she said looking at me with a Smile.

"thank you, Calla. I love you a lot okay?" I admitted 

"you don't have to say that you love me to, I know you don't trust any of us yet." I added 

"thank you Xavier.." She smiled again 

I pulled up to the dairy queen drive through, "what do you want?" I asked Calla

"um, a small oreo blizzard please" she said and looked out the window, I looked at her "you sure you only want a small one?" I double checked. She nodded her head..

"hello what can i get for you?" the person behind the drive through window said

"can i get a small oreo blizzard and a medium fudge blizzard?" I asked the guy "yep, That will be £6. you can pay at the next window" he said. I said thank you and drove up to the next window, "hell- oh, hello" the lady said with a smile, I nearly cringed. "Hello" I replied coldly, "what's your name?" she asked keeping her smile, she twirled a piece of her bleached blonde hair round her finger.

"My name is, Shut the fuck up and give us the ice cream." I groaned, The girls face dropped.. she finally gave us the blizzards. I hurried up and paid not wanting to see the girl's ugly face anymore. I parked in the parking lot.

i passed Calla her Blizzard "thank you" she smiled.


uhhh okay

i need a tiktok break

love you all

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word count: 867  

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