I'm so sorry.

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I woke up, I winced as I felt burning around my body. 

memories from last night came into my head, I quickly shot up from my bed. Ignoring the pain, Where did their father go? Where are my brothers.

It was dead silent in the house. You could hear a pin drop, I got up from my bed and left my room.

It felt dark, cold.. empty. I went downstairs, Nobody was down there. 

I went back upstairs to all my brothers room , all of their doors were open. Nobody was here.

Had they left me?

Of course, I should have known! Their dad came back and I fucked it up for them, If I was not here then our father would have been here and they would have a mother.


Words filled my head, It got overwhelming. I went back to my room and walked straight to the bathroom, I gripped the counter of the sink. My knuckles went white from how hard I was gripping the white marble. 

I looked up from the counter into the mirror.

I don't know who I am looking at, It's not Calla. 

Its a 13 year old girl with bandages all over her face, Dark eye bags, Messy brown hair.

Her eyes are empty.

I watched as tears filled her eyes. I gripped the white marble harder.

I looked away from the mirror, Refusing the fact that girl in the mirror was me. 

My eyes laid on the small sharp object on the counter, A sad smile came over my face as I picked up the pair of scissors. I put my finger on the top of them, I quickly retreated my finger as quickly as I did put it on.

I looked in the mirror once more, Tears were running down my cheeks. Mascara all over my eyes now, A small smile on my face. 

I sat down in the corner of the bathroom, I lifted my sleeve up. I stared at the pair of scissors and my wrist.


"Whore." Mason screamed in my face.

"I never wanted you." Mum screamed. 

Harsh punches and kicks were landed on my stomach. 

"Calla, what the fuck happened to you? Tell me, right now" Ethan yelled. 

"What are you doing down here, baby?" His voice said. 

"You- Fucking brat." Mr. chase yelled. 

I pressed the scissors against my wrist, I gasped in pain. I held my breathe as I dragged them along my wrist. 

I watched as the droplets of blood hit the floor. 

Just kill yourself. Your alone, nobody wants you.

A voice in my head said. 

I made another cut.

And another.

One more. 

My vision got blurry, I watched my wrist as it bled. My vision going black, I felt light-headed. 

"I'm sorry." Is the last thing I mumbled before it all went black.


We left the house to clean up our dads body, Calla would probably be asleep for a couple hours. We did leave her a note on her nightstand just in case she woke up early. 

The older brothers and the Younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now