what is going on?

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It has been 4 days since we burned the board. 

I groaned as I got out of bed, It was so cold today. I wrapped a blanket around me with anger, It was to cold.

I heard voices downstairs, I walked downstairs to the kitchen where my brothers were. I looked at them all, They were fucking ready for the day at 6am.

"Hey, princess." Ethan said, I mumbled a small hi. "What's wrong?" Leo asked, "have you seen the weather? It's fucking cold." I said.

Mateo chuckled, He fucking laughed!

I death stared him and went back upstairs to get changed, Fuck life. I changed into black jeans and a white anime hoodie. I stole it from Mateo, He doesn't know I have it.

It was not my fault he left it on the sofa downstairs! 

I brushed out my hair and added some quick mascara, for some reason my ribs were aching today. That's weird, they healed a couple weeks ago, I think. 

I'm no doctor, I cannot tell. I don't plan on going to a doctor either, My bruises have faded. There were slight bruises now. 

I heard yelling downstairs, I rolled my eyes. It's another one of their arguments, Brothers are stupid. 

It's weird how quickly I trusted them, I mean.. I don't really trust Ethan and Leo as much as I trust Xavier and Mateo. 

Xavier is the second meanest but for some reason still comforting, Ethan is the first meanest. 

Mateo is the third meanest, Leo is the fourth. 

I flinched as I heard a loud knock on the door from downstairs, The yelling stopped. I could hear my brothers footsteps go to the front door, I heard a women's voice and a man. Maybe it was more business people.

"Sir, We need you to let us go to Calla." I heard a man say, My heart rate spiked. 

Why do they want me?

Who are they?

I looked around my room, I needed to run. I'm scared, My brothers had put a damn lock on the window! They said it'll be locked until they get the tree outside removed, I put my focus back onto my door as I heard footsteps upstairs.

That was none of my brothers footsteps, I panicked more as the door knob twisted. 

The door opened, It was someone who looked awfully like the social worker from a couple weeks ago, But she had black hair instead.

She was wearing a pencil skirt with tights and a blouse, What is up with social workers and wearing this sort of shit?

"Calla?" She asked, I nodded my head. What did she want? To talk to me again? Why?

"I need you to come downstairs with me, now." She said sternly, I nodded my head. My heart was racing like crazy, What if she takes me away?

no, don't be stupid Calla. She has no reason to take me away, I am perfectly fine! There aren't even any bruises on me so they can't blame my brothers for anything!

I nervously followed the woman downstairs, We entered the living room. All my brothers were in the living room, Leo was in.. handcuffs?!

There was a man in a suit standing next to Leo, He wasn't a police officer though. 

I was so confused, What was going on? Tears were pricking my eyes, I was scared. Mateo stood up and tried to walk over to me.

"Sir, Sit down. Now" The women said, "What the fuck, Why?" He asked. "We cannot risk you telling Calla what to say, or what to do." She said.

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