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I woke up to hear voices, I heard a new voice.

"I don't get why she is back!" A woman's voice yelled.

"Emily, Shut up. She is our sister, and your fucking cousin!" Leo yelled back, "I want her out of my bedroom, now!" The woman yelled. 

"It was never your fucking room, Emily! It was always her room, Whenever we tried to get u out of her room you always put up a argument. Stop being a brat, Emily." Mateo spoke.

Well, She isn't getting my bed. It's like sleeping on clouds, This woman seems like a bitch.

I sighed, I should probably go downstairs and see what's actually going on. I groaned as I rolled out of bed and lazily made the bed. 

I put on some black ripped jeans and a hoodie, I didn't like showing much skin. Especially after.. 

I'm not gonna say it, I hate saying it. I feel weak, I hated the fact I couldn't defend myself. I brushed through my hair and put it into a half up half down style.


I mentally prepared myself as I opened my bedroom door, I slowly walked downstairs

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I mentally prepared myself as I opened my bedroom door, I slowly walked downstairs. I was pretty nervous for what I was about to see, it was around 1pm. I had fucked up my sleeping schedule so now I sleep at any time and wake up at any time.

I went into the kitchen and saw a woman with black hair, There was bits of blonde showing through it though. she was wearing a red dress, it was like she was trying to impress someone.

It couldn't be one of my brothers, right? 

Ethan spotted me first. "hey princess" He gave me a small smile, He had been a lot nicer. I'm not sure how to feel about my brothers kindness. They were treating me like I was fragile.

Maybe it was because they felt bad for being so mean. 

The woman with the black hair quickly snapped her head to me, She gave me a dirty look. 

"you, get the fuck out of the house. now! you are not welcome here, you are never welcome here." The woman shouted at me, I forced myself not to flinch.

I'm getting better, I smiled at myself in my mind.

I didn't know what to say, "Emily. Your not fucking welcome here!" Leo shouted at her. 

"How could you say that? I'm your family!" She said back, Xavier looked at her like she was crazy.

I was so confused, who is she? Why is she here? Why is she mad at me? What the fuck is going on?

I need some water.

"Calla is apart of the family, I-. I can't with blondes." Xavier cut himself off and placed his forehead against the wall he was leaning against.

The woman gasped, "I am not blonde! I have black hair, You said you loved girls with black hair!" She said offended. 

I don't think anyone could like your hair.. It looks like matted dog hair.

"I mean, There is more blonde showing than black." I got the courage to speak up, Mateo chuckled. I could see Ethan and Leo holding back their laughs. 

Xavier had his hand over his mouth, "How dare you!" She screamed. She walked up to me and raised her hand to slap me, Ethan wasn't quick enough to grab her hand before she slapped me.

"You need to be taught respect." She said.

Fuck, My face was burning. Ethan's eyes were full of rage, Leo was frozen in place. Mateo was holding Xavier back, Xavier would a hundred percent kill her in a second. 

I can't let her know I am weak. 

"You need to be taught some style." I said, She gasped again. Xavier stopped trying to fight Mateo to let him go and smirked. 

Leo was about to speak again but then, She raised her hand again. Leo made a quick move but as soon as she was about to hit me, I moved.

Her hand hit the wall, Really hard. She screamed in pain, Xavier rushed over to me. 

"Are you okay? where does it hurt? Do you want ice?" He asked a million questions at once. I smiled, "I'm fine." I said. I wasn't fine but.. Nobody needed to know.

Fake it till you make it, I guess.

Xavier hugged me tightly. 

Leo was trying to shut the woman up from screaming, Ethan and Mateo were just watching her. "Who is she?" I asked Xavier, He rolled his eyes at the thought of her. "Emily, She's.. very sadly.. our cousin." He said.

"Oh." I said, So I'm related to her? Great.

"Emily, Shut up! I could not give 4 flying chairs that your hand may be broken." Leo said. Xavier had to stop himself from laughing, Mateo came over to me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I could hear worry in his tone, "yea. I'm fine" I said with a smile. He nodded, He gently placed his hand on where Emily slapped me. "does it hurt?" He asked, I shook my head.

I had been through worse pain anyways.


i know this is short

I have no motivation-

i wanna go to sleep but is to early for me to sleep its like 23:46pm- for ppl who dont know military time (aka me) its 11:47pm

okay okay i got a lil story for yall

so I booked some movie tickets and it said 7:55 when I booked them, and when we were on our way to the movies today at about 7:40, I checked the tickets and it said 7:05. THE DAMN MOVIE STARTED AT 7:05

I nearly cried, but anyways.


word count: 939

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