I don't know what to do.

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Me and Ethan had told Xavier to take, Calla and Mateo upstairs. 

We did not want our.. Visitor.. to see them. He was a CEO from another business, Sort of like our one but his was slightly more.. powerful.

As soon as Ethan told me that the kids were all upstairs, I told Mr. Blair to come inside. He had a ugly ass Last name. His real name was Logan.. Our last name was Chase but I also thought that was ugly so I barely mentioned our last names to anyone.

I tell everyone to call me Leo and Ethan does the same. 

We went to the meeting room we had on the third floor. We were all sat down, Mr. Blair brought his wife. No doubt she was using him for money. "

"So, Mr. Blair. What did you want to discuss?" I spoke up, "ah, yes. So I see your business is going great at the moment." He starts

"Yeah, I suppose it is." I replied, "I think we should do an arranged marriage with one of your siblings." He went straight to the point.

What the fuck? Fuck no. "What?" I said making sure I heard him correctly, "I heard that you took custody of your younger sister, I have a son. If they get married both of our business will grow higher." He explained, I could feel the anger radiating from Ethan right now. He was still silent

"Mr. Blair, I'm sorry but that is not happening." I said, No way in gods name was I letting my baby sister get married! Especially if their son was raised by.. well, Mr. Blair's wife.

"Leo, I think it would be an amazing idea." Mr. Blair said, I was holding myself back from punching him right now. 

"Mr. Blair, That is not happening. We are sorry but we refuse to let our younger sister get married to a stranger." Ethan finally spoke up.

"They can wait till they are 18!" He protested, He really wanted them to get married. This was making me think.. Was his business going down? Was he loosing money.

"no, When our sister gets married it is going to be by somebody she meets by herself." Ethan said sternly which means he is final with his decision. 

Mr. Blair was angry about that response, He was about to speak again until a loud bang echoed through the house.  I looked at Ethan, He nodded.

"One moment." I said as I got up and left the room, I went to the second floor where everyone was, I opened Xavier's bedroom door to make sure they were okay. 

When I walked in all I saw was, Mateo looking panicked and Xavier holding Calla in his arms keeping her from falling on the ground, I was shocked to what I was seeing.

"What the fuck Is going on?" I asked, "Mateo was fucking playing, Call of Duty and he hit Calla in the head with the controller accidently!" Xavier said as he placed Calla on the floor. 

I looked at Mateo, He already had tears streaming down his face. I knew he wouldn't hurt Calla on purpose, He just gets angry easily especially at video games.

Calla did not have a bump on her head or anything there was just a bruise forming and she was passed out. "okay, hold on. Let me get Ethan" I said, Mateo got even more panicked at me using the name of Ethan.

I knew Ethan was more scarier then me, He would probably yell at Mateo for hitting Calla with a controller, but he wouldn't do it while he was crying. He was weak when somebody he cares about is crying in front of him.

I went to the meeting room, Mr. Blair and his wife were gone. I assumed Ethan Kicked them out, "what's wrong?" He asked. "Calla is passed out, Mateo accidently hit her in the head with a controller" I explained

He quickly followed me back to the bedroom, Calla was still passed out. There was still only a small bruise on her head. Mateo was not in the room anymore

Ethan went over to Calla and looked at her head, "Where did Mateo go?" I asked Xavier. "He is right the-" Xavier realised Mateo was gone.

"She's fine, just a small bruise." Ethan said, "where is Mateo?" He asked, No doubt waiting to yell at him. "I don't know, He was just in the room." Xavier said.

I started to worry, Mateo hates hurting people or causing them pain. Once he accidently punched me in the nose and made me bleed, He ended up giving himself a punishment by hurting himself.

Another time, He accidently spilled juice over a white carpet causing Ethan to yell at him. He locked himself up in a room for 2 days, He was crying the whole time because he felt guilty. He did not eat those 2 days either. 

Ethan didn't really think about that sort of stuff before he started yelling, Usually I had to remind him. 

"I'm going to look for him" I said, "I'm coming, Xavier stay here with Calla. If she wakes up put some ice on her head" Ethan said to Xavier.

We went to Mateo's bedroom, He was not there. "Where else would he be?" Ethan asked me, "That little park round the corner from here." I suggested, "The one he always use to go to?" He asked, I nodded my head.

I worried a lot about Mateo when he done this, He has a history with self-harm as well. I did not know what to do, Whenever I said that we would take him to a therapist he begged me not to. He said it would make him feel worse, So I never took him.

We walked out of the house and went to the park, There was a figure sitting next to the tree. As we walked closer we realised it was him "there he is." I said to Ethan.

He had his knees to his chest and his hands covering his face, He was crying. Fuck.

"Mateo" I said gently as I got closer to him, Ethan waited a bit further away. I crouched down in front of him and took his hands off his face, His arms were covered in scratch marks and looked like he dug his nails into his hands a couple times.

His eyes were bloodshot red, "Mateo, it's okay." I said letting him know I was not mad at him. He shook his head, He felt guilty for it. He holds a grudge against himself for everything wrong he does. 

I pulled him into a hug, He was a underweight 15 year old. I assume Calla is Also underweight, She looks very skinny for her age. so does Mateo, But we have taken him to the doctors so we knew he was underweight.

He cried into my shoulder for a while, I looked at Ethan. He was looking at Mateo worried, I knew he was worried for him. he just can't show it, He had to hide most of his emotions from our father. He hated us showing our emotions because we were 'men' 

he went missing before he could teach Mateo not to show emotion, so Me, Ethan and Xavier had to tell him it was okay to cry and shit. Me and Ethan also said that to Xavier but he Didn't listen, But it sort of worked as sometimes he does get really upset 

I realised that Mateo was starting to breathe quicker, "Mateo, shh.. breathe. It's okay, Nobody is mad at you. It was a mistake, They happen sometimes." I tried to comfort him

He just cried harder into me, It was starting to get colder and he did not have a jacket. I needed to get him into the car. "Mateo, Let's get into the car okay?" I suggested. He nodded his head, I picked him up and took him to the car.

I put him in the back seat.

I knew I needed to talk to Ethan before we both got in the car, "He's okay right?" Ethan asked. I shook my head

That was a stupid question Ethan.

"He scratched up his arms" I said, "oh shit" He muttered. I nodded, "He still holds a grudge against himself, I don't know what we are going to do. he needs help" I said to Ethan, He nodded his head in agreement. 

"He won't go, He said if he went to therapy it would make him feel like he is going crazy." Ethan said, I sighed. 

I don't know what to do.



fuck calla, I like mateo more.



word count: 1429

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