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Calla had fallen asleep in my arms.

"What causes a panic attack?" Mateo asked me, He was still worried about her. Mateo loved Calla when they were younger and he was heart broken when our mother took Calla away, so was Xavier though he refuses to admit he missed her.

He protects himself by acting like he doesn't care. We couldn't get him to open up.

"A lot of different things, It may have been the yelling though. She ran off as soon as Xavier had started getting angry" I said as I looked down at my little sister.

It reminded me to much of our mother.

"Why would it be the yelling?" Mateo asked.

"I don't know. We can ask her when she wakes up. Can you go and get Leo for me?" I asked him. He nodded his head and got up and went downstairs, I ran my hand through her soft hair She looked so peaceful asleep.

I heard Leo's voice then he walked into the bedroom "What happened?" He asked with worry.

"She had a panic attack, She fell asleep" I said, "Panic attack?" he asked slowly walking towards us. Taking small steps.

I nodded my head., He sat down next to us.

"What happened with Xavier?" I asked him.

"I grounded him for a month. He was saying some shit about, How we shouldn't have brought Calla back and how she was going to ruin everything." He explained.

I wasn't surprised at that.

I clenched my jaw and looked away from Leo. "We need to talk. Leo said after a couple moments of silence, I nodded my head and carefully got up and placed Calla on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

"Let's go" I said and followed Leo to his office, We had our own offices on the 3rd floor.

The 3rd floor had some other rooms that we didn't want Calla to see. Leo would probably tell her that when she woke up.

"What's up? I asked as I sat on the couch in the office.

"What do we do about Calla, School wise and things?" He asked me. Calla would go to High school when she went back to school.

"I say that, We should send Calla back to school in a week." I suggested.

"That seems a bit early, no? I think there's something going on with her. Do you know what the cause of the panic attack was? Did you ask her?" Leo said

The older brothers and the Younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now