Ouija board

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"You guys have gotten Calla sick!" Leo scolded us, He wasn't yelling but he was using that stern voice. 

"We didn't mean to!" Xavier tried to defend, "No. You are both grounded for 2 days, You can pull some pranks but not any that will get anybody sick or injured. Understood?" Leo said.

Me and Xavier both mumbled a 'okay' and walked off, "should we go see what Calla is doing?" Xavier asked. 

"Sure." Xavier replied, We went upstairs and knocked on Calla's door. We heard a come in, We walked in. Calla was sitting on her bed, She did not look that sick. I assume she had gotten better since yesterday or Leo was being overdramatic.

Ethan was away on a business trip, It was last minute. Leo was the oldest and he was suppose to go but Ethan said he would go, It was weird how Leo was older but Ethan was more strict. 

"how are you doing?" Xavier asked with a smile, I'm gonna be honest. I was always kind of jealous of Xavier and Calla's relationship. I had never gotten treated like that when I was her age, I was always yelled at by Xavier for me to leave him alone.

"I'm doing better." She smiled, "Mateo come here. Your to far" Calla complained, I chuckled and walked closer to her. 

"I'm going out for a while, I'll be back at midnight." Leo yelled, We all said goodbye as we heard the door slam. "Well, Now he's gone.. Do you guys want to do something stupid?" Xavier asked. Me and Mateo looked at each other, "Sure." We said.

We were all sat on Xavier's bedroom floor, We formed a circle. What sat in the middle of us was.. A Ouija board. 

I knew how to use one, I had done it before but never properly. I wasn't scared of spirits, but it felt nerve racking to do this. "what do we do just put our fingers on here?" Mateo asked, Xavier nodded. 

We all put two fingers on the Ouija board planchette. "What do we do now?" I asked, "this. If there are any spirits that would like to communicate with us, move the planchette to 'yes'" Xavier said.

It was weird that Xavier was being nice, He is usually a disrespectful shit. 

The planchette suddenly moved to 'yes', "wait. who the fuck done that?" Xavier asked shocked.

Me and Mateo looked at each other, We both had a look of fear in our eyes. "I didn't do it!" Mateo said, I shook my head.

"oh, shit. Okay" He said, Xavier knew we weren't lying by the look in our eyes. "u-um.. What's your name?" I asked.

It started to spell the name, "A N N A?" I asked. The planchette moved to 'yes'. "Wait, I have a question." Mateo said.

"Is our house haunted?" Mateo asked, Xavier snapped his head to him. "Your not suppose to ask that!" He panicked. The planchette moved to 'no', "Wait, are you in this room with us?" Mateo asked.

The planchette moved to 'yes', "I'm sorry if this is disrespectful but.. Can you tell us how u died?" Xavier asked, The planchette moved to 'yes'.

Xavier mumbled a 'thank you' The Planchette started to move to different letters until it spelt out, 'My husband killed me.'

"Wait, Your husband killed you?" Mateo asked in shock, The planchette moved to yes. "How old are you?" I asked softly, The planchette moved to '3 8'. "your 38.. Did you like, get summoned? or do u just.. live here?" I asked. 

The planchette started to move again, 'A T T I C'. "We have a attic?" I asked Xavier and Mateo. "Yea, On the top floor." Xavier replied, Wow. I might have to sneak up there one day, I suddenly felt hands on my shoulders. "Um.. Mateo, why are your hands on me?" I asked, Mateo was the closest to me.

"There not, Why?" Mateo said, "Then who's hands are on my shoulders right now?!" I asked as I started to panic. The planchette started to move again, 'C A L M' 

"Calm?.." Xavier said, He was trying to figure something out. "Are you the person behind, Calla?" Xavier asked. The planchette moved to 'yes', "Are you going to hurt her?" Mateo asked. I could hear the fear laced in his tone.

The planchette moved to 'No', I was still scared. There was a fucking person behind me, Even worse! a person I cannot see. What if it strangles me? I'm so scared right now. Why did I agree to this? Never listen to Xavier! 

The room suddenly got ice cold, I felt shivers go up my spine. The hands let go of my shoulders, I breathed out in relief. The planchette started to move again, 'S A Y G O O D B Y E'  It spelt.

"Why?" Xavier asked, "Dude! Don't question that!" Mateo said. Xavier rolled his eyes, I could see the fear in his eyes though. "D E M O N' the planchette spelt. everybody froze, "Say goodbye now." Mateo said.

We said goodbye and ended the game, We packed the board away and ran out of the room. "We are burning that damn board." Mateo said, Xavier nodded. 

He carefully picked the board up, "Go outside to the forest bit." Xavier said giving Mateo the board. Mateo gave him a glare.

We went out to the forest bit of the garden, I did not know this was here. I really need to explore this house more.. Xavier came back with a container. It looked like.. Gasoline. 

He's going to cause a forest fire!





how many chapters should I do of this book, I'm thinking maybe 40-50- maybe 55 if you are lucky- idk how many? 

word count: 994

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