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I was suppose to go shopping with Xavier today.. Because Leo and Ethan said I needed more Clothes. I will admit I don't have a lot of clothes, But According to my parents.. I didn't deserve Clothes because I disappointed them to often

 "are you ready" I heard Xavier cold voice say as he walked into my bedroom, I nodded my head and got off the bed and put on my shoes. It was pretty cold today and I didn't have a jacket, All I had was my Hoodie I brought. 

"Are you not wearing a jacket or something over the hoodie?" Xavier said

 "No, I don't have anything else" I said with a small smile as I finished tying my shoe lace. Xavier looked at me confused but eventually let it go and left,

I followed behind him and followed him downstairs to the kitchen where everybody else was.

 "okay, Calla. Get whatever you need at the mall, alright? Do you have a phone?" Leo asked, "no I don't have a phone" I replied

 My parents never got me a phone because we didn't have a lot of money. I was to young to get a job as well

"hold on, Your 13 with no phone? Did mum never get you one?" Ethan said with shock on his face, which I soon noticed all my brothers had the same look. Including Xavier! 

"U-um, no" I stuttered, fuck! I hate the damn stutter.

"why? Mum had a lot of money! she took loads from dad before he died." Leo said.. He sounded angry.

Was It at me?

"I-I don't know" I stuttered again! fuck. "Okay, well.. Buy a phone while your there as well. Xavier has my credit card on his phone." Leo said.. I felt bad 

"You don't have to do that! I don't deserve it all" I mumbled, "What? What are you talking about? Of course you deserve it. What could you have done to not deserve it?" Ethan asked, I paused and thought for a moment

 "I don't know?" I muttered.. "Exactly, You do deserve it. Now go to the mall." Ethan said "Don't go off by yourself! Stay with Xavier the whole time. Make sure you eat!" Leo said, I nodded my head at his rules taking mental notes. 

I followed Xavier out to the car.. He got into a Black BMW "get in" He said coldly, I got in the front seat and shut the door making sure not to slam it. Mason always hated me for slamming his car door accidently!

 Xavier started to drive to the mall.. The car felt really small. my chest tightened.. I noticed my hands were shaking as well. We reached the mall "okay, where do u want to go?" Xavier asked as he was texting on his phone "I don't know.." I said, I didn't know a lot about clothes shops. "

 "okay, lets just go to H&M first then we can figure it out from there" He said and started walking to the shop.

Xavier was looking at hoodies.. I was looking at shirts, I walked a bit further to look more. I turned round and realised Xavier wasn't there anymore! I started to panic

My brothers told me not to wonder off and I wondered off! 

If I broke the rules they gave me, They said they would punish me! I looked around for Xavier but I couldn't see him anywhere! My eyes filled with tears

 Suddenly I felt someone grab my hand. I quickly Turned round to realise it was Xavier, Words cannot explain how relieved I was to see him. 

"Where the fuck did you go?" He said in a stern voice "I-I just walked up the store a bit" I explained to him, I fought the tears that wanted to come out of my eyes. "I'm telling Leo and Ethan about this. Now come on" He said.


We were now on our way home, I had brought a lot of clothes. My leg was bouncing up and down.. I was prepared for them to hit me.

 We reached the house.. Xavier ordered a guard to bring the bags to my bedroom and we went inside, "How was the mall?" Leo asked.. They were still in the kitchen.

"It was fine, accept when Calla wondered off by herself." Xavier said.

My heart rate increased "What?" Ethan said looking up from his phone, I felt my legs shaking. "Calla wondered off by herself. I had to look for her" Xavier explained more

"Calla? what the fuck were you thinking? We told you to not wonder off. This world has dangerous people!" Ethan scolded, I couldn't speak. 

"We are going to give you a small punishment.. just for wondering off by yourself. This world is dangerous Calla. You never knew who is unsafe and who is safe." Leo said as he got up off the chair, I was prepared for him to hit me or something.

He walked closer.. and closer, He was close enough to slap me.. He lifted his arm, I quickly raised my arms to protect myself. It never really helped but it made it hurt a bit less, The room suddenly went silent. 

 I didn't want to uncover my face

"Calla?" Leo said quietly


fun fact: I was actually writing another chapter of "life isnt always so perfect" But i ended up triggering myself- FUN LMAO 

so i decided to write another chapter of this............... fun

now gonna go cry my eyeballs out and watch orange is the new black

im on like season 2 episode 14 or 15, Im so glad that bitch died 


00:04PM motherfuckers, Im hungry as fuck but My dads sleeping downstairs rn and i dont wanna go down there he always asks if im okay like, YES IM GOOD BESTIE JUST LET ME GET MY FOOD. 



bye bestiessss

love yall

word count: 996

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