Tell me what happened

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I could sense how pissed the rest of my brothers were.

I was also angry but the more I looked at Calla the more I realised, She's scared of us.

Something happened, I watched as Ethan went towards her. She quickly backed up, Xavier called out for her and she looked scared.

I noticed how her face scrunched up in pain every time she moved, even if it was just to move her weight to one leg to the other.

I could tell Ethan was about to yell at her for sneaking out, "Cal" I called out before Ethan could yell at her.

She looked at me, It hurt me to see that look in her eye. she looked scared we were going to hurt her, Something happened to my little sister.

I walked towards her slowly, I gave her chances to back up. I was pretty close to her but I went to take another step and she backed away. I nodded, I knew that was the place I needed to stay for now.

"Cal?" I asked, She looked into my eyes and gave me a small nod.

"What happened?" I asked, Her eyes widened. I don't think she expected me to notice anything was wrong with her. 

Usually Calla would have tried to defend herself, She wasn't trying to. She hadn't even spoke a word, Her body was shaking. 

Her eyes filled with tears, She looked like she was going to break down. 

"okay, Cal. You don't have to tell me right now, I need you to promise you will tell one of us what happened in a bit. Okay?" I reasoned with her, She nodded her head.

"Can I hug you?" I asked, Her eyes had fear running through them. Yet she nodded her head, I slowly went towards her and wrapped my hands around her small fragile body.

As soon as she was in my arms, She collapsed in them. I picked her up before she hit the floor. Ethan and Xavier looked, Worried, Confused, Angry. Mateo looked, angry and worried. 

I placed Calla on the sofa in the living room, "Why the fuck are you not angry at her?" Ethan asked me. I sighed, "Something happened to her." I said.

"Like what?" Xavier asked with a scoff.

"She is in pain, Whenever she moves her legs even the slightest she is in pain. I can tell by the way she scrunches her face up when she moves. She is scared of all of us, Her eyes show fear. Not to mention she just collapsed in my arms for no reason." I explained, Ethan looked at her. 

"Why would she be scared of us?" Mateo asked, "Maybe something happened to her while she was out." I said.

"It was her own fault, She shouldn't have left the house!" Ethan said. I sighed, "Their had to be a reason on why she snuck out. She isn't a person to sneak out" I said.

"She's waking up." Mateo said, I looked over to her. Calla's eyes were open now, She still looked scared but slightly better.

I walked over to her, I sat down next to her on the sofa. "Cal, I need you to tell me what happened" I said. She looked at the floor for a moment, "he-" Is all she said before she cut herself off.

Ethan's eyes were fuming when he heard 'he'.  Did she sneak out with a boy? Is this what everything is?

"Tell me, Calla." I said sternly. She shook her head looking at the floor, I sighed. I wasn't getting anywhere with her. 

I walked back over to my brothers, "Ethan. You try and get somewhere with her, Take Calla to her room though. Mateo and Xavier, Come with me. We're going to get food." I said.

They all nodded, Ethan went over to Calla. They went upstairs, Xavier and Mateo followed me to my car.


Ethan took me to my room, Was he going to hurt me like that guy did?

Maybe he didn't want to do it downstairs, I'm scared. He looks angry at me, It hurt to move. 

I didn't let Ethan see my pain, I walked up the stairs and pretended like it wasn't hurting me. It felt so painful, Why was it this painful? I don't get it.

We reached my bedroom, I sat down on the bed. I didn't want him to come towards me, I hoped he wouldn't. I just wanted to curl up and cry on my bed, alone. 

I don't want to be around any of my brothers, They all scared me right now.

"Calla, Do you know how stupid that was? You fucking snuck out, What the fuck happened to you? Leo said he can tell something happened to you, Don't you dare lie to me either." He lectured. I could tell he wasn't finished.

"Anything could have happened to you, fucking anything. You will never sneak out again, It is stupid. Leo and Me will figure out a punishment for you later. Tell me what the fuck happened and why you snuck out." He said, He was close to yelling. It was easy to tell in his tone.

My panic rose again, Sage whined at me. I stopped myself hissing in pain as she moved one of my legs with her nose.

"Calla, What the fuck happened to you? Tell me, Right now." Ethan finally yelled.

I took in a shaky breath, "H-he.. t-touched me" Is all I could say. Ethan's eyes darkened more.

"What the fuck do you mean, Calla?" He asked. "I-I, He.. pinned me against a wall." I was stuttering random bits of what happened.

"Then what?" Ethan asked.

"then-.." I couldn't even bring myself to say it, "r-raped m-me" I said holding back tears. I could hear my heart in my ears, the world felt unreal.

The room went dead silent, Sage got on the bed with me and sat in my lap. She kept her head on my wrist, It was where my pulse was. 

"Calla, I need you to tell me the full story." Ethan said in a more gentle tone, Is he bipolar or something? 3 seconds ago he was yelling at me and now he was being softer with me.

I took in another breath, I needed to just spit it out. It's fine, He won't hurt me. He would have hurt me already if he wanted to.

"when you Xavier and Leo were downstairs arguing, i came downstairs so I could get food- because I hadn't eaten and I was feeling sick. you told me to go upstairs and I thought the argument would be over quick but it wasn't, I felt like i was going to pass out so- I was going to leave the house to find something with the money I saved up, I was scared to come downstairs. I thought somebody might hit me or something."

"I climbed out of my window and down the tree, I snuck out a way where none of the guards could see me- I-I went down a alley way, and a man was there-" I paused for a second

"he- pinned me against a wall and.. r-raped m-me." I said finishing the short version of the story. I just wanted to lock myself in a room.

I looked up and saw Ethan's eyes, They weren't angry anymore. They were full of worry and concern.




word count: 1213

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