Sneaking out again

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It's been two months, Leo has been acting more Strict. Ethan was the same, Xavier and Mateo had been spending a lot of time together. 

I haven't really left my room, not because of any reason. 

Leo was home right now, He was still a soft person but he was a lot more strict and got angry easier. 

I sighed as I dug my head into the pillow, I wanted ice-cream. Raspberry cheesecake ice-cream, Maybe I could ask Mateo to take me, I didn't like bothering anybody else. 

I've been feeling like a burden recently. I don't know why, I don't question it. I just drown in it and wait for it to pass itself. 

2 bangs came upon my door, "come in" I mumbled loud enough. "Calla, get up. You can't rot in your room all day." Leo scolded. I didn't say anything. 

"Calla, Get up. Come on, You need to eat. It's 2pm, You have been in your room for over a week." Leo said, I sighed into my pillow. 

"Calla, if you don't get up now then your grounded. I'll ban you from your room in the day." Leo said again, "I'm sleeping." I mumbled. "yeah, you've been sleeping all day. You need to get some fucking air, Calla." Leo said and came towards me.

He pulled the cover off me, "Come on. Now, Calla." Leo said sternly. I finally sat up and rubbed my eyes, I was wearing a oversized shirt and some shorts. "Move it" Leo said and walked out of my room shutting the door behind him.

I groaned and got up, I went to my closet and grabbed out some clothes. 

I put on a black long sleeved shirt with a dress and tights. I don't like my arms, They still had very faint bruises on from that.. guy in the alley way. Ethan thinks he bruised my bone and that's why it hasn't gone away.

I brushed my hair out and put it into a half up-half down style

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I brushed my hair out and put it into a half up-half down style.

I brushed my hair out and put it into a half up-half down style

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I looked good enough, Time to go and find Mateo. I'm still craving that ice-cream. I walked out of my room and went to Mateo's room, I found him on his bed. "Mateo?" I called out, He looked up from his phone.

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