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My mental health has been so bad, I have no idea why. 

My brothers seemed to notice, They had been doing everything they could do help me feel better. It was working sort of, They had done my hair for me and made me food, Ordered me food and watched movies with me,

I was starting to feel better, Me, Ethan and Leo had all agreed I would be home schooled with the help of a tutor and Xavier. 

School just wasn't for me.

I sighed, It was so hard to leave my warm comfy bed. It was around 3pm, I had been sleeping all day. I heard a knock on my door, I didn't get up. I hoped whichever brother it is just fucks off.






Louder bang

I groaned and got up, I threw a blanket round myself. I was wearing a white crop top and black jogging bottoms, 

"You better have a real good fucking reason, making me get out of my warm cozy bed for this shit. swear to fucking god, I'll be in your room tonight at 3am staring at u while u sleep you fuc-" I stopped mumbling to myself when I opened the door

All my brothers were there, "who died?" I asked. They all chuckled including Ethan, I was manging to break Ethan from his cold act. 

"Can we come in?" Xavier asked, I nodded and opened the door more letting them in, My room was still clean. All I had done was be in my bed. 

They all came in, I sat back in my bed. Xavier and Mateo sat on my bed and Ethan and Leo sat on the couch. 

"We have a surprise for you" Mateo said with a big grin on his face.

I swear to god, I'm scared for this shit. "If its a dead rat or something, I'm gonna kill you all." I said being dead serious.

"Nope, Not that. You want to keep guessing or do you want me to show you?" Ethan asked, I thought about it. no fuck it, I'm to impatient.

"Show me, please." I said with a innocent smile, He rolled his eyes and left my room.

A couple moments later he came back with a..

a fucking..


It was a German Shepherd! It ran straight up to me and into my lap, "oh my god" I said, I had no words. I had always wanted a dog! I loved dogs so much, They made me so happy.

"She's trained to help with anxiety" Leo said, They got a trained dog to help me with my mental health? I felt so guilty for taking up their money. "Y-You didn't have to do this" I said as the dog licked my hand as it wanted me to pet it.

"we would do anything to make you happy, Cal. We love you so much, We are always here for you" Leo said with a smile, I smiled back at him and thanked them all. 

"What are you going to name her?" Mateo asked, I thought about it for a moment. 

"Sage." I said, Sage licked my hand again. "I think she likes that name" Ethan chuckled, I nodded my head as I started to pet Sage again.

"Can we watch a movie?" Mateo asked, I nodded my head again. "Me and Leo have some work to do. Have fun" Ethan said, He kissed my forehead and gave Sage a quick pat on the head and then left, Leo hugged me and said goodbye to us all and walked out with Ethan, He shut the door behind him.

"what are we going to watch?" Xavier asked, "You fuckers can choose" I said with a smirk, They rolled their eyes at me. 

We were watching 'Pitch perfect 3', Who knew such 'badass' men could like a film like this, It was good but not something I expected them to pick.

Sage was spread across my lap with my hand on her, She stared at me every time I tried to move it. I was in the middle of Xavier and Mateo.

"It's like 5pm, You guys hungry?" Xavier asked, Leo had left Xavier in charge. Xavier can be strict as fuck sometimes, Same with Mateo though.

Mateo may seem fun and innocent but that fucker is a strict person when he wants to be, He can also yell. 

"Can we get Pizza?" Mateo asked, "Yeah. I'll order it" Xavier said as he pulled out his phone. They knew I was already good with pizza, I fucking loved pizza.

"What pizza do you bitches want?" Xavier asked, "Meat feast please" I said, He nodded his head. "I don't care" Mateo said, Xavier rolled his eyes.

"It'll be here in 30 minutes." Xavier said. I had learnt not to fight them about eating, They forced me to eat at least twice a day no matter what. They were strict about eating, Like damn. 


okay okay, pls dont kill me

i know its short but I HAVE NO IDEAS

does anyone have like a chapter request or anything- my writers block is so bad

or like does anyone wanna see something specific happen in the book?

my ideas are gone


word count: 850

The older brothers and the Younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now