Isn't he suppose to be dead

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I was sitting downstairs still, I was annoyed at Calla. Not quite mad but very annoyed. I don't want her to get hurt again.

Xavier went upstairs, So did Mateo. 

"Leo?" Mateo called out, Since when did he come back downstairs? I hummed in reply. "It's about Calla." He said, I looked up at him. 

What about Calla?

What happened? For fuck sake, did she sneak out again?

I need to get that damn tree cut down.

"what about Calla?" I asked, Mateo sat down on the sofa. "She had a panic attack- well, I went upstairs and she was having a panic attack. When she finally calmed down she said.. that she didn't think she was good enough, Xavier also said she thinks she's trouble." Mateo said.

I didn't process what I was hearing. 

Our baby sister doesn't think she is good enough? I mean of course she is trouble, All Teenagers are but.. The way Mateo was describing what Calla said was in a way that, Maybe she thinks she causes trouble being here.

"She said that?" I said in shock. I could not believe what I was hearing right now. 

Mateo nodded his head, I sighed. "You need to talk to her, Leo." Mateo said, I nodded my head. "Is she sleeping?" I asked him, He nodded. 

"She's asleep on Xavier on the floor." Mateo said, I nodded. As soon as I was about to speak again, Ethan walked in the house. He looked stressed out, We are taking turns at the office. 

"Hey." He said as he sat down on the sofa, "Where's Calla and Xavier?" He asked. Me and Mateo looked at each other.

"Okay, Long story short. Calla snuck out again to get ice-cream, Leo called her, she came back, Leo yelled at her, Calla then had a panic attack when Xavier went to go and check on her, I went upstairs and saw her having a panic attack. When we calmed her down she said some.. things." Mateo explained in the most shortest way possible.

Ethan's eyes were hard to read, Usually you are able to notice what emotions he's feeling through his eyes. 

"okay.. why did she sneak out?" Ethan asked in a stricter tone. He was angry, "She wanted Ice-cream." I replied. "Why did she not tell anyone?" Ethan asked.

"She said it didn't cross her mind." Mateo answered. "what did she say after she calmed down from the panic attack" Ethan asked. Mateo's eyes softened, "She said.. that she felt like she caused trouble being here and.. she felt like she wasn't good enough." Mateo said. 

Ethan's eyes softened as well, He was about to speak when.

Knock, Knock.

Somebody knocked on the door.. "Is anybody expecting someone?" I asked getting up. Everyone shook their head, Maybe it is one of Xavier's friends? 

I walked to the door and opened it, I stood in shock as I looked at the man in front of me.

It was the man that was suppose to be rotting in a grave.. our father.

The man that was buried 8 fucking years ago, "Ah. Hello, Leo." He said with a grin. 

"Who the fuck is it-" Mateo said, he paused as soon as he saw the man in front of us. Eyes widened in shock, Ethan soon followed Mateo. 

All three of us were staring at him, "Well. Aren't you going to invite me in?" Our.. father said with the same grin he has had for years. 

The same grin he had when he called us weak, when he slapped us, when he locked us in basements because we cried. 

"How are you here?" I asked, Being the first one to speak up.

"How about.. you let me in and I'll explain everything." He says, I look at Ethan and Mateo. They both nod their heads. "Fine." I said as I opened the door more to let him in. 

We were all now sitting at the dining room table, "How the fuck are you here?" Ethan asked.

 "Wow, You have quite the mouth on you now Ethan. I remember when you were scared to even talk back to me. Now look at you. Well, I guess I should explain." Our father said, it didn't feel right to call him father. 

Sperm Donor?


"You see, I faked my death. There was some bad people after me so, I faked my death so they would think I'm dead. I only planned to stay dead until the leader of them all died, but.. It wasn't safe enough. I have been informed it was safe enough to come out of hiding so.. here I am." He said liked he just talked about the damn weather!

"So, You have been alive these whole 8 years?" Mateo asked, Sperm Donor nodded. 

"Where the fuck have you been staying this whole time?" Mateo asked, I could tell he was angry. I think we're all concerned on what Xavier's reaction is going to be, and Calla's.

"Don't you think you should dial the language down a bit, son? Your still.. what? 15? Watch your tone. To answer your question, I have been hiding in China. Very nice place." He said, Ethan looked like he was about to throw punches at our sperm donor.

Mateo looked like he was about to burst.

"So, I have also been informed that you have gotten Calla back." sperm Donor said. I nodded, "I would love to meet her, I didn't get a chance to actually bond with her like I did you guys." Sperm Donor said. 

Bond? You mean fuck us up? 

That won't be fucking happening on my watch. I refuse to let anything bad happen to Calla again, It won't happen. 

I will make sure he does not lay a hand on her.

I am no longer a weak 11 year old, I can fight him back. How old is he anyways? 50? He sure looks it. 

Footsteps filled the silence.

"What the fuck!?" Xavier yelled.

"hey, wasn't this guy suppose to be dead?" Calla's tired voice mumbled.


cough cough*

anyways, i've had this planned since before I even started writing this book


love u

word count: 1018

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