Its going to be okay

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"Calla?" I said quietly, I just made my own little sister fucking flinch.

why the fuck did she flinch? 

Her hands were still covering her face. I gently pulled her arms away from her face, she was crying and her eyes were filled with tears. she looked at me with complete fear, she made my heart drop.

I pushed back my tears as I normally do, nobody can see me cry.

"Calla.. Im not going to hurt you." My voice came out more broken then I expected

 "Im sorry" she mumbled through her tears, Ethan quickly stood up. I knew what he was thinking, Xavier looked shocked and worried.. something we don't usually see on him.

"Calla, Cal. Come with us.. we wont hurt you I promise." I said to her, she nodded her head. I took her to my office, Ethan followed us. We were now in the office.. I could see Calla breathing become uneven, she was holding back her tears.. like, like she was scared to cry?

"Calla, can I hug you" I softly asked.. she nodded her head quickly. 

I rushed over to her and wrapped my hands around her, I placed my hand at the back of her head.. Ethan was standing at the wall near the door.

 I knew he was worried he just doesn't show it either. Calla started crying in my arms, I looked at Ethan and he looked at me.. we knew there was something going on, we just did not know what it was yet.

 I waited for Calla to calm down, which she did a couple minutes later.

 "cal, are you okay?" Ethan finally asked, "yes, I-im sorry" she muttered as she pulled away from the hug..

Ethan walked up to her "listen to me, you will never say sorry for anything like that, okay? but I need you to tell us why you flinched." He said

something flashed in her eyes.. maybe fear

"d-do I have to tell you?" she mumbled "yes, we want to help you." he said.. she finally nodded her head in agreement.

I sat down on the couch with Calla in my lap, Ethan was leaning against the desk, "um.. when I was with my parents, they used to hit me. and kick me.. sometimes they didn't let me eat for a couple days." she said playing with her fingers.

 I was shocked

"hold on, you mean mum hit you? that doesn't sound like something she would do." Ethan mumbled, "s-she didn't hit me a lot.. mostly just watched Mason, My stepdad do it" she explained further.

It was obvious she did not want to tell us but we needed to know.. it was obvious she was in pain, she is only 13. she didn't deserve any of that shit!

I grabbed one of her hands and held it tightly showing her comfort.

"Cal, when I picked you up.. you winced in pain when you got in the car. was that from.. them?" I gently asked, tears filled her eyes again as she nodded.

I saw something behind Ethan's eyes flash.

"It's okay, Calla. Your safe now.. I promise" Ethan said, She started crying again.. me and Ethan kept comforting her as we new it was definitely a hard thing for her to talk about. 

She eventually fell asleep in my arms

"fuck" Ethan mumbled "what do we do?" I asked him, "I don't fucking know! I never expected this." He said.

"It will be okay" I mumbled to him.


very short chapter bc im tired as fuckkkkkkkkkk

its 10:55am help

to early

word count: 589 

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