Officer Robert to the rescue

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Calla was hiding behind me, I didn't know what was going on either.

I needed to get Calla out of this room, How the fuck was I suppose to do this with a annoying woman in front of us?

I don't even know who she is!

From what I have figured out, I think she could be someone from child protection services. That doesn't make sense though, Why would she be here? 

Who the fuck was the guy who handcuffed Leo?

Why is Leo even handcuffed?!

Fuck it, I grabbed Calla's hand. I walked out of the room, I ignored the woman shouting in the back. Why was she making such a big deal?

I took Calla to the kitchen, I lifted her up and sat her on the counter. She was a short one, I have no idea what her height is. Maybe 5'1? I'm 6'2.

"Angel, Look at me.. It's okay." I said, I hugged her tightly. 

"I-I'm scared" She said again, I nodded. "I know, Angel. I pinky promise it'll be okay." I said and held out my pinky finger, She quickly wrapped her finger around it. I smiled, "It's gonna be okay. Do you want some water?" I asked.

She nodded her head, I walked to the fridge and got a bottle of water for her. I passed it to her, I wanted to know what was going on but I can't leave Calla alone. 

Were they going to try and take my sister away from me again? From us, again? 

They have no reason to! 

"W-what is going on?" Calla asked, She was more calm now. "I don't know, We just opened the door and they kind of pushed past of us into the house. One of them handcuffed Leo and said something along the lines of 'We're doing our job.' and then the woman went upstairs."

I explained, She nodded. "Calla, Let's go. Now" The woman's voice said.

Fear set in Calla's eyes, She turned her head to the woman. When the fuck did she even come? The hell.. I want to punch this woman.

I refused to let her take My sister. She does not even have a reason, We could probably sue her for this. 

Leo probably would sue her actually. 

"go and get your stuff, We're going to a foster home for the time-being." The woman said again, her voice stern. I raised a eyebrow, She isn't going to any fucking foster home.

"I'm not leaving until you say why this is happening" Calla said, I could see her hands shaking. She was scared, No matter how much she tried to mask it. 

The woman sighed, "Your social worker, She sent back that you were being abused. You do not have to lie for your brothers anymore, They will all be arrested." The woman said. 

I had just realised her name tag said 'Kelly'. 

"What?!" I asked in shock, "Sir-" The woman started, Calla cut her off.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, My brothers do not abuse me! Don't ever accuse them of that." Calla argued, The woman named Kelly sighed again. 

"Mrs. Autumn said in her review that you admitted to being abused." Kelly said, Calla went quiet for a moment. 

Her eyes went to realisation, "I said my parents were.. abusing me.. not my brothers!" Calla said, she went quiet at the word 'abusing'. I am still angry at the fact I was never there to protect my sister.

If our mother and her whore of a boyfriend wasn't already dead, I would've helped take part in their killing. 

"You do not have to lie, Calla. Just go and get your things so we can leave, You can be away from the bad people" Kelly said. 

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