Scene One

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Goddess damned bears.

The moon had risen early in the afternoon and once the sun disappeared, it lit up the meadow Adrien was presently trudging through. Full and bright, he didn't need it to light the way, but it was comforting none the less. Unfortunately, it meant that trespassers would see him easier too. Rogues, fine. Shifter bears? Well, that's another thing.

He shouldn't really be out here alone, but that self-destructive temper of his wouldn't simmer down until he was doing something as stupid as patrolling an area that they suspect intruders have been milling around, alone.

Goddess damned Liam.

The audacity of that guy to accuse him, him, of being stubborn.

Tall grass stretched from treeline to treeline and encroached on a creek that sliced through the middle of the clearing. Noises that were not made from vegetation, rabbits, or small woodland creatures originated from an area of trampled greenery he was silently approaching.

Whispering? Giggling? Probably not bears then.

Going to pick up more ticks taking the long way around, but better to approach from downwind.

Silently moving into place and crouching down, the breeze delivered information about what laid on the bottom of the opening. Young. Females... of his pack.

Goddess damned young females. Why couldn't it have been a bear?

"And then the racoon ran away!"

"With the cell phone still recording?"

More laughter. Apparently, this is a completely unbelievable situation these two are discussing.

"So, she doesn't know if there's still a video of him naked..."

Nothing strokes your ego like having females shriek when they first see you.

The older slid in front of the younger, almost completely blocking her from his sight. Rich brown hair with streaks of mahogany fell around a heart shaped face. Almond eyes that upturned at the corners squinted and a pouty mouth tensed. Her useless aggression towards him sent a jolt through his nervous system.

"What were you going to do?" Adrien barked at the defender, relaxing now that the only threat out here was to his pride.

"I..." The brunette started and paused. She seemed flustered, looking him up and down and assessing their situation. A few more moments and she'll recognize him as one of the alpha's elite guard.

"I would have bought enough time for my cousin to make her escape," she informed him.

Her body position relaxed and said kinfolk's face popped around her shoulder.

"So your grandparents would be mourning the loss of two of their grandchildren tonight."

"Fuck off already." The older glowered at the fighter. Any awe she should have had towards him was gone, and the younger had ducked out of sight, again.

Thumping footfalls brought him into the little crop circle the females had made. His powerful form getting larger as he stalked up to the two arrogant, ignorant, spoiled brats. He's cleaned up enough messes and announced enough tragedies and this female would so blatantly disregard her own safety for what? Chit chat? There isn't even alcohol here let alone drugs. It is literally two teen she-wolves laying in a damn field in the outskirts of pack grounds.

"What are you doing here?" Adrien gritted out without the help of a functional jaw. The words scrapped from between his teeth rougher than cheap toilet paper.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now