Scene 47 **Trigger Warning**

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*** Gather around, please***

Eliza here, asking that you be mindful in deciding to read this scene. If you have triggers that you would like to leave unprovoked today, choose to skip this one for now. If you do not appreciate dark scenes, please stop with this note and come back in the next scene.

Stories aren't meant to be for everyone, and I don't believe in shaming people who like murder documentaries or dark books. Some stories are boring, some are threatening, and some are dark. We all have our niche.

If you decide to read because you think that I won't cross *that* line, you are using faulty logic, my friend.

So, please make the right decision for you. For those who continue with this scene, I hope you enjoy. For those who decide not to, I hope to see you in the next chapter. xoxo!


The crack of either a whip, a snapped piece of furniture, or a breaking bone echoed off the concrete floor and dry rotted rafters doing their best to support a sagging roof. A jingle of delicate chains, Rebecca's current outfit, accompanied her flinch. The metal did nothing to protect her from the draft or the stares in the open warehouse. With every step, her body jewelry swished side to side where the strands settled around and between her breasts. Her nipples were exposed and tight from the cold, but her shudder was from the intensity of the male gaze on her.

A silver posture collar held her head with her jaw stretched up at a forty-five-degree angle. It would have made it difficult to talk if she cared to, but conversation didn't appeal to anyone there. Underwear of rhinestone and mesh sparkled from a few inches below the swaying top and rolled with the movement of her hips.

She took three steps to the two of her handler next to her, Emanuel. The jeweled leash hung from a D-ring on the front of her collar to his swinging hand showing all who looked at them who had trained her, prepared her, and was selling her.

Blindly placing one foot in front of the other without the benefit of being able to see the ground in front of her, the heels of her Jimmy Choo's clicked delicately, until they didn't. Her heel dropped lower than it should have, and into a hole. A restrained neck combined with the stumble was particularly graceless as she helplessly fell into a strong arm. Her eyes had been dropped, avoiding eye contact with everyone else, but once solidly on her feet they scanned up a broad chest to Emanuel's face. Real appreciation and fake submission shone from her slightly gapped lips and big doe eyes. The show worked. A light chorus of growls reverberated around them from jealous onlookers.

The suit fit him nicely. Any other time it might have seemed drab, but the charcoal gray jacket and pants, light gray shirt, and dark gray tie with a rhinestone pin was perfect to exude power and control while staying on the sidelines of the main attraction. Her.

He was firmly gripping her arms, a reaction to the aggression surrounding them. No one would dare attack, but competition amongst the males was strengthening. Perfect to motivate higher bids. Emanuel turned his head to see the route to their booth, where she would be displayed for the next few hours while bids were made. Seeming to come to a decision, he turned back to her, gently awaiting his command.

"Keep on going. I will guide you around the cracks along the way."

The walk gathered the attention they needed to ensure all the dark players came forward and placed their bids on her. The electronic system collected the offers and verified the funds before locking in the amount. Much like a sadistic Ebay-inspired auction, there was a closing time, and the highest bid would be selected. However, they already infiltrated the system and could hack into any account that was used to fund these purchases. Unfortunately, the team could only access the bids against Rebecca and Derick. Carrying her past potential buyers wouldn't garner as much interest, and neither would walking barefoot. They needed this dramatic, feminine, submissive walk, in front of everyone there.

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